girl meets I do

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"They're getting married!" Riley exclaims, as she Maya and Olivia sat in the bay window. "I'll believe it when I see it" Maya says. "Maya Penelope Hunter!" Riley grins. "No, still Maya Hart." Maya sighs. "What's my name gonna be?" Riley asks. "How do you not understand this?" Olivia asks. "I can't even think straight. So excited. Once Uncle Shawn marries Katy, it's like we're all gonna be related. You two will be proper sisters but Maya, We're already like sisters, and then we're gonna be like cousins! That... that's less. What happened?" Riley pouts. "Riley, you know how I feel about hope, okay?" Maya says. "Please don't get our hopes up for this wedding" Olivia says firmly, she didn't want to be disappointed. "Hope is not for suckers anymore. Hope has finally come around to beam for you." Rile grins. "Well, I'd like to believe that, but you turned me back into me, and me knows better." Maya replies. "Hey, happily ever after is happening, so get your fairytale butts out of the dungeon and into the sunlight" Riley smiles. Then there was a knock at the door.  "And here comes the dragon to burn down everything" Olivia smiles

"Hi, girls" Topanga smiles. "The wedding's off. I knew it. I mean hi" Maya says. "She's a-scared, they both are" Riley tells her parents. "You're his best friend, Cor,  You know he ain't going through with it" Olivia says, she didnt have much faith in her dad when I came to relationships. . "As long as I've known him, I have never seen him this happy, except with you. But I've very rarely seen him happy" Cory says. "Maya, Liv, we are planning the wedding. We want you to help" Topanga smiles. "This is happening?" Both Maya and Olivia narrow their eyes at them. "This is happening" Riley smiles. "Prove it." Maya instructs. "Katy!" Topanga called.  "Happy!" Cory called, making Olivia laugh.

The engaged couple walk through the door. "Hey. What's up?" Shawn asks, seeing the looks on both of their faces. "Liv and Maya scared that the wedding's gonna come apart like... come apart like... What is something that has come apart?" Riley asked. "All of their previous relationships." Olivia smiles through the slight pain. "Maya, Liv,  Shawn and I are blessed to have found each other. No one's going anywhere" Katy tells them. "How can you be sure?" Maya asks her mother. "'Cause of this" they laugh, holding their fingers up, showing a Chinese fingertrap. "Come on, we are are perfect for each other." Shawn smiles. "Twist the knife, why don't ya?" Cory scoffs. "Try to be strong, Cory" Topanga tells her husband. "30 years I gave him." he mutters. "Those are just words, dad" Olivia says. "You love each other, then prove it" Maya looks up at both of them. They remove their fingers from the trap. "I've always known how to get out of anything, The only thing that holds me here is her-" Shawn says, Olivia coughing loudly. "And you of course" he rolls his eyes smiling.  "You make me sick." Cory mutters, walking out. "Well, it's good he left, 'cause he would've hated this. "There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars." Kerouac wrote that in On the Road. I feel like my entire life I've been on the road" Shawn reads, Olivias face softening, he loved Katy, she could truly tell. "Well, welcome home" Katy smiles. "Something good is happening for me?" Shawn laughs. "Something good is happening for me?" Maya and Olivia echo. "We got a wedding to plan, Maya, Liv. You gonna be a part of it?"

Olivia stayed in her old room, with josh. Cory had finally allowed him to stay in her room. She woke up in the middle of the night, smiling when she felt his arms wrapped around her. "Josh" she said softly. "Joshy" she singsonged, making him open an eye. "You okay?" he asks, as she rolled her to face him. "I'm scared" she says, looking straight into his eyes. "I know you are, but i'm here with you, always" josh smiled. She looked back up at him and took a deep breath. "I love you" she smiles nervously. Josh pauses, taken aback. "You don't have to say anything" She smiles. "No, I do" he says, "I've loved you since I first met you all those years ago. But I didn't know it until Evan asked how you know if you love someone, I knew. I knew beacuse when you look at me, I know I want to be with you forever, its me and you against the world, always. So, I love you too"

Olivia and Josh sat on the couch in the front room. "So who's gonna be your best man? Me? All right. That's done." Cory asks, and answers his question. "You and her" he points to his daughter. "Im not a man" Olivia says, offended. "You're the best woman then, happy?" Shawn rolled his eyes playfully. "Happy" Olivia smiled. "Oh, can you believe that this is happening?" Shawn asks. "I don't see how anything could possibly stop it" Cory answers, when Maya comes storming in. She locks the door then a knock can be heard. "Who is it?" she asks sarcastically. "Riley Matthews." Riley answers. "I'm doing this myself, okay? I don't need your stupid optimism. I only want reality."

  "But we're taking a leap of faith here. You wanna jump with us?" Shawn asks, after Maya had a complete freakout. "Prove you're ready." Maya tells him. "What, right now?" Shawn asks. "Right now. " Maya confirms. Olivia stands up, resting her chin on mayas shoulder. "I can't do that. How could I possibly do that?" Then Shawn gets an idea. He runs out the door, before popping his head back in. "Hey, girls, We jumpin' or what?" he asks. Maya and Olivia share a look, both running after him.  They all gather on the rooftop. "So what do you wanna do tonight? Dinner, movie... get married?"

"I'm still scared" Olivia states, as she stands with josh before everyone came up. "I know, but i'm with you"

As I said in the update, these parts are not finished but I wanted to post them and might come back to finish them one day <3

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