Girl meets ski lodge part one

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There had been some college party, Piper and Olivia didn't attend. They would rather stay in bed, granted they stayed up until 2am watching Disney movies but still, they enjoyed it. It was nearing 10am and they were lying in a light sleep, in darkness. A knock on the door awoke both sleeping beauties. Instead of one get up, they rolled over and faced each other. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot" they said tiredly in unison. Olivia did rock whilst piper did scissors, so piper reluctantly got out of bed, "It's your boyfriend, why do I have to let him in" Piper grumbled, opening the door. "You lost girlfriend" Olivia grins teasingly.

 "Morning joshy" she smiled as piper turned on the light so they could see one another. "Morning, so fancy taking a trip this weekend?" he asked. "Where? With who?" she questioned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Cory and his class, mount sun lodge" he replies, earning a confused look from his girlfriend. "Topanga called, asking me if I wanted to chaperone their trip, nature hikes I think, wanna come?" he explains. "Nature? Walking?" she whined but realising. "Isn't that the place where a mountain girl kissed cory?" she asked eagerly. "It is" Josh smirks. "I'm in" she smiled. "Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked. "If something happened for them there, somethings happening for Riley and that there, and I want to be there" 

"So you're going up to see jay?" Olivia asked, putting the final things into her bag. "Mhm, I haven't seen him since summer" Piper sighs. "Aww" Olivia comes, as josh asks in. "Why are you awwing?" he asks, mimicking her. "Pipers going to see jay after not seeing him for like...2 months or something like that" Olivia doesn't bother doing the maths, she wasn't very good at it anyways. "Since summer" Piper explains, as josh looks a little lost. "Got it, have fun, we need to go" he picks up her bag. "To mount sun lodge!" Olivia exclaims. "No, to their school" Josh corrects. "Ugh, boring" She rolls her eyes, Turing around and hugging her friends. "Have fun" they singsong in unison. They both giggle, Olivia following josh out. "Bye piper" Josh calls. "Bye!"

"Bets on he's doing a human nature lecture?" She asks as they walk through a quiet school. "We both know he is" Josh laughs. "We got this completely under control Matthews, my human nature is completely under control  and there's nothin' or nobody who could ever change that" They hear Maya tell cory. "Go" Olivia pushes her boyfriend into the room, following behind him once she had picked up their bags. "Hey kiddies" Josh smiles, walking in. "Hi" Olivia grins. "I'm wrong" Maya giggles, Olivia giving her a look. "Sorry" she smiles innocently. "Here we go" Olivia mutters, sitting down on the desk, used to mayas silly little crush. "You're my chaperone?" Maya asks. 

"I invited him" Topanga states, walking in. "I love you!" Maya exclaims. "I invited her" Josh smiles, looking over at his girlfriend who returned his smile. "I'm coming too" Topanga smiles at the class. "I invited her, i'm smart" Cory smiles proudly, standing in front of Olivia without meaning to. She hits his side, making him squeal and jump out of the way. "We'll be watching over you" Topanga continues, a friendly smile on her face as she spoke. "My names josh and i'll be with you all day and night so no monkey business" Josh introduces himself. Maya makes monkey noises, making Olivia roll her eyes but smile. Cory gestures to Olivia. "Oh, you all know me I think, but i'm Olivia, now to the mount sun lodge!" she exclaims, jumping down from the desk with a grin. 

"Riley, how did you fall off the bus?" Olivia asks, as she helps her in with Lucas. "Who does that?" Lucas asks. "Nobody" Maya answers. "Ooh! Bay window! Bay window right now" Riley exclaims, pulling her friends over whilst olivia waits for josh to come in and just watched from afar. 

"Hey, did anyone else feel like Mr. Matthews' nature lecture was completely pointed at us?" Lucas asks. "Isn't everything?" Olivia says from her position where she leant against the wall.  "Hey, we put the brakes on the whole triangle thing so that Maya could find herself" Riley smiles. "Yes. I needed to find myself, you Cactus Pete Huckleberry horseback-ridin' Ranger Rick. Hah-hurrr, hah hugghhrr, hah hugghhrr-hugghhrr!" Maya smirks in Lucas's face. "And she's back..." "And we're back on." Lucas nods but then realises. "Yeah, except for one other thing" he states, as josh walks through the door. "Hey, Boing has nothing to do with this, okay? He's just a fantasy. You don't go out with a fantasy. You only think about him all the time, Plus he has a girlfriend.  What's the matter with you?" Maya grabs Lucas's shirt and tells him firmly. "Yeah, I'm real messed up" Lucas rolls his eyes slightly. 

