girl meets long game

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A/N: So we hit 100k which is absolutely unbelievable, I genuinely cannot thank you enough. Since we hit 100k, I felt like you [and Olivia and josh]  deserve a proper ending. Its been a while since I last wrote this fanfic, so if the style and characters are a little different I apologise.

Olivia and Josh stood on the roof, watching over the busy yet oddly calming scenes of New York after the wedding. 

"Life's funny" She commented, turning to look at him, "It all seems to work out, for now."

"For now?" Josh questioned. 

Olivia shrugged, "I can't get too hopeful, too much good happened I can't hope for more."

"You can" He stated, reaching for her hand, "That's the point of hope."

Olivia was quiet for a moment, clearly in thought before shaking her head, as if to rid the thoughts from her head.

"I've been thinking"

"That's never good."

"Shut up" she replied quickly with a smile, before continuing her thoughts, "Remember the time capsule we did?"

Josh nodded, "It wasn't that long ago Liv"

"What did you put in it?" she chose to ignore his comment. 

"Why should I tell you?"

"I'm curious"

"Isn't the whole point that we don't know until we open it in the future?" He pointed out. 

Olivia's face was filled with defeat, not having the energy to argue back or try to convince him otherwise, "Yeah."

The pair went quiet again, the sounds of traffic being oddly comforting as josh ran his thumb along the back of Olivia's hand. 

In the silence, Olivia's head was filled with their past. It was all good as she jumped from square to square of their lives. She thought about them as children, filled with pure childish innocence and all they cared about was who was faster at racing or who could make the best card in arts and crafts. She moved slowly onto when she started to like him, to Texas where they became official to not long ago when she told him she loved him. All in all, She thought they had a pretty cute love story if she did say so herself. 

Meanwhile, Josh's head was filled with their future. He thought about them graduating university and buying their first house together with nothing but excitement for what was to come. He moved slowly onto having children, imaging their names and what genes they would get from each of them, with some caution as he didn't see the need for them to grow up too fast. He wondered where life would take them, but he knew he wanted to be with her. 

"Josh?" Olivia broke the comfortable silence between the pair. 

He snapped from his thoughts and locked eyes with her, smiling as soon as his eyes met hers. 

"Are you still in it for the long game?" she asked, sounding almost hesitant like it was a stupid question to ask.

He didn't mean to hesitate, he was just thinking about how much he wanted the long game to last but his answer wasn't any less appreciated, "Of course."

Olivia grinned, stepping closer so she could lean onto his shoulder as they both looked up at the stars beginning to shine. 

They couldn't guarantee that everything was going to be fine, but as of right now, they stood on the square labelled happy. 

So that's it! I had plans for where I wanted to end this originally when I was writing it but as I never got around to finishing it, that didn't happen. I know it's not a long ending, I didn't want to drag it out really, but I hope you enjoyed it.  Once again, I want to thank you ever so much for 100k! And I really hope you enjoyed reading long game! <3

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