girl meets the tell-tale-tot

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"Listen up weirdos, we got approximately one minute before he walks through the door" Maya comes in as they were all sitting at the table. "Who?" Riley asks. "Uncle boing" Maya replied, the same time as Olivia replies "Josh." Maya sits down next to Olivia, her feet on the table. Olivia pushes them off just as josh walks in the door. "hey family" he smiles holding an envelope which mirrored the one Olivia had in her hand.  Maya decides they should be leaving, Riley following her, knowing they weren't getting out of the door. "I came up here because I wanted to do this in front of all of you. I hold in my hand an envelope from New York University" Josh holds his envelope. Olivia holds her up, shaking it slightly and standing by his side. Maya stops, listening to what was going on. "What's in this envelope tells me where I'm gonna be for the next four years" Olivia smiles. Maya stops again. "Good luck Josh and Liv" Riley calls. It was only a matter of moments before Maya turned back around and faced them all. 

"So, where are you gonna be?" she asked eagerly. Josh opened his first. He was reluctant to look, Olivia reading over his shoulder. "Dear blah blah Matthews , blah blah blah, we we are pleased to inform you-" she reads. "I got in?!" Josh half asks, half exclaims. "Duh" Olivia smiles, forgetting about her own future for a second and hugging her best friend. "Your turn" Topanga singsongs. Olivia takes a deep breath and opens it. As soon as her eyes fell on it, a grin creeps onto her face. "You got in?" Maya questioned, she wanted Olivia around, she was beginning to see her as an older sister. "No, i'm smiling like this for no reason" she replies, rolling her eyes. Josh wraps his arms around her, holding her close. They stay in their hug longer this time. As they pull apart Cory gave them a look. 

"Look at you" Topanga smiled at them. "I remember when you were toddlers, now look at you" she smiles. "Off to college, i'm so emotional" Cory wipes fake tears. "off to college" Olivia echoes. "Together" josh links his arm with hers. 

Then Olivias phone begins to ring on the table. Cory picks it up, grinning when he saw the caller. He didnt even hesitate to answer. "Shawnie!" He exclaimed. "Cory I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to my daughter" Shawn says, Cory being able to tell he was rolling his eyes through the phone. "You do'nt love me like you used to" Cory pouts, handing over the phone reluctantly. "Did you get in?" Shawn asked eagerly. "I did" she smiled, hearing his excitement as soon as she said it. "Im so proud of you liv" he smiled, honestly. "Thank you" Olivias smile was bigger than anyones in the room. "I need to go, I love you" Shawn said. "I love you too" Olivia smiled, then hung up the phone. 

"This is great" Cory smiled. "Yeah, hey, And my buddy who goes there invited me to his dorm Tonight to meet some college friends if I got in, wanna come?" He asks. Olivia shakes her head. "You know i'm not big on parties" she shrugs. "You sure?" Josh clarifies. "Yeah" olivia laughs slightly, smiling up at him. "When is this little party? Yeah whatever hi, I don't care" Maya asks. "10:00 tonight?" josh says, slightly confused. "Where's this little party? Yeah whatever hi I dont care" she asks again. "Greenwich hall" Josh answers. Maya smiles. "Are we smiling? I'll smile. I'll smile anytime. What are we smiling about?" Riley asks, smiling. "Bay window. Bay window right now" and they disappear into Rileys room. 

Later on, Olivia was just sitting in her room, watching something or other on the tv. "Liv" Maya sings, knocking at the door. "Yes?" she answers. "Will you sneak out to NYU with us?" Maya asks, keeping her voice quiet. "Why?" Olivia narrows her eyes at Maya. "We just wanna look at the campus, see where you will be spending the next four years" Maya shrugs innocently. "Fine, but If we get caught, its on you" 

