girl meets ski lodge part two

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Olivia and Josh sat on the chair upstairs, watching the world go by when Riley cam out of the room. "When do you start to understand your own feelings?" she asked, sitting down next to them. "Well, we just need some road miles to begin to understand who we are" Josh answers.  

"How is it possible that Maya and I like the same boy?" Riley asks another question. "I'd be more surprised if you didn't" Olivia answers this time. "Why?" Riley questions. "Look, it's not hard to notice Maya's been going through some stuff lately" Olivia explains. "Yeah. She hasn't been herself for a while" Riley comments. "Yeah. And why do you think that is?" Josh asks. "Because she became like me. I always wanted to be her and then she became like me." Riley answers. "Now why would she do that?" Olivia asks her, "Why would someone give up who they are to be more like someone else?" "Could you just tell me?" Riley asks, making olivia laugh slightly.

 "I mean, we've got a pretty good guess. Look, you guys are the best friends I've ever seen, besides us" Olivia smiles. "You love each other so much, you want to share each other's experiences. Everything you do is to protect each other. When she gave up who she was, you went looking for her, you got her back, you protected her" Josh continues from his girlfriends point. "Yeah, but why did she get lost in the first place?" Riley was confused, "Why did she want to become like me? Why do we like the same boy?" Olivia shook her head. "You don't, Riley, you don't. She's been trying to protect you" She smiles.  

Riley walks off to find Maya and Olivia jumps up. "Where are we going?" Josh sighs. "Lucas" she grabs her arm. "Do we have to?" He whines. "We do, we are involved now" and then she pulled him down the stairs and they sat on either side of Lucas by the fireplace. "So, have you chosen between Riley and Maya?" Olivia asks. "I did. Now I got a question for you" Lucas says. "So who is it?" Olivia asks impatiently. "No." "Come on, who?" "No!" Lucas then turns to josh, leaving Olivia in mock offence. "What does it mean that Riley spent the whole night talking to some other guy?" He asks. "It could mean that Riley's not interested in you anymore." Josh states. "It could mean that?" Lucas asked, concerned. "Boy, you are insecure for a Western hero." Olivia mutters. "Or it could mean that she just enjoys talking to someone" The boy Riley spent all night talking to popped up. 

"I don't like that you know anything" Lucas tells him, "I wonder what you guys talked about." "I told her what I wanted to do with my life" Evan smiles, making Olivia and Josh laugh slightly.  "Oh, no, she loves that" Lucas groans. "I've never told anyone before" Evan further adds to Lucas problems. "She loves that, too!" He exclaims again. " What did you tell her?" Josh asks. "I told her I wanted to be a Sherpa." Evan answers with a smile. "Oh, no, don't do that" Olivia tells him. "I like helping people get to places they never thought they could go" Evan smiles, holding a book in his hands. 

"Is that a Sherpa guide book?" Lucas asks, pointing to it. "This? This is a game we're going to play. We've had it behind the counter for years. Yeah, I'm going to read you come questions from this book. It's called the Official Guide to Who Belongs With Who" Evan reads. "The book's gonna tell us?" Riley asks, her and Maya having walked over as Evan sat down. Cory then runs out. 

"No! I remember that book. That book is evil. The first question is, "if you could change your mate into one animal, what would it be?" And the only answer is, the falcon" He exclaims. "How do you know that?" Olivia gives him a look. "Because I am the falcon" he answers with a smile, doing some weird actions. "Of course, you are" Riley says. "Let's play" Maya smiles. "Let's find out who belongs with who?" Riley says. "Don't do it." Cory warns, "Nobody do it. No one ever listens to the falcon."

They all gather around the table, Olivia sitting on the floor next to where josh sat on the couch, she happily sat there. "You all deserve what you get" Cory sighs.

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