Chapter 14

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                                ~No one's P.O.V.~

        Jessie and Lexi had slept in an empty alleyway. As the morning sun shine rays of bright sunlight at her, Jessie slightly stirred. 'Ugh, note to self: never sleep on alleyways again,' she thought to herself as she sat up. She yawned and gently pet Lexi on the head to wake her up. She softly purred at the warmth of Jessie's hand and forced her tiny brown eyes open.

        "Ohayo Jess," she murmured.  Her tiny wings sprouted and she landed on the top of Jessie's head. 

        "Ohayo Lexi," Jessie yawned and gently ticked Lexi's light pink stomach.  "Happy 'one day' birthday."

        "Oh yeah, I'm one day old now aren't I?" Lexi giggled, forgetting how long since she had been born.  It seemed like such a long time ago to her, but then she realized something.  "But, I'm actually two days old now."  Jessie looked at her weirdly.

        "What do ya mean?  You were only born yesterday.." Jessie said, thinking about the last thing she remembered.  It was being shot with a syringe full of what Jessie infered to be a sedative that stimulates fear.

        "Well, you were asleep for a whole day," said Lexi.  Jessie eyes widened.  A whole day?  She hadn't even noticed!

        "O-oh, I didn't realize.." she muttered.  "Sorry."

        "It's alright!" Lexi said with a broad smile.  "It's not your fault."  Jessie's mind wandered back to those good people.  They had really taken care of her and Lexi, and how did she pay them back?  By being rude and running out of...wherever they lived, she didn't look back to see what building she was in.  Lexi noticed her sad face.  "Is something wrong?" she asked worryingly.  Jessie shook her head, making her messed up hair fly in all directions.

        "No," she answered softly, determined to put that behind her.  "Come on, let's find something to eat; I'm starving!" Lexi knew that she was lying, but she understood.  Jessie giggled when her stomach suddenly made a small grumble.  "I'm going to take that as a yes," Jessie giggled, petting Lexi's soft hair again.  The duo then left the alleyway and started wandering around the town.  After a couple minutes Lexi started to get bored.

        "Ehhhh, Jess, this is boring," she whined, her tiny wings tired.  Not wanting to fly anymore, she plopped on top of Jessie's head.

        "You were flying," Jessie rolled her eyes.  "What body part is there to tire?"

        "My wings of course!" Lexi replied.

        "That's made out of magic.." 

        "Well too bad!  Onward Horsey!"

        "I AIN'T A HORSE FOR YOU TO RIDE ON!!" huffed Jessie, making Lexi burst out in laughter.  "Meanie neko.." she muttered under her breath.  Suddenly her nose picked up a familiar scent and she stopped walking.

        "What's wrong?" asked Lexi, confused as to why she stopped walking, but Jessie didn't answer her.  Instead she looked around, her eyes becoming blue dragon slits.  'That scent just now....It was a dragon's!' Jessie thought in her head.  'Could it be Arina?'  Half of Jessie hoped not, and the other did.  Jessie's thoughts, however, were shattered when the red headed girl Jessie had seen from that place walked up to her.  The boy with pink hair and the other one that looked like Mark followed behind her.  Jessie's immediate reaction was to run, but she knew she couldn't.  She had acted like a jerk and spoiled girl, so she had to keep up with that, which meant that she couldn't show any signs of weakness.

        "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Jessie asked bitterly when the girl stopped a couple yards away from her.  She had on silver armor over a plain white shirt with a long white skirt.  She had on dark blue jeans and brown boots.  Her hair was tied into a braid with bangs on the sides of her face.  Jessie's eyes narrowed in sincere suspicion.  "Were you three following me?"

        "My name is Erza Scarlet.  The boy with pink hair is Natsu and the other one is Gray, and yes, we were," the red head answered straightfowardly.  Her calm chocolate brown eyes stared intently at Jessie's with determination.  "My question is why you are wandering this place alone without your parents."  Jessie's heart thudded with pain at the word "parents" because she had had three people she would have called parents, but she couldn't see any of them anymore.

        "Left them," she replied, bitterness dripping in her voice.  Technically, that was the truth, but the last one had left her. She knew it was probably for a good reason, she just wished to know what..

        "And why would you leave them?" Erza asked, her calm demeanor still present.  Jessie took a glance at Natsu and Gray, who were behind Erza.  They returned Jessie's glance with a serious one.

        "Why do you care?" she asked with rudeness.  "It's not like you do."

        "But I do," she said in a firm voice.  Jessie looked at her weirdly.  Why would someone care about a complete stranger?  "And because I do care, I want you to join Fairy Tail, my guild."

        "Fairy..Tail?" Jessie repeated, forgetting about her act.  That name felt familiar to her for some reason.

        "Fairy Tail.  It's a mage guild," Erza explained.  Jessie eyes widened.  

        'Hey Father, when are we allowed to join Sabertooth?'  The sound of her three year old self asking that was pure torture to Jessie.  It reminded her of everything that had happened to her, and there weren't many good memories in there.

        "I don't want to join some dumb guild," Jessie replied angrily and turned around to walk away.  She was stopped when a floating sword pointed at her neck appeared out of thin air.  Jessie slowly stepped back and turned around back to the trio of kids.

        "If you don't want to join the guild, we'll make you," Erza said, the sword reappearing unto her hands.  Natsu smirked and his hands lit up with fire, while Gray stripped and cupped his hands into formation.  "If we win, you will have to join our guild.  If we lose, then we'll leave you alone.  Deal?"  Jessie smirked, adredaline flowing through her veins.

        "Deal," Jessie agreed, "but it won't be easy to take me down."

        "Neither will we," Erza replied, a sly smile on her lips.


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