"I ca'nt believe you tricked me!" Olivia exclaims as she realises why they brought her here. "I cant believe we snuck out the window! I've never been to a college party. They're gonna know I don't belong here" Riley panics. "Don't talk, just act like you fit in" Maya instructs. "I want to talk so bad" Riley says, just being Riley. "You don't know what to say. You've never been to a college before" Maya sighs. "Beat Notre Dame!" Riley shouts and gets whisked away by football players. "Give her back" Maya orders. They return Riley. "See you at the game boys" Riley waves. "If you talk here they pick you up and carry you" Riley smiles. "That's ridiculous" Maya says. "Oh yeah?" she starts, reading from the board opposite them. "Gamma Gamma nu!" Sorority girls come by and pick Riley up. "Give her back" Maya sighs, again. "I just pledged. I don't want to wait for college to be real. I'm staying" Riley says, showing Maya her badge. Olivia then looks into the room. "We're leaving" she sighs, turning back to face the younger girls. 

"How did I think we could ever compete with them?" Olivia sighs. "Liv... A Gamma Gamma girl does not let her sister give up at the first sign of trouble" Riley says. "You're not a gamma gamma girl" Maya says. Then one approaches her, and they do some weird dance. "Come on, i'm leaving" Olivia sighs, she didn't know why this made her upset, but it did. "You're not" Riley says. "Riley, how do I even begin to compete with those girls in there?" Olivia asks. "Bold women make bold choices" Riley says. "What does that even mean?" Olivia asks. "It's a Gamma thing. It's what we say right before we shove a sister into a bold choice" and then she pushes Olivia into the room. 

"Liv?, Maya?, Riley?" josh questions. "You know these girls josh? How you doing?" his friend approaches them. "They're in middle school, don't even try with me" Olivia says. "Oh, they shouldn't be here, the pretty one can but they shouldn't" he says. "No kidding" Josh says, his eyes falling on Olivia as usual. "I know that, that's why I was trying to get them to leave" Olivia says, grabbing their arms. "Sorry we interrupted your evening" Riley says. "Oh I think our evening has just begun" one of the older girls smiles, looking at Olivia. Then the gamma gamma girls come pack, taking Riley, and this time Maya. "Give them back" Josh says, walking out, his friend following him. 

The older girls pull Olivia to sit down with them. "So, why are you here?" one asks. "They tricked me" Olivia shrugs. "And what is josh to you?" the other asks. "He's my best friend. Always has been. Ever since....forever. It was livvy and josh forever, even when I left school and travelled with my dad, we were still best friends" Olivia sighs. "Do you like him?" the girl to her left asks. "No...I don't think so. Sure he was my pretend boyfriend as a child, but that doesn't mean anything. I never really thought about until Maya brought it up, and then when I saw him on the bed with you, I felt..." she trails off. "Jealous?" the same girl asks. "I guess" olivia shrugs. "I think you feel something for him" the right girl smiled. "I don't know how I feel" Olivia sighs as josh walks back in. 

"I know how I feel" he says, first looking at Riley and Maya then his eyes naturally fell on his best friend. "I feel that I stay here, You go home" he says. Olivia stands up. "I know, but I know you. I know that you're going to walk us home. I know you wouldn't be able to stay here without wondering if we got home safely. I know you are going to make sure I'm okay and I know that care more than you show" she says, looking him straight in the eyes. "Come on, let's go" he says, walking over and putting his arm behind Maya and Riley and guiding them out. Olivia goes to follow them, but one of the girls stops her. "Hey, Liv right?" she says. Olivia nods. "Give me your number, you're a cool girl" she smiled. Olivia grinned and gave them her number. Josh watched from the doorway, waiting for her so he knew she was by his side. 

"So?" josh waited for her to explain, as they walked a safe distance behind riley and Maya. "They tricked me, told me we were just coming to view the campus, i'm stupid" Olivia sighs, looking down. Josh takes her hand, causing her to look up at him. "Olivia, You are not stupid, i'm happy you ended up there, it reminded me of something" he says, swinging their hands back and forth.  "What?" she asks. "I'm in it for the long game" he smiled, looking back on the road ahead of them. 

Olivia looks at him, without him knowing, and feels something. She wasn't sure of to yet, but the feelings card has just been drawn.  

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