Olivia walks over and wraps her arms around josh waist she he hugged her, she liked attention. "When's the first nature hike, dreamboat?" Smackle asks, making Olivia scoff. "Smackle, do you even know who this is?" Farkle questions his girlfriend. "He's Olivias boyfriend and Mayas boing." Smackle states, she wasn't wrong. "Then why would you call him dreamboat?" Farkle asks. Oliiv gestures to josh dramatically. "Look at him!" Smackle and Olivia say in unison. 

"Okay, while Cory and Topanga are checking us in, let me welcome you all to Mount Sun Lodge, where we are here to turn our thoughts away from our indoor relationships and towards our relationships with the outdoors" Josh says, forgetting the fact that he had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend. Everyone looks around. "Yeah, I don't think so, Cub Scout" Zay says, making Olivia giggle. "You brought them here on Couples Weekend?" Topanga asks. "Of course I did." Cory sighs. 

 "'Nature Sez: Tree's A crowd.'" Zay reads from the board. "Huh." Riley says awkwardly. "'Moonlight Walk: Triangle Trail.'" Smackle reads, smirking slightly. "Huh." Maya nods. "'Riley, Maya, Lucas: Enough Already!' Huh." Farkle reads, as he clicks the lid onto his pen. 

After the hike, Olivia grew bored and began scanning through the movies. "Whatcha doing?" Josh asks, scaring her slightly. She smiled up at him, "Movie night?" Josh nods, taking the movies she had out on the floor next to her and looking through them. "Rubbish choice, I know" she sighs, walking out, unknowingly disrupting and helping Lucas out of the triangle mess. "Movie night!" the couple exclaims. "Movie night!" Lucas repeats. "Coward! " Maya and Riley exclaim in the same tone. "I know." Lucas sighs.  

"All right, we got a bunch to pick from, so let's see what we got here" Josh says to the younger teens. "I want a spy thriller. Two spies in love with lots of danger." Maya calls, looking over at them as the triangle walk over to the fireplace. "Why does it always gotta be danger with you?" Lucas asks, looking at the blonde beauty. 

"Romance! I want to cry my eyes out! Boy meets girl, boy stays with girl, nothing bad happens. The end" Riley chokes up over her description. Olivia gives her a strange look. "Okay, so dangerous life with you and crying my eyes out with you. That's what we got here? No other choices?" Lucas questions. "Oh, believe me, the story of your lives is better than whatever we got here" Olivia answers. 

"Okay, well, if we're actually gonna decide this, then we should imagine what our lives would be like together" Lucas sighs, sitting down. "Okay. Here's ours" Maya smirks, then she explains what their life would be like together, very dramatically. 

"This isn't how it would be!" Riley exclaims. "You're just jealous that our lives together would be action and adventure and Lucas and I would save the world" Maya shrugs. "You'd... you'd tear each other into pieces" Riley states, it was true. They then notice everyone was watching them, intently. "What are y'all looking at?" Maya asks, looking back at them. "You." Farkle answers.  "We've been watching this thing for the past two years" Smackle continues. "Wanna see how it ends" Olivia finishes. "You think we'd tear each other to pieces?" Maya turns back to her best friend. "Yeah, I can see it." Lucas admits. "Stop helping her." Maya grabs his shirt. "This doesn't need any help. I know you two. I know how this ends" Riley states, truthfully. 

"Maya, we'd rather argue with each other than save the world" Lucas comments once Maya had finished. "Wah-wah" Maya rolls her eyes. "Well, there's a new world now. My world. And it's fabulous" Riley grins, dramatically.  "Yeah? What's it look like?" Lucas asks. Riley then goes on to explain her world. 

Once she finishes, they all clap. "Wait, no, stop. None of that is what's going to happen." Riley stops them. "We care about each other too much to let anything like that happen, right?" Maya smiles. "I hope so." "We do. So, I hope you guys aren't looking for some big fight..." Riley starts.  "'Cause there isn't gonna be one" Maya finishes, like usual. "But we wanted one!" Zay exclaims, standing up dramatically. "They already said there isn't gonna be one." Farkle stands up aswell. "But I wanted one!" Zay repeats. "You wanna have one?" "Yeah!" " No."  "Boy, that was a quick one" 

Olivia grows bored and follows josh over to the corner. "Im going upstairs" she smiled. "Going to sleep?" he asked. "don't know, i'm probably gonna speak to piper" she shrugs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Okay" josh smiles, hugging her. "Goodnight" she smiles, pecking his lips. "Night" 

So the long game has taken a trip, will the change of scenery bring changes in the game?

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