girl meets game night

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"Family game night, now with extra family" Auggie announces as he walks through the door with Olivia and Josh. "Well hello" Maya twirls her hair around her finger looking at josh. Olivia's smile falls, only to be quickly rebuilt but it doesn't go unnoticed by topanga. "Well hello" Auggie replies, also trying to twirl his hair. Olivia bites her lip to keep a giggle inside, not being as successful as she hoped. "Auggie didn't want to miss game night" Josh says. "We never made it out of the city" Olivia adds. She and Josh were meant to be taking Auggie on a little adventure, it didn't go as planned. "Here's your money" Josh says, handing Cory a one dollar bill. Olivia pushes Maya over softly and slightly and sits down next to her with an innocent smile on her face. "This is a dollar, I gave you a hundred!" Cory exclaims. "With that kinda money you think we're not gonna by steaks?" Josh asks, Olivia keeping her innocent look on her face. Auggie rubs his stomach making Olivia laugh slightly. "You know what?" Cory says before standing up "My brotha!" "My brotha!" The brothers hug. "Listen, you're here for game night, you're family, you're in" Cory says. "What about me?" Olivia asks, batting her eyelashes. "Honey, we all know he likes your father more than me, you're family" Topanga says. "Plus when you marry josh you'll officially be family" Cory adds, earning a nod from his wife but earning a small glare from both the older teenagers. Preventing Olivia from remarking, Lucas and farkle buzz in.

"You've been replaced Matthews" Olivia pats his shoulder as she walks past him to sit on the couch. "Did you ever replace your dad?" he asks. "Nope, it's always been me and him against the world, the only person that ever came close was" she starts before josh appears behind her and rests his chin on her shoulder "Him." Cory sighs dramatically. "First Shawn replaces me with you, now Riley replaces me with them" he complains. "Don't worry, you still have your wife" Josh says. "Oh yeah, her" Cory mutters wandering to the kitchen. 

Josh sits down next to his best friend. "So, the question on everyones minds is who is your favourite" josh starts but Olivia interrupts him "My dad."  Josh rolls his eyes. "Do I even come close?" he questions. "Ish" she teases. "Still a daddys girl" he sighs. "Always have been, always will be" Olivia smiles, she had a good relationship with her dad. "Can't relate!" Cory shouts, disturbing his conversation with Riley. "Yeah because you're the father remember" Olivia replies. "Well I can't relate to Shawn then" Cory huffs. "Because he has such an amazing offspring" Olivia smirks. 

After hearing Corys explosion of annoyance towards rileys friends, Olivia and josh turn to them. "Dr turtleneck I presume" Josh says to farkle. "you just seem like a doctor to me" josh shakes his hand.  "Thank you" Farkle smiles. "Thank you" Josh replies, sitting back next to Olivia. "Howdy" she turns to Lucas with a smirk. "Don't be like Maya" Lucas sighs. A smirk rises onto Mayas face as she turns to him. "Ha hurrrrr" she smiles innocently. "Okay then" Josh says, leaning over and laying his head on Olivias shoulder. "That's my uncle josh and you know my dads friend Shawn?" Riley says. Both boys nod. "It's his daughter, Olivia." Olivia gives them a wave. "Dating?" Farkle asks. Both Josh and Olivia scoff and shake their heads. "Not yet" Riley says confidently.

Cory jumps onto the couch in a dramatic spiel causing Olivia and josh to move to separate ends of the couch. They begin speaking about the lesson Cory taught today. "I can't wait until I join your class" Olivia smiles, it sounded like so much fun. Maya took the box from him and placed it on the table, everyone setting it up. "Okay games all set up are we doing this thing or what?" Josh asks. "No" Cory folds his arms stubbornly. "Stop being a child" Olivia rolls her eyes. Cory just mimics her tone. 

"Will you be on my team uncle josh?" Auggie asks. "Try and stop me" Josh smiles. "Okay i'll stop you" Maya pulls him towards her. "He's my uncle" Auggie whines. "He's my husband" Maya says. "He's my best friend but I don't complain or steal him" Olivia mutters, unheard by anyone except josh who just sniggers slightly. "Congratulations" Auggie says, stepping back. "I'll be on your team auggs" Olivia smiles, walking over and sitting next to auggie. Just as Auggie was going to reply, the doorbell rang. Auggie jumps up and answers it, revealing Ava, his best friend and "girlfriend". "You're playing a game! Can I be on your team?" Ava asks. Auggie takes her arm and and walks in. "you're on your own liv, my womans here" he says to Olivia. "I finally know how you feel cor" Olivia says, smirking up at him. "Sure auggie, bring your woman in, let's bring in everybody, why don't we put up a sign, Matthews family game night" Cory complains. 

