girl meets hurricane

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They were all sat in topangas, Maya, Shawn and Olivia laughing together. Riley and Cory begin arguing slightly. "Okay evening over!" Cory announces. "Hey!" Maya and Olivia whine in unison. "Did you girls do your homework?" Cory asks. "I did excellent work." Riley smiles. "I also did excellent work" Maya says, not fooling anybody. "One of them is completely lying." Olivia says. "Can you guess who?" Maya smirks. 

"You know, a little discipline isn't a bad thing, Maya" Cory says. "Oh, thanks, Mr. Matthews. I'll ponder on that" Maya says, clearly lying. Riley moves her head around in a strange way. "I'm sorry, what?" Shawn asks.  She just does it again. "Yeah. Just because you do the same weird gesture twice doesn't mean I get it" he says. "You know, this is usually the part of the evening when people give out fatherly advice, and Olivia is practically grown up so she doesn't need advice" Riley says. Olivia smirks, she found her father trying to give advice completely hilarious. She never really listened to him, she was her fathers daughter after all. 

"Oh no, it's not my place" Shawn says. "Go ahead, what you got for me?" Maya smirks. "Oh, come on! We were having such a good evening. Can't we just leave it at that?" Shawn sighs. "What's the matter?" Maya asks, punching him "Boom!, You don't think I can take it? Go ahead" she continues to punch him. "Ping! Go ahead. Pong!" and again. "Ka-Blam!, Come on! Let's do this! Tell me to do my homework. Maybe I will just do it. You don't even know it. Come on! Let's do this." Cory laughs and turns to Riley.  "Why don't you ever do something all cute like that?" he asks. "Okay!" Riley  smiles and punches him hard "Pow!" Cory then falls too the floor dramatically. Olivia watched in amusement. 

"Come on. You got something for me? Out with it. I dare you" Maya keeps going, "There is nothing he could say that would bother me" "It's not going to happen" Shawn says. Olivia and Maya begin to make chicken noises in unison. "Oh, right, right. Because chicken noises work on a grown man" Shawn rolls his eyes. "All right. You want one piece of fatherly advice?" he says, wanting them to stop. "Sure, give it your best shot" Maya shrugs. "I think you should dress differently" Shawn says simply. Maya looked stunned. "What did you just say to me?" she asks. |Oh. You see... You asked me for advice. I told you... but you pushed" Shawn says, worried.  Maya looks like she is going to cry. "Are you crying? I made you cry? Maya, you asked me for advice and I just told you how I was feeling. Why are you crying?" He asks. Olivia knew why. "Because no one's ever cared enough to say that to me" Maya says, hugging Shawn. "Well, now I would take exception to that, but wow, I like where this is going" Katy says. Shawn looks uncomfortable. "Make it stop. Can we make it stop? How do I make it stop?  How 'bout I buy you some new clothes?" he suggests. Maya stops crying and pulls away. Olivia takes this to her advantage. "Daddy?" she says, in a whiney tone. "What do you want?" Shawn asks. "Do I get new clothes?" she tried her luck. "You don't need new clothes" "I know/"

Olivia helped Maya pick out some outfits. "Sit down, Shawnie! Relax yourself. Tryin' on clothes is all day" Cory says, patting the chair beside him. "I'm not going to sit in one of these chairs and wait for a kid to spend my money" Shawn says. "I know! Sit in the chair, Shawn" Cory persists. "I am never going to sit in that chair!" Shawn exclaims. Olivia pokes her head out of the curtain. "He's sat in those chairs many a times"

You could expect Olivia to be jealous, but she wasn't, at all. She loved seeing Maya this happy, she finally had hope. She wanted nothing more than for Maya to be her official little sister. Seeing the smile on Mayas face was with more than anyone could buy her.

The next day, Olivia sat in Topanga with josh, watching someone as usual. She had been in Corys class, having left earlier when josh decided he was coming to see her. Today they sat in their normal seats, watching Shawn and Katy. "Do you think they'll end up together?" Josh asks. "I dont know, I think he likes her, but I don't know if he's ready to commit, you know?" she asks. The first thought that came to joshes head was 'like father like daughter' but of course, he didn't say it. "Yeah, guess we will have to wait and see" he sighs. "Long game or short game?" Olivia asks. Josh looks at them, pretending to ponder. "Short game" he shrugs. "Oh really. Why?" She asks. "No idea, just a thought"

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