girl meets semi-formal

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Olivia stood with Riley and Maya at their lockers. "It's this weekend. Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal. We're Riley and Lucas, aren't we?" Riley whined. "I don't know anymore. Just tell me what to say" Olivia sighs, she wasn't very good with boy troubles. "It's all over the front of my notebook .'Riley hearts Lucas 4-ever.'" Riley holds her notebook up, smiling. "What's on the back on your notebook?" Maya asks. 'Riley and Lucas, we're just friends'" Riley sighs, turning it around. "Sweetie, what are you doing to yourself?" Olivia puts a hand on her shoulder as Maya pushes the notebook down. "It's this weekend, and Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal" Riley sighs again. "Told ya. You got a problem" Maya says. "You did? Have I brought this up before?" 

After the three think about the many times Riley had brought this up before, Olivia turns to Riley "Wow, you have problems" not helping the situation much. "Yes, Riley, you've had problems before, but you haven't had a Lucas problem until now" Maya slammed her locker shut. A squeal can be heard from Cory inside his classroom. "Why does he keep doing that?" Riley asked. "Lockers, blackboard. Chalk," Olivia starts, doing hand actions. "chalk dust. Your daddy" Maya smirks. "How long you gonna keep doing it?" Riley asks. "Till he comes out" Maya shrugs. Cory then appears, covered in chalk dust. "Okay, I'm done!"

Olivia was going to be no help to Riley on this matter, she had never been to a semi formal. As she was pondering this thought, another popped into her head, this one was going to be great. "Sure he is" Maya says, snapping Olivia from her thoughts. "First there'll be balloons in your locker" she continues. Now Olivia understood what was going on. She leant against the locker on rileys left. "Then people will hand you roses until you have a big bouquet" Olivia adds, clearly joking but then people start walking past and handing Riley roses. "Keep making things happen!" Riley exclaims, shutting her locker causing a squeal to be heard from her father. "Disco ball!" Maya exclaims, and sure enough, one drops. "Music" Olivia says, and it begins to play. "Yogi on skates?" Maya says, and he comes down the hall, on skates. "Drop a banner" Olivia says. "And then Lucas Is right there next to you" Maya smiles. "Yes! Yes! I would love to go to the semi formal with you!" Riley exclaims, not even checking who it was. Olivia gasps dramatically. 

"Meet Riley a swell gal who finds herself in quite a pickle" Maya says, in a voice. "What will she do?" Olivia plays along. Riley just lies along the bench, Charlie Gardener at the front. "When we last left our hero she said she;d go to the dance with Charlie gardener" Maya continues. "That's me" Charlie smiles innocently. "Oh Charlie" Olivia smiles. He goes and sits next to riley "I can't believe that you actually said yes." Riley looks shocked. "What do I do?" she gives up to Olivia and Maya. "Are you asking me? Because if you're asking me I say you give me a chance" Charlie pipes up, even though she clearly wasn't looking at him or asking him. "Uh-oh" olivia sighs. 

She watches the scene. Riley was so sweet, she didn't want to hurt anyone. So she made up a lie, saying she had to babysit auggie. This now meant she wasn't going to be going to the dance. But Olivia knew she would end up there, she had to face them and tell them the truth. "Unbelievable!" Maya exclaims as riley sits down next to her, almost deflated. 

Olivia wandered of, deciding on a little plan. "Hey" she smiles when he answered the phone. "Hi" Josh replied, happy she called. "So, I had a thought" she says wandering up and down the corridor. "Yeah?" josh asked. "mhm, are you busy this weekend?" she questioned. "Nope" Josh shrugged, he wasn't, but even if he was he would make time for Olivia. "Perfect, fancy coming to a middle school dance with me?" Olivia asks, giggling slightly. "Sure, any reasoning?" Josh laughed. "Rileys in a bit of a pickle, should be fun" She shrugs. "Looking forward to it"

"Ta tah" Olivia wandered into rileys room, dressed and looking beautiful as always. She just wore a simple black dress that fell just above her knees and had her hair out in its natural loose waves. She didn't need to change much to look beautiful, not that she believed anyone did. "Wow Liv, you look amazing" Maya complimented. "Thank you, so do you" she sat down on Rileys bed. Then Riley emerged from her wardrobe, wearing a pretty yellow dress. "Nice dress riles, goes great with shame" Olivia teases. Then someone walks past the window and catches Maya of guard. "Boing" she mumbles. Olivia wanders over and catches sight of him. "Josh!" she shouts. he turns around and sees her, smiling at him. Josh comes over. "You look amazing, all of you" he smiles, though his eyes were on Olivia. "Ready to go girls?" Cory shouts from the door. "And josh" josh says, climbing through. "Of course"

"This is gonna get interesting isn't it" josh says, watching Riley and Maya from afar. "Very, this school is so strange" Olivia laughs. "Lets go and get a closer look" Josh grabs her hand and pulls her over. They watch Lucas and Charlie disagree over what they agreed on. "Middle school relationships are so strange" Josh sighs. "Oh yeah?" Olivia smirks, turning to face him. "Mr 'young love is cute'" she smirks. "Why don't we dance?" josh asks, not wanting to argue with her. So she danced with him. "You've never been to a dance before have you?" he questions. "Never, didn't seem to miss out on much though" she shrugs, looking around. "Though, dancing with you is worth it"

Olivia and josh were dancing in a place where Eric, Cory and Jack could see them. "What" Jack says, catching sight of olivia. "Hunter?" he questions, pointing to her discreetly. Cory laughs slightly. "Yeah, Olivia, shawns daughter" he smiles. "Dating Josh?" Jack asks. "Not yet" Cory says. "One day?" Jack asks. "Of course"

Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and Charlie all appeared around Olivia and josh. "Wait" Josh says, turning around and seeing his eldest brother on the stage. "Why's he here?" josh asks. "Who knows" Olivia smiles, still holding his hand without thinking. "It's funny how life works out, I've just gotten into NYU and i'm here at a middle school dance and my best friend's my date" he says, smiling at her. "The long game has many twists and turns" Olivia says, in her game show host voice. "Yeah, but I think starting it was the best decision I ever made" he smiles, putting his arm around her waist. 

"Grab your dates and hit the floor." Olivia turns to josh with a grin. He mirrors her grin and they recognise the song. "Let's dance" she smiles, pulling him further onto the floor, dancing around Riley and her friends. Josh watched her in awe, then it hit him. He had officially fallen for Olivia Hunter, his best friend. 

And so, the long game speeds up. The feelings are now mutual and the game is beginning to be appreciated. It has many more twists and turns ahead for the beloved Livvy and Joshy. 

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