girl meets upstate

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The college students had a week off, Olivia was going to spend it with her father, whilst josh went home for a couple of days. "So you're going to your dads?" he asks, as they said their goodbyes outside Olivias room. "I am" Olivia smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll miss you" he states, as he hugs her back. "It's only two days!" She exclaims. "Still" he sighs, pecking her lips. 

"Your favourite offspring is here!" Olivia announced, dramatically dropping her bag as she walked into her dads...cottage? "You're my only offspring" he reminds her, hugging her. "Exactly, therefore I am the favourite" she states, sitting down on the couch with a sigh. "So, how's college?" Shawn asked, sitting down next to her. "It's good, classes are okay, my roommates really nice" Olivia shrugs. "Nothing special?" Shawn questions. "Not really" she shrugs. "And how's josh?" he teases. "He's good" Olivia narrows her eyes at him, "You think you're so entertaining, you aren't, its not as if this is a story or a tv show all about us"

Shawn phone began to ring. "I am" "Okay" He said into it, Olivia desperately trying to hear who was on the other end. "Who was that?" she asks, taking a sip of her water. "Cory" Shawn states, walking over into the kitchen. "Awww, your boyfriend missed you?" she teases. As if he knew he wasn't helping, her phone dinged. "Actually, your boyfriend misses you, but no, Riley and Maya are apparently coming to see me" Shawn replies, though his daughter was preoccupied with her phone. "Oh yay! Haven't seen them since summer" she smiles, texting josh back. "You live in New York yet you haven't seen them?" Shawn questions. "I have a busy life okay" She shrugs. "Sure you do, you, josh and piper, busy"

The girls arrive and Shawn welcome them in. "Not gonna question the bags?" Olivia asks, watching as they walk in with bags. They both didn't seem to hear her and sit down next to her. "Nice move, Maya. Runnin' away, comin' here" Shawn states. "Yeah,  Somethin' he would do" Olivia adds, earning a nod from her father. "It wasn't my idea" Maya tells them. "You did this?Riley" Olivia asks, looking at Riley in shock. "Yeah, how 'bout that?" she smiled, turning to her best friend, "Tell them why we're here" Maya looks reluctant and sighs. "I don't wanna tell him" She tells her. "You came all this way. Tell us" Shawn says. 

Riley notices the tea on the table, Olivia struggling to contain her laughter at how much her dad had changed. "You made us tea?" Riley asks. "Yeah! And I got these Swedish butter cookies" he smiled, placing a tin down and pouring some tea. Olivia smiles and takes a cookie, but doesn't touch the tea, she wasn't much of a hot drink person. "What's become of you?" Olivia asks, laughing slightly.  "I'm evolving. It's uh, it's actually been quite a journey. I like who I am" Shawn smiled, picking up a cooke and turning to face the window slightly. "Look! Mountains! And trees! So many trees! Oh, and there's that squirrel that I talk to!" he nibbles on the cookie like a squirrel.  

"Uncle Shawn, Liv, my best friend is broken, and you did it" Riley points to Shanw. "Me?" Shawn asks, shocked. "I need it to be you, because if it isn't you, then it's me, and I don't want it to be me, so it needs to be you!" Riley exclaims. "Hey, why are you broken?" Olivia turns to Maya, putting a hand on her arm. "Remember how I was tough and edgy?" she asks. Olivia and Shane nod. "Remember how I was just like you?" She asks again. "Yeah! I was tough and edgy!" Shawn takes a drink of his tea, making Olivia scoff. "Why do you have tea and Swedish butter cookies?" Maya asks innocently. "I don't know what you people like!" he exclaims. "Why are you my fault?" he then questions. "There can't be two Rileys, just like there can't be two Mayas. For the world to work, there needs to be one Riley and one Maya" Riley explains. "I know that language" Shawn states. "That's Topanganese" Olivia adds. 

"She's right" Riley says. "Is she? What happens when you meet a good influence and they start to change you for the better?" Shawn challenges. "That's when your art teacher says you're incomplete." Maya adds. "Yeah. Tell me about it. I know, because I had a good influence" Shawn tells them. "You're incomplete?" Riley asks. "Look, you know, when your dad and I first met, all he wanted was to be like me?" he asks, Both girls shaking their heads slightly, Olivia nodding. 

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