girl meets Pluto

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Olivia and Shawn were in Philadelphia. It was a rare occasion for them to be back, especially considering Olivia was now helping in Cory's class. But Josh had begged her to come back, just for a day and she couldn't say no to him. They were just enjoying their time, until Shawn burst  into her room. 

"Come on" he says frantically. "What? Why?" Olivia says, not making any effort to rush. "Cory says something about someone not having long left to live, its a matter of life or death" Shawn says, pulling her arm so they hurried up. "Who?" Olivia exclaimed, concerned. "No clue" he then turns to josh , "You coming?" Josh just shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do" he replied, following the hunters out of the door. 

"Please tell me you did not drag Shawn into this?" Topanga says to her husband. "I did not drag Shawn into this" Cory says as Shawn knocks on the door. "Who's that?" Topanga gives her husband a look. "I think you know" Cory smiles innocently. Shawn just opens the door, worry all over his face. Olivia and Josh just stand behind him, confused and concerned. "Topanga, you all right?" he asks. "Yeah, i'm fine Shawn" Topnaga says, the look still on her face. "oh, then its Cory, Oh my gosh, it's you" Shawn says, clearly worried. "All right, What do the doctors say? how long does he have to live?" he sighs. Olivia gives josh a confused look, him just shrugging. The two teens knew Cory was fine, it was just the grown man who didnt. Topanga turns to her husband and he looks away guiltily. "Not long" Topanga says through pursed lips. "All right buddy, We are gonna do everything we've ever dreamed of and whatever time you have left, we're gonna do everything. We're gonna go to your favourite restaurant, we're gonna take all the rolls." Shawn says, clearly worried. "Should we tell him?" Josh whispers to Olivia. "Nah, see how long it takes" she replies, stifling a giggle. Cory just smiles wide. "They want you to take the rolls"  

Shawn then turns around to see his daughter, but his eyes fall on the shovels. "No!" he exclaims. "Cory pay the money, have the professionals dig" he sighs. "Shawn he's fine, everybodys fine" Topanga finally tells him. "No. He's not fine. He called me over here, said it was a matter of life or death. He's not fine." Shawn grew annoyed. "I had to make sure you'd come" Cory smiles, as if it was nothing. "Nobody bye-bye?" Shawn asks, as if he was talking to a child. "Everybody whoop-di-whoop" Cory grins. "Why are we here?" Olivia buts in, confused. "Cory remembered our time capsule from high school. Its 15 years, he wants to drive to Philadelphia to dig it up" Topanga explains. Shawn goes and pucks up a shovel. "Oh...Okay" he looks at it. "Whatcha doing with that shovel, buddy?" Cory asks. "I was in Philadelphia!" he goes to run towards city but tonnage stops him. Cory finally gets some sense into him, and runs away. 

They all go to Topangas, Olivia growing bored. She watches as her dad talks to Katy, she definitely saw something there. "You thinking what i'm thinking?" Josh asks, noticing where her gaze fell. "Maybe" she shrugs, not looking over at him. "You and Maya might just be step-sisters" Josh singsongs. "Wouldn't be so bad" Olivia smiles, looking over at Maya. "You're so similar, it's scary" 

"We're going with you" Maya announces. Olivia smiles. "All right. Katy, do you mind if we take this one off your hands for the weekend?" Topanga smiles at Katy. "Have fun baby girl" Katy hugs her daughter. "You two coming?" Shawn turns to Olivia and Josh. if anyone were to walk in and not know who any of them were, their first thought would be that Olivia and josh were a couple. They were stood side by side, Joshes arm around Olivias waist and her head lying on his shoulders. To Cory, it would have annoyed him if it was his daughter, but to Shawn it didn't bother him. He knew Josh treated his daughter right, and he knew in the long game Olivia and Josh were going to end up together. "Obviously" Olivia answers for the both of them. "Alright girls, and josh, grab a shovel" Topanga smiles. "We're digging up the past, yay" Shawn sighed. "It'll be great, fun times" Olivia patted him on the back as they walked out. 

Olivia and Josh sat on the grass as they watched them all dig. She didn't want to, and he couldn't just leave her to sit alone. Riley had made them each flower crowns, which they wore with pride. Riley then held up the box, not getting much of a reaction as Shawn saw other things. "Cory, i'm concerned" he says. "What's there to be concerned about Shawnie?"Cory asks, then turning around. They both gasp in unison. "Mr Matthews, Mr hunter, We meet again." Mr Feeny was stood there. "Detention?" Cory asks, smiling. "Big boy detention" Feeny smiles. "I won't do well in big boy detention" Cory shakes his head. "Wuss" Olivia mutters under her breath. 

As Topanga, Shawn and Cory clean up, Feeny sits between the girls, next to josh and Olivia. "Is he a good father you poor, poor, little girl?" he asks Riley. "I'm very lucky" Riley smiles. "Hmm" Feeny says, turning to Maya. "Is he a good teacher?" she asks. "I think he's the best there is, but he says you are" Maya replies. "I see" then he turns to Olivia. "And is mr hunter a good father?" he asks, noticing how olivia was shawls double. "He is" She smiles. Feeny then turns to the box. 

"And that's what you were digging for?" he asks, gesturing to the box. "Its our time capsule remember?" Cory says. "I remember everything" Feeny says simply. "We wanna see how time treated us, if we turned out like we hoped we would. Got any advice for us while we're all out here together, Mr. Feeny?" He asks. "Well yes. It's been a long time, and you're still together, What else do you need to know? And you" he turns to the teens. "Keep each other close." As Riley and Maya stand up, Feeny looks at Olivia and Josh "And get married would you?"

They all gather in the front room, Cory and Topanga having already looked inside. Shawn then took out his items. "All right, here goes" he starts, taking the items out. "Shakespeare's sonnets. Vivaldi's four seasons, a Van Damme movie ticket and lip gloss." Riley then takes the lipgloss from him. "Kiwi mango" she says. Olivia then smiled slightly, pulling out her lipgloss from her pocket. She held it up, next to the one Riley held, they were the same. Shawn smiled at her. Her mother was affecting her life without even being there. "Ah, me and Angela, we were gonna be Cory and Topanga" Shawn sighs "I guess there can only be one Cory and Topanga. But, still...Me and Angela." Josh shook his head slightly. He had always thought he and Olivia were going to be the next Cory and Topanga. Olivia then had something to say "I wonder what she's up to nowadays?"

Olivia and Josh watched as each of Rileys friends put something in the time capsule. "Okay, I'll play, but you guys have to leave. Your parents and Shawn didn't tell each other what they were putting in and that's the way I want to do it. I'm hoping we'll all be surprised" Maya says. So, Riley Farkle and Lucas left. Maya didn't know they were behind her, so she took out what's he was putting in. A photo go her, Katy, Olivia and Shawn from her birthday. "Hope is for suckers" she says, closing. "Wait" Olivia says, stopping her. "I'm playing" she smiles, waving her hand for Maya to leave. Maya gave her a smile and obliged. Josh leant over her shoulder, watching to see what she put in. "You can't see" she pushes him back softly. "Fine" he sighs, walking over and standing in the doorway, where he couldnt see. Olivia then pulled out a photo, of her and josh when they were younger. On the back she had written one word, long game. 

"Long game" she mumbles, shutting the lid. She carried it to the door where Joh stood. "Nuh-uh, close your eyes" he says, opening it. So she did, she wanted it to be a surprise. Josh took something out of his pocket and placed it in softly. A dice, from the game night where they played the long game. He hoped that by the time they reopen this, they will have won the long game. 

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