girl meets the new year

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"What are you reading?" Olivia questions as she walks into Topangas and sees the girls reading. "A book for our english class" Riley says, not taking her eyes of the book. "The fact that you will actually read that surprises me, especially you Maya" Olivia smirks, sitting down. "Yeah, well nothing is happening so" Maya shrugs. "Something happened to me?" Olivia sighs, leaning back in her chair. This makes Riley put down her book and turn to Olivia, intrigued. "Spill" she demands. "So I might have a boyfriend now" She says softly, knowing it was going to get a reaction. Riley squealed making everyone in the place look at them strangely. "You're gonna be my aunt!" She squealed. "We aren't getting married riles" she says, laughing slightly. "Not yet" Riley smirks. "Okay now get back to your school work" she gave each a teasing pat on the shoulder and occupied herself with her phone. 

"What page are you on?" Maya asks, clearly bored and agitated. "304. Maya, you know how the girls decide who they love? They throw a ball" Riley grins. "Cinderelli!" Maya exclaims as Riley puts her book down. "Apparently, these sorts of things get decided at the ball. You know what we need? A ball" Riley babbles, clearly keen on the idea. "All I know is I've been reading as long as you, and I'm on page seven. I don't think this is in America" Maya sighs, looking at her book as if it did something to harm her. "What is essential to the situation, my dear Maya, is to host a ball. A grand ball. A New Year's Eve ball. We shall invite all of the eligible gentlemen of good breeding" Riley wanders around dramatically and as she spins around she is faced by Charlie Gardner. "I hear you're having a party" He smiles. "How?" Riley asks, she had just proposed the idea. "Come on, Charlie Gardner. We'll get things sorted out at the dance!" Maya says in her voice she loved so much.  "Ball!" "America!" 

"Oh. Well, am I included in the things who need to be sorted out?" Charlie asks innocently. "Well, Mr. Gardner you are in excellent standing and well regarded in the village" Riley replies in her British accent. Charlie does a dramatic bow, in which riley responds with an over the top curtsey. Charlie then leaves. "He never makes it easy, does he?" Riley questions to her friends.

 "Speaking of tough decision" Maya starts but Lucas and Farkle come in, distracting them. "Hi" Lucas smiles. "Hey, Huckleberry" Maya replies. Olivia leant back in her seat, this was getting interesting. "So, uh, Charlie Gardner just asked me if I was invited to your party. I told him that I didn't know about any party, and he smiled like a Charlie Gardner, gave me this weird bow, and walked away. I still like him" Lucas rambles. "Well, of course you're invited, Lucas." Riley gives him a grin. "Oh, thanks, but I don't want to be some last-second invite" Lucas sighs. "Well, I do. I'm coming, right?" Farkle pipes up, making Olivia giggle slightly. "Uh, everybody's coming. I thought of the party, like, two seconds ago. I don't know how Charlie does it" Riley says, it was the truth. "Heard you just talkin' about me. What'll be interesting is who's with who at midnight" Charlie appears, again. "For why? For why would that be interesting?" Riley tried to hide the fact she hadnt admitted her feelings. "Yeah, why would that be interesting, Riley? Hey, remember when you did this?" Farkle then drags her outside. 

"We had a deal. I gave you some time to tell everybody the truth about how you really feel, and you haven't done anything about it yet. Guess how much time you have left?" Farkle says. "Oh. This has something to do with New Year's, doesn't it?" Riley asks innocently. "Tell them you still like Lucas, Riley. Just tell them the truth. Don't start a new year with a lie" He sighs, he just wanted everyone to know them same thing. "Farkle, Maya stepped back for me when she saw that I liked him. If if she has feelings for him, how could I not do the same for her?" Riley asked, she truly did care for Maya. "You don't know that. You don't know how she feels. I don't think she knows how she feels. You know why?" Farkle asks, he was right, as usual. "Because she can only read seven pages in three hours" Riley answers. "Because all these things we're feeling are new. We don't know what they are yet. Harper said this all comes at a cost. What's your cost, Riley? Your own happiness?" He asks. "Farkle, you said that you wouldn't tell anybody. How could you do this to me?" Riley couldn't understand why he would do this do her. "I'm doing it for you, Riley. I care so much about you, I want you to know that the truth is always the best thing." he sighs, he knew what he was doing and he thought It was the right thing. "How is it the best thing if it turns everything into a mess?" Riley questions. "You don't think this is a mess already? I want you to tell them. I know you would have me do the same thing. You ever heard of the horn of Gabriel?" he has to bring up a lesson. "No." "He's an angel. They say when he blows his horn, it's the end of time. If you don't tell everybody how you really feel his horn blows at midnight." Farkle replies firmly. "Ha! Just because I don't do much doesn't mean I can't" he smirks, then he walks inside. 

