girl meets high school/college

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Olivia took a deep breath as she stood outside her dorm. She knocked on the door, butterflies in her stomach. "Come in" The girl inside called, her accent verging on very British. "Hi" Olivia smiled shyly as she placed down her final box, most of her things already having been brought in earlier. "Roommate?" The girl on the bed asked. She was a stunning red head with pretty green eyes. She seemed really energetic and bubbly. "Yeah, Olivia" Olivia smiles. "Piper" the girl on the bed smiled, turning to face her fully. [If you've read my other fanfics, you knowww 😂 <3]

As Olivia unpacked, the two girls got to know each other. Olivia had finished and was looking over her shelf and at her photos. "Boyfriend?" Piper asks, pointing to a photo Olivias eyes seemed to linger on. "Yeah" She smiled. "Does this boyfriend have a name?" Piper asked, looking over at her shelf. "Josh, he's just down the hall, you'll probably meet him soon enough" Olivia laughs. "Mines far away, at a t-.....sports college, not too far from where we lived" Piper sighs. "Does he have a name?" Olivia smirks. "Jay" she grins. "This him?" Olivia asks, pointing to a photo on pipers shelf. "Mhm" Piper smiled, walking up behind her new friend. "What's this?" Olivia asked, picking up a small hook piper had next to the photo. "Oh" Piper laughed, "It's just an inside joke we have." 

Piper looked over  Olivias photos. "Who's this?" she asked, pointing to a photo from mayas birthday. Olivia looked up from her phone and saw the photo. "Oh, that's me and my dad, then his....girlfriend, kind of, and her daughter" She explained, smiling as she walked over. "Explain" Piper stated, lying down on her own bed. "Explain what?" Olivia asks, mirroring pipers actions/ 

"Your life, tell me the life story of Olivia hunter" Piper smiled. "So, I grew up in Philadelphia, it was just me and my dad. My mum left me as soon as she could, i'm over it. I didn't talk to her until a few months ago when she just turned up but that's a whole other story. So I lived in Philly, my best friend was my dads best friends little brother, but again, long story, ask josh-" she begins to tell the tale. "So josh is the childhood best friend?" Piper smirks. 

"Yes, so when I was like seven we left and began travelling for his job, I did online school and occasionally went into normal school but it wasn't often" Olivia continues. "Now for some back story kinda, my dad childhood best friend has a daughter, Riley, i've always known them and loved them, Maya, the girl in the photo, is rileys best friend, they are literally inseparable. But anyways, towards the end of their 7th grade year I moved in with Riley and her family, because to get in here, I needed references so I helped out in Corys, rileys dad and my dads best friend,  classroom. That led to me getting closer to josh. Then when we went to Texas, randomly and yet another story, I was on call to josh and he asked me to be his girlfriend then our first kiss was New Years and now we're here" she finishes. 

Piper just looks at her, taking in the wildlife her new friend has. "Wow, your life is hectic, but sounds fun" she comments. "it is, now, tell me your life story" Olivia reverses the question. Piper was about to start when there was a knock at the door. "Saved by the boyfriend, probably" Piper smirks, Olivia rolling her eyes and getting up to answer it. "Hey" she smiled, walking in with josh behind her. 

"Josh, Piper, Piper josh" she introduces, sitting back down on her bed. "nice to meet you" he smiled, before turning back to his girlfriend. "Has Riley been texting you?" he asks, sitting down next to her. Olivia shrugs, picking up her phone and seeing her many, many notifications. "Maya yes, Riley no" Olivia states. "Riley is your brothers daughter" Piper points to josh, who nods. "And Maya is your little sister almost kind of" She moves her finger to Olivia, who was answering Maya back but she gave her friend a nod. "Wow, you're observant" Josh comments. "I know" Piper smiles triumphantly. 

"You single?" Josh asks, as his girlfriend seemed preoccupied with her phone. "hey!" she hits him, not looking up but hitting him on the arm hard. "I didn't mean it like that, I meant it so we could go on double dates" Josh rolls his eyes. "Aww, you're cute" Olivia smiles, still dealing with Maya. "besides, you aren't my type" He looks at piper, who rolled her eyes. "Nice" she muttered, "But yes I do, he's not here though." Olivia puts her phone down and frowns. "Long distance is the worst" She states, piper nodding. "You've never done long distance" Josh reminds her. "What about when I was travelling with dad?" she asks, piper watching the couple with a grim on her face. "We weren't together then" he says. "Long distance friendship" she told him, as if she was talking to a baby, "Still counts"

"Come on" Josh turns to go to the door but Olivia grabs his wrist to stop him. "Come where?" She asks. "To Riley and Maya?" Josh questions, thinking it was obvious, clearly not. "No, let them deal with it themselves" Olivia sighs. "But" josh whines. "But nothing, high school means dealing with their problems themselves" she smiles. "Fine, if she texts me one more ti-" he starts but then his phone dings. "Who's that?" she smiles, teasing him. "I'm not looking at it" he doesn't even pull it out of his pocket. "Okay then, bye" she smiled. "Bye" he walked back, pecked her lips then left. 

"Oh how I miss jay" Piper sighed dramatically. "So, has there been any other boys in your life?" Olivia smirks, Turing to her new found friend. "n-.. well one, but it wasn't anything, he's my dad enemy, kinda, his son, it was stupid crush, or so my best friend said" Piper reveals. "Oh, interesting" Olivia smirks. "What?" Piper asks loudly and defensively. "Gosh, chill, and nothing" 

When josh got back to his room he picked up his phone and looked at his lock screen, which was a photo of Olivia of course, expecting to see messages from Riley, but he didn't. When he looked down he didn't see a message from Riley, he saw a message from Olivia, 'You're cute ;] I'm annoying ❤️' "She's cute" he mutters, sitting down in his lonely room. 

The following night, Olivia sat on the phone to Maya. "So it's all good?" she asks, smiling at piper as she came in. "Yeah, Matthews fixed it, I guess" Maya says, not sure who fixed it. "You don't sound sure?" Olivia commented. "Yeah, I'm not sure who fixed it, I guess it was a team effort" Maya shrugs. "It often is M, it often is"

Bit of a shorter one but I hope you enjoyed <3

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