"Well well, looks like everyone partnered up except little ol' us" Maya says, forgetting the fact that olivia was sat alone on the chair opposite her. "I could pick you" She leans over to josh, josh clearly uncomfortable. Olivia puts her phone down and watched the interaction in amusement. She found Maya very entertaining, they were very similar. "or I could pick you" she sighs looking at Cory making Olivia giggle. Cory flutters his eyelashes as Maya turns to him. "yeah well you see, you represent homework and no fun" she says looking at Cory. "while you are so handsome it kinda makes my eyes hurt" she smiles at josh. "Okay here's what i'm gonna do" Josh says.  "I'm gonna be the game show host is what i'm gonna do, cos they stand" he stands up, Maya imitating his actions. "And they move" he walks over to Olivia. "Co-host?" he offers her his hand. "Can't do anything without me can you Matthews" She smirks, allowing him to pull her up. "you're stuck with me hunter" he shrugs. "forever" they say in unison. 

The begin reading from the box, josh holding the box while Olivia reads over his shoulder. "Get me a car and a house" Ava demands. "Sounds like you" Josh nudges his best friend smirking. "I was not that bad" Olivia folds her arms. "Oh yeah? Explain to me why you tried to flip a table when we were six?" He asks. "I was six!" Olivia exclaims. "Ahem. Game show hosts can you stop flirting and pay attention to the game" Maya says. Olivia rolls her eyes but watches them argue over who goes first. 

"Well it's been a nice evening but now I need a hug from my mama" Lucas says. "Mama?" Maya asks. "Yeah, what do you call your mom?" Lucas asks Josh. "Ma!" Josh says simply. Lucas then turns to Olivia. "Don't have one, touchy subject" She shrugs, Josh rubbing her arm in comfort. 

"How long 'til he kicks off again?" Olivia mutters to josh as Cory rolls the dice. "Not long, his daughters about to be taken, dejavoo or what" Josh answers, watching the argument go down right before their eyes. "What did I get myself into?" Olivia sighs. "You know you love us" Josh smiles, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Some of you are alright" 

"Josh! Liv!" Cory calls for help, whining. "She's not Riley Matthews anymore my brother" Josh says. "She's now mrs dr howdy turtleneck!" Olivas says, smiling at Cory. "I pick six" Ava announces. Olivia laughs slightly, she was beginning to remind her of herself. "Objection!" Topanga says. "I'm going to allow it" Josh says simply. "Why?" Topanga asks, annoyed. "Because she cracks us up" Olivia giggles. 

"I wanna go to Europe!" Ava demands. "Get off my back!" Auggie replies, banging his little hands on the table. Olivia turns to Josh with a smirk on her face. "I'll take you to Europe one day" he smiles. "You're cute" Olivia smiles. "I know" 

"Well this game just got real" Olivia announces, in her game show voice. "Will the daughter go off on her own or will the mother hold onto her forever" Josh continues in a tone matching Olivias. "Partners?" Riley says to her best friend. "Forever" Maya smiles. "Oh they're cute, they think they're better friends than us" Olivias scoffs. "There are no better friends than the iconic Joshy and Livvy" Josh smirks. Everyone else in the room just rolls their eyes. 

"You and me, let's win this thing" Topanga says to her husband. "You and me, let's win this thing" Maya says to her best friend. "You and me" Farkle says to his best friend. "I just wanna go home" Lucas sighs. "You and me, it's way past our bedtime" Auggie says to his best friend/girlfriend. They cheer. "You and me" Olivia says, linking her arm with joshes. "Forever"

"We are going to play the long game" Riley says. Everyone in the room was shocked, except for Olivia. That was more to do with the fact that she was bored than the fact she knew what was going to happen. "Dude why would you do that?" Josh asks. "Because tonight the family game is not about winning" Riley smiles. 

"Well birds are chirping, sounds of the sleepy city coming to life as the sun peaks it's smiling face" Josh says into his whisk. He moves Olivia's hair from her face and she gives him a sleepy smile. "Upon eight tired game players, one tired co host, and if auggie Matthews can roll a two, we will finally find out what happens when you win the long game." He sits down next to Olivia. Ava decides on picking two and finally topanga seems to like the girl. They all watch as the circle rises, rainbow light shining around the room. "And as everyone has joined together we see that in the long game, friends" Josh puts his arm around Olivia "Become family."

Everyone heads off, some going home, some going to their rooms, leaving Olivia and Josh sat in the front room together. The pair lay there for a while, in almost silence, Olivias head on joshes legs. "You know what Liv?" he asks, in a sleepy tone. "What?" Olivia humours him. "I think we would make a cute couple" he says, his true feelings spilling out. "You're tired" she mumbles. "So? Aren't you more honest when youre tired" He asks. "I thought it was drunk" Olivia shrugs. "Still, I think we'd be cute" he says. "How do you even know we will end up together?" she asks. "Because i'm in it for the long game"

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