girl meets legacy

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"Legacy" Cory says, pointing to the word he had written on the board. Olivia raises her hand, something she didn't do often as she found that as a 'teaching assistant' she didn't have too. "Yes Olivia?" Cory asks, point to her as if she was student. "Why is Farkle a goose?" she asks innocently, though she had an idea why.  "That's the Einstein Academy goose" Riley asks simply. "Oh, of course. The Einstein Academy goose" She says, as if it was a normal thing. "Why is it on Farkle's desk?" Cory asks, not seeming too concerned that there was a goose sat in his classroom. "Einstein captured Farkle" Maya shrugs. "It was their end of the year prank" Lucas expands. " So, since they took our mascot-" Maya starts, "We took theirs and now, we're even" Riley finishes. "Farkle's not a mascot." Cory tries to talk some more sense into these kids. "What would you call him?" Maya asks, she wasn't wrong. 

Olivia grew bored and noticed someone else wasnt there. "Where's Zay? They got Zay, too?" Olivia asked, turning to Lucas. "Zay's back in Texas. He's at Vanessa's spring formal" Lucas states, making Olivia smirk. "Ooh!" Maya, Riley and Olivia comment in unison. 

" All right, guys. Listen up. It's your last week of school. This is my last chance to teach you something" Cory changes the subject, ignoring the goose. "Do you have more to teach us?" Maya whines. "I have so much more I wanna teach you" he says to Maya before addressing the whole class once again. "So much more. I mean, you guys are gonna be leaving this place. What will you be leaving behind?" he teaches. "Yeah, What is your legacy?" Olivia adds, helping without meaning too. "I wanna talk about not just what you've gotten from this place, but what you've given." Cory continues. 

Maya turns to her friends. "He's right. We still haven't thought of our class prank! I was thinking we could let all of the air out of school. Everybody would just be like" she mimics people not being able to breath.  "That'd be har-larious" she laughs. Farkle walks in, seeming annoyed but still smiling. "I'll tell you what's hi-larious. Nobody saved me! Why did nobody save me?" he asks, looking over at the goose. "Farkle, we looked for you for a whole five minutes, and then we took the goose" Riley smiles. "He's the new you" Maya gestures to it with a grin. "Donnie Barnes, regular goose" Lucas adds, making olivia laugh. "I'd see that movie" Cory comments, as he does often. "Oh, please. Farkle cannot be replaced by a goose" He scoffs. "Farkle is unique and one of a kind" he continues walking up to the goose. "Hah!" he does his typical Farkle sound. The goose honks back. "You don't know me."

Olivia walks into the classroom and sees the mess the triangle has made. "Oh please" she rolls her eyes, sitting on the edge of corys desk and just watching them with an amused look on her face. "

"You came into this place a bunch of young kids who didn't know very much, and now, look at ya. Young men and women ready for what's next" Cory states, before looking at the three who looked utterly insane. "Snap out of it!" he exclaims, Olivia hitting the desk she was laying on. He turns to Riley who was watching through the class from outside. "Get in here!" He orders, Riley just pressing her face against the glass. He looks at Lucas in almost disbelief. "What you doin'?" Olivia asks, shaking her head slightly. "We value our friendship too much to look at each other" he answers without ruining around. "Turn your chair around" Cory instructs. 'Get in your seat" he says to Maya. Reluctantly she slides into her seat, olivia pushing her slightly. Lucas stands up and turns his chair around so he was facing the correct way. 

"Now, the most important thing you can do in life is to give people the reason to remember you" Cory teaches, ignoring the fact his daughter was still outside. Lucas looks over at her. "The people who do that are the ones we study in here. So, your last assignment from me and for yourselves is to figure out what you will give back." Cory announces. Maya turns to Lucas as she feels his eyes on her. "What?" she asks, expecting a valid reason. "I looked at Riley." Lucas shrugged. "I know. I saw." Maya replies simply, wanting a reason why he looked at her. "So, I'm looking at you to even it up" Lucas explains, not exactly what Maya wanted but it was a reason. "Well, a girl always wants to be looked at to be evened up" Maya replies, sarcastically. "We're just friends, and I love your outfit" Lucas compliments. Riley smacks the window with both of her hands, wanting her own compliment. "Your hair smells nice!" he exclaims nervously. Riley smiles and feels her hair. "You smelled her hair?" Maya asks, her voice in an annoyed tone. "Lucas!" Olivia teases. "I'm dying here!" he exclaims. Riley walks in calmly and sits down at her desks as if nothing had happened. "What are you grateful for? Who do you want to remember you? Do something about it right now. Now get outta here." Cory says, gesturing to the door. "God I love this class" Olivia smiled, standing up. She follows everybody out, being the last person to the door. She didn't make it out, Riley grabbed her arm and stopped her. "I'm not ready to leave this place."

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