girl meets the new world

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Olivia had began helping in Corys class after spending the summer in New York with Josh. So far she had only been in their class, a week at most, and it was proving more interesting than she thought. She sat next to Corys desk, waiting for him to decide what he was teaching today. 

"The new world. People who lived their whole lives in a certain place, travel to a new land of new feelings and new opportunities. Having no idea how to behave in this new society" Mr Matthews teaches. "Lucas what did you tell him?" Riley hisses. "Nothing, I am also uncomfortable" Lucas says, clearly uncomfortable and awkward. Olivia gives Maya a confused look. Maya gestures between Riley and Lucas and points to her pouted lips. Olivia nods and smirks, this was about to get interesting. "Wait, Mr Matthews doesn't know Riley kissed Lucas?" Farkle asks maya in a hushed tone. "No" Maya smiles gleefully. "So everything he says is making them uncomfortable" Farkle asks. "Uh-uh" Maya smiles. "Shall we take advantage of this?" he asks. "How could we not?" Maya smirks. "I will begin" Farkle says before standing up. "So mr Matthews, tell me, after youve had the courage to close your eyes and taker the face of the new world in your trembling hand.." He demonstrates. "What are you trying to say Farkle?" Mr Matthews grows confused. Olivia just sits back and watches in amusement, she really did love this class.  "Are you supposed to be a couple next or what?" He asks. This just makes Riley and Lucas grow more and more uncomfortable. 

"You don't understand my question? Perhaps my dear friend Miss Maya Penelope Hart can help me out" He says, gesturing to Maya who was now glaring at him. "Penelope" Olivia teases, making Maya glare at her. "Farkle" Maya glares. "It came out It just came out" he holds his hands up in defence. "Penelope" Lucas says, smirking slightly. "Really huckleberry? You wanna play with me right now?" Maya says, facing him. "No" Lucas backs away, his awkward expression coming back. "You done quite enough haven't you" Maya kisses the air teasingly. "Maya" both Riley and Lucas warn. 

The lesson continues, the subject of the kiss on everyone but Corys minds. He was a very oblivious person, he wasn't very good at connecting dots, it resulted in it taking him a while to realise things. It was good for Riley, meaning she didnt seem to have to worry, but she was, due to the teasing of her friends. 

As Riley shut her locker, Olivia watched as everyone surrounded her. She stood at the top of the stairs, watching in amusement. She never attended much schooling, she didn't experience the joys of middle school relationships. She just was experiencing the joys of the long game, without fully realising it. She watched, her eyes travelling back and forth between the boys and the girls when her phone rang. She smiled when she saw who it was, "Joshy ❤️"

"Hey" she answered, leaning against the wall, still following along with the scene unfolding before her. "Hey, still in rileys school?" Josh asks. "Yep" Olivia giggled as she watched Darby and Farkle carry Lucas towards Riley. "Anything interesting happening?" Josh questions. "loads, Riley kissed Lucas on their date" she starts. "Awww we missed that" Josh sighs. "Now everyones pressuring them to be a couple" she sighs. "Sounds all too familiar" Josh comments. "That it does" She says watching as Farkle decide he was going to propose to Maya. "Oh and in a dramatic turn of events Maya and Farkle are now engaged" she says in her commentator voice. "Oh really?" Josh was slightly concerned about what actually happened in that school. "Yep, here she comes now" Olivia says as Maya approaches her. "Josh?" Maya guesses. "Yeah...How'd you know" Olivia narrowed her eyes slightly, still with the phone to her ear. "You're smiling like an idiot" Maya says, pulling the phone down so josh could hear her. "Hi josh" she smiles. "Congratulations on your engagement!" Josh says to her. Maya rolls her eyes. "The ring is all that matters" then she leaves, her "fiancée" following behind her. "Never a dull day huh?" Josh laughs. "Never" Olivia laughs. "You busy tonight? by tonight I mean this weekend?" Josh asks after they made conversation for a little while. "It's Thursday?" Olivia asks. "Yes, but I was thinking of coming to New York, I don't have School for a week, I could come up tonight?" Josh says. "And stay where?" Olivia asks. "With you, Cory'll let me, i'm his favourite" Josh smirks. "Sure you are" "I'll see you later?" "Yeah"

Olivia wandered to Topangas, knowing josh would be there waiting for her. And sure enough, he was stood outside with the grin that made her weak at the knees. "Joshua Matthews" she smirks, approaching him. "Olivia Hunter" he returns her smirk. "So tell me Matthews, why are you here?" she asks. Josh shrugs as they walk inside. "Don't know. I've got a week from school, nothing to do, why not come up and see my best friend?" he says, sitting down opposite her behind Riley and Lucas. "Aww you missed me" she cooed teasingly. "You're the bonus, I came to see all this" he gestures to Riley and Lucas who were sat in front of them. "You're so nosey" she sighs. "I love it"

"Oh look, the engaged couple have arrived" Olivia comments. "Reckon she's over me?" Josh asks. Olivia thinks, remembering her conversation with Maya a while back. "Maybe" she shrugs, there was never any confirmation, but she seemed fine when she found out it was him on the phone. "Hopefully" Josh shrugs. 

"Please tell me we were not that awkward" Olivia says as they walk Riley and Lucas leave. "I don't think anyone is that awkward" Josh answers. "Let's follow them" She smirks. Josh gives her a look,  but walks out by her side. "You were the only telling me off for watching their first date!" he exclaims. "That was first date, this is second, it's fine" she giggles. "I'm never bored when i'm with you" Josh shakes his head fondly. Olivia just smiles at him and takes his hand, swinging them back and forth. 

Olivia and Josh watch as Riley and Lucas awkwardly stand in the doorway. "You'd think they've only known eachother a week" Olivia comments, leaning against the wall. "Shush, young love, it's cute" Josh smiles. "it's annoying" olivia rolls her eyes. "It's young love, how isn't that cute?" Josh asks. "You're a strange boy Matthews" she shrugs. "And you still keep me around hunter" he replies, smirking at her. "It's the long game, can't abandon once you've started" she smiles. "Yeah, long game"

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