Chapter 13

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                                ~No one's P.O.V.~

        Jessie was about to apologize to them when a picture of Mark and Jessie flashed in her head.  Those were the people that she had gotten too close to.  She didn't want to make the same mistake again..

        "Thanks." ...but she couldn't not thank them.

        "Are you alright?" asked Gray, slowly getting closer to Jessie.

        "Don't touch me," Jessie growled, surprising both Gray and herself at how cold she sounded.

        "S-sorry," Gray apologized, taken back by her harshness.

        "E-excuse me little hu-, er girl, may I ask what is your name?" asked Porlyusica.

        "You may not," Jessie answered bitterly.


        'You asked if you may; I answered no," Jessie said with the same tone of rudeness.  Porlyusica tried to contain the boiling anger she felt inside.

        "Alright then, I'll cut to the chase," said Porlyusica, taking in a deep breath.  "Are you or are you not a multi magic mage?"  Jessie's eyes widened, but only briefly.

        "Why the hell should I tell you old lady?" Jessie spat, surprised about the colorful language she had already learned at the age of five.  Even Lexi was a bit taken back at her behavior.

        "Jess..?" she said in confusion and worry.

        "Come on Lex we're leaving," scoffed Jessie.  Lexi hesitantly trailed behind her hatcher as she went towards the door, but a pink haired boy stopped her.

        "Wait!  Are you a dragon??" Natsu asked, desperate to know the answer.  Jessie eyes widened as the scent of a dragon's wafted into her nose.  Memories of her time with Mizula flashed in her head and without thinking she slapped Natsu on the cheek.

        "BAKA!!" she screamed, tears threatening to fall, but she withheld it.  "I AIN'T A STUPID DRAGON!! THEY'RE...THEY'RE EXTINCT!!"  And with that she ran out of the building, hot tears streaming down her face, but no one saw them, no one except Lexi.


        Jessie stopped running a couple minutes after leaving that building without looking back.  Now, she was sitting down on a hill, looking down on a river with her knees up to her chest.  The moon was already high into the sky, and its light shone on the river, making the water reflect a ball of white light.  Her flowing tears slowed into a slight trickly as she emotionlessly looked at the river.  Lexi had stayed silent because she didn't really know all the pain that had happened to her, but she was really worried for her friend.

        "Jessie.." Lexi said softly.  Jessie didn't flinch, instead just kept looking at the river.  "Jessie, why did you be mean to those people?"  It was so silent, it seemed that her words echoed throughtout the whole world.  A couple minutes of awkward silence past.

        "I...don't want to hurt anyone anymore," Jessie whispered, still curled up.

        "Hurt someone?  What do you mean?" Lexi asked.

        "There were people that I got too close to.." Jessie murmured.  "And they got hurt because of me and.."  Her voice starting cracking and tears started to fall even harder.  Lexi flew to her friend and hugged her.

        "Hey, it's alright Jess," comforted Lexi.  "It's not your fault."

        "But it is!" Jessie sobbed.  "I-I hurt both of them and now I can't ever seem them again!"  Tears poured out of Jessie eyes as Lexi hugged her friend, no, best friend to comfort her.  Not known to them, a certain trio of twelve year olds, and one thirteen, were watching the whole thing.  The pinky was in tears of sadness.  The raven haired one looked sympathetically at the girl.  The red head was determined to help the girl, just like she said she would.

        "Come on, let's go back," said the red head calmly.

        "B-but we have to help her!" loudly whispered the pink haired.

        "Yeah, I agree (for once) with Flame Brain!" agreed the raven haired. Pinky scowled at him, but kept his focus on the red head.

        "You guys told me that our guild doesn't turn their back on someone in need," The pinky urged.  "Are you telling me that that was a lie?"  The red head looked at the pinky with calm eyes.

        "No, in fact, we are helping her, but I think she would like to be alone for today," she answered calmly, looking at Jessie, who was still crying.  The pinky opened his mouth to deny but the red head gave him a scary glare and he shutted up.  "Now, let's leave them in peace."  They both nodded and went back to their famous guild.  The strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore at the time.  The guild where its name represents a sense of adventure for one to be able to discover more about mysteries and fate.  Do fairies have tails?  Do fairies even exist?  The guild,

                                        Fairy Tail

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