girl meets Texas part 2

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She facetimed him. "Oh hello there" Josh smiled at her, glad to actually see her face. "You know-you know how earlier you said being my boyfriend wouldn't be so bad?" she asks, not even saying hello. "Yeah?" Josh replied, slightly confused. "Still playing the long game?" She asks. "Always" Josh smiles. "Can we speed it up a little?" She asks. Then Josh caught on. "What if we don't need to, what if what's happening right now, is what the long game intended?" He asks. "Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" she asks. "I don't know, let's see, do you happen to have a relationship card?" Josh asks. "No, i'm standing on the girlfriend square" she smirks. "you're so difficult sometimes" Josh rolls his eyes fondly. "And that is why you are going to ask me to be your girlfriend" She smiles innocently. "I am, Olivia Emily hunter, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. "Yes, yes I will"  

A/N: Youre welcome :]

Olivia walked into school behind riley and Maya. "Riley, I have to tell you something." Maya says, trying to get her best friend to actually listen."I don't want to know" Riley says firmly. "Riles, something happened" Maya sighs. Olivia kept quiet, she was yet to tell them about her relationship with josh. "I don't need to know what happened" Riley clearly didn't want to hear. "No, I need to tell you. You need to know." Maya kept persisting. "Maya, I know a lot of things are going to happen. You know what else I know? I liked the new boy and you stepped back for me And then I saw how scared you were for him. You need to feel whatever you feel. How could I ever keep that from you? Whatever happens, happens" Riley smiles. Lucas then approaches the three wearily. "My brother! Hey!" Riley exclaims." Hi. Hey, Riley. You know, um I want to thank you again for believing in me and giving me the confidence that I would be okay." Lucas smiles, not looking over at Maya. "I will always believe in you. And I will always be here." Riley replies. T"hank you, Riley. Hi." he turns to Maya. "Hey" "Hey" "Hi." "Wow" 

Charlie gardner turned up, making a smirk appear on the idlest girls face. "Hey, Riley" he smiles. "Hi, Charlie" Riley smiles politely. "Charlie Gardner!" Maya smirks in her voice she liked so much. "Stop it" Riley warns. "Cheese souffle!" Maya smiles innocently. 

The class left, having had yet another lesson focused around Riley, Maya and Lucas. "Nah-uh" Cory grabbed both Olivia and Farkles arms and pulled them back. Exchanging a look, they each sat down. "Thats right. I'm calling Farkle time, because whenever its' Farkle time we learn something, and I need to learn something, because you two were in Texas, and I wasn't" Cory says, standing at the from as if he was teaching a whole class. "Yes I was sir" Farkle says, Olivia nodding. "And would you agree that something happened in Texas that's changing everything?" He asks. "Duh, look at them" olivia rolls her eyes. "And do you know what it is? and do you know how to fix it" Cory questions. "No sir" Farkle shakes his head. "Why not?" Cory was growing slightly impatient. "Because, i'm a scientist sir, this is all about feelings, feelings that are new and hard to describe" Farkle says, trying to think what to say. "Look i'm a genius! But when Isadora Smackle looks in my eyes with that beautiful goofy face of hers I get a feeling which I can only describe as Bloylahlahloo" Farkle says, dragging out the end word with gestures. "You feel me?" he turns to Olivia. "I do, I don't have any experience with feelings but when Joshua Matthews gives me that innocent grin I get a feeling I can only describe as-" she explains but he buts in "Bloylahlahlow?" She gives him a strange look, but nods. 

"Listen" Cory comes and stands closer to the pair. "You are Farkle, these people have always been important to you, and you. These girls look up to you" he smiles, turning to each in turn. "I need you to figure out what's going on with the three of them and make everything better" Cory says softly, he just wanted everything back to normal. "I'm on it sir, I like us just the way we are, I don't want anything to change either" Farkle smiles. "Good, because I have no idea what's going to happen next, except this" he turns to olivia with a smirk. "Im walking away now" she says, standing up, knowing what he was going to say. "You best tell me you've got a boyfriend the next time I see you!" "Im walking away Cory!"

Olivia wandered to Topangas, not really having anything to do. When she saw who was stood outside she grinned. "Well well well, what do we have here?" she smirks, walking down the stairs. "Your boyfriend" Josh smirks, liking the use of the label. Olivia wrapped her arms around him and he span her around slightly. "So, tell me everything" Josh says, sitting down on a table outside. "Outside?" she questions his choice of where to sit. "Maya and Lucas are on a date inside" Josh says. "Oh, not like you to not want to spy?" She smirks. "Change of heart I guess, plus they are so awkward it's painful to see" he laughs. Olivia laughed then sat down and told him everything. 

"Hey, I have an idea" josh stands up abruptly. "Which is?" she asks, standing up reluctantantly. "Let's go on an adventure" he smirks. Before she could answer, Riley drags Farkle outside. "Not yet" she whispers, hiding behind the wall so they could watch without being involved. "Farkle you don't know what's going on" she says firmly. "I know Auggies right, he's your only brother, i've seen the way you look at Auggie, and I've seen the way you look at Lucas" Farkle replies. "I-I think I know my own feelings" Riley stumbles. "You're a liar" Farkle says simply. "Farkle!" Riley exclaims. "You're lying to yourself" Farkle expands. "Lucas and I don't make a good couple." she explains why she thought what she thought. "You were both just nervous because that's not who you are" Farkle gives her a reason, which was true. "Okay okay, But what about Maya?" Riley asks, she didnt want to hurt her best friend. "I'm not really sure how Maya feels" he admits. "You're not sure? How can you not be sure?" Riley was confused and annoyed. "This isn't about her. I'm taking about how you feel" he replies firmly. 

"You can't tell anybody" Riley finally admits it. Olivia goes to gasp dramatically but josh covers her mouth, not wanting Riley to realise they were there. "I will unless you do" Farkle says after a moment of silence. "Why?" Riley asks, she didn't want to complicate things. "Because we are growing up, and I don't know how to handle these feelings were feeling. But I do know we don't lie to eachother. We don't lie to eachother Riley" Farkle answers. "You're right" she sighs "this is really hard and maybe I need some time." She let a tear fall down her face. "I'm always here for you" Farkle smiles softly. She hugs him, he holds her softly. "I love you Farkle" she says. "Aww" Olivia says quietly. "And I love you" he smiles "Now go on your date" 

"Josh?" Olivia asks as they come out from the shadows. "mm?" he answers. "Why is everything changing?" she asks. "The long game has many twists and turns, but there's one thing that I know won't change" He smiles, putting his arm out to her "It's you and me." Olivia smiles and links her arm with his "Forever"

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