"Okay, everybody. Riley's house. We're ringing in the new year. I'll be with Smackle at midnight. Who will you all be with?" Olivia smiles, she had a little trick up her sleeve. 

Olivia walked into the front room, looking as beautiful as ever. "You look great Liv" Topanga smiles. "Thank you" Olivia grins. "Got someone coming tonight?" Cory smirks. "Guess you shall have to wait and see won't you Matthews" Olivia shrugs, following Riley to the door as the doorbell rings. 

"Hello, Riley. Happiest of New Year's" Smackle smiles, giving Riley a hug. "Tell me when the pressure is sufficient" she adds. "All you have to do is mean it, Smackle" Riley smiles. "One thing at a time!" Smackle exclaims. "Tick, tick, tick" Farkle mutters. "Okay! Yeah, yeah. Farkle, welcome to my party. Have a great time" Riley says, changing the subject, not wanting to think about what she had to do. "You know, Riley, as a spinster you may not be aware, but romance is very much in play on New Year's Eve. Isn't that right, dearest?" Smackle looks up at farkle. "Yes. I'm told who you're with when the clock strikes 12:00 is how you'll spend the coming year" Farkle says. Olivia smiled, she knew exactly who she wanted by her side. ."I will certainly be with you." Smackle starts, then Lucas arrives in the doorway. "Unless my third wheel tries to intervene" she says, keeping a straight face. "Gosh Lucas, leave the poor girl alone" Olivia teases. "I'm not your third wheel, Smackle. I just arrived at the same time" Lucas exclaims. "Desperation doesn't look good on you, Lucas, even though everything else does" Smackle smirks. "Smackle!" Farkle exclaims. "Which part was I not supposed to say out loud?" she asks innocently. "You can say whatever you want. She's mine." Farkle wraps his arms around her. "Tell her that!"

As they sit down to play the game, the doorbell rings. A confused look crosses rileys face. "I'll get it" Olivia grins. "Josh" Cory and Topanga says to eachither in unison. And sure enough he was stood in the doorway. "Well fancy seeing you here" Josh smiles, hugging his girlfriend. "I invited you idiot" she rolls her eyes fondly. "Ooo, look game" Josh says, before he sees what game it was. "Not the long game" she grabs his arm and pulls him back. "Everything is the long game" Josh says. "Deep stuff Matthews" Olivia comments. "Long game is deep hunter"

"How long do you give it until drama kicks off again?" Olivia asks as they stand on the rooftop, looking over New York. "We won't make it til midnight" josh predicts. "Wait, has Riley spilled her feelings yet?"he asks. "not that I know of, no" Olivia shrugs. "Thats what's going to happen, probably at midnight" Josh says. "So long for my perfect new year" She sighs. "You're already perfect, no need for a new year" Josh flirts. "Smooth"

 "Hey josh?" she asks as the countdown begins. "Yeah?" he turns to her. "Still playing the long game?" She asks. "Always" He smirks. "Well then, look what I just picked up" she smirks, holding up an imaginary card. "First kiss card." Josh nods, smirking. Olivia was clever. "Smooth, very smooth" "Shut up and kiss me." And so they counted down, "3, 2, 1" And welcomed the new year in with a kiss. They started the year on a high. Until Farkle interrupted. "Riley still loves Lucas." Everyone seemed shocked. "Way to ruin a moment" Olivia muttered, leaning her head back onto Joshes chest. "At least we made it to midnight" He shrugs. Riley walks to the front, shocked that Farkle actually said it. "Happy new year!" she says awkwardly. Everyone leaves. "we going?" Josh asks. Olivia thinks for a second. "Yeah" she sighs. As they walk past Maya and Lives she gives Maya a smile. "You okay?" she mouths. Maya gives her a small smile and a shrug.

And the long game continues into the new year, a first kiss card being drawn and some more drama along the way. 

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