authors note - not a part sorry

8.5K 61 7

Hi! I just wanted to make this to let you know a few things, and to thank you!

1, Thank you so so so much for 13k! I never ever thought that it would hit 1k, as I just wrote it for my own enjoyment and maybe some of my friends would have liked to read it. I didn't plan on getting as many readers as I did, but that you so much! As always, don't be afraid to comment your thoughts or predictions for the next parts as I would love to hear your thoughts <3

2, thank you for being patient with waiting for me to update. I realise that it has been a lot longer than I said it would, but I've been taking some time to do more things for myself. I've only been writing for stories that I had inspiration for and keeping myself happy.

3, I will try my hardest to get a new part up within the next couple of weeks. There isn't that many left in the story anyways, but next week I am going to try and get it completed, so I can start updating for you all.

I hope you understand and are all staying safe and happy! I'll see you soon (hopefully lmao) with the next part which will be the wedding <3

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