Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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First and foremost, I just want to give some attention to my friend for needing a good fanfic on wattpad to read and enjoy, so this one's for her. This story is made up of her ideas, so she basically made the plot while I wrote about it and filled in the gaps. Feel free to list any other fanfics for people to check out (if having the same problem).

As for everyone else, I hope it's worth the read! Enjoy!

Deku leaned against the wall in a narrow alleyway, a broken pipe leaking nearby.

Just only moments ago, he met with a face that offered him a tempting proposition.

"Join the league of villains," it said.

"What even was his quirk," Deku mumbled, lightly but impatiently tapping his notebook with his pencil. "It probably wasn't a good idea limiting the things I said to him."

The teenage boy had on a black hoodie that protectively hid his torso, and equally loose pants to match. If anything, he blended well with people his age, but definitely didn't give way for any of his memorable features. And yet still, it looks like his identity yet again caused some unwanted attention.

He already knew of the man's personality, given his reaction when Deku had declined. That alone made it hard to believe he was the one calling the shots.

"Hand quirk or hand fetish? That's the real question," Deku thought aloud.

Whatever. It didn't really matter now, the man was long gone. Deku was just being realistic. His hand cult— or whatever it was— clearly had different motives than his own. People like that should never mix.

He flipped the page of his notebook, over to his main adjective. Who could forget? He had a childhood friend to be reunited with.

Smirking, he closed the very notebook Bakugou had blew into pieces: No.13, Hero Addition. Or at least, it used to focus on only heroes, but now he uses the back pages for other interesting quirks. He didn't keep it for no reason at all. The notebook itself just reminded him of.... well, himself. If his very existence can be of use, then so can the thing Kacchan tried to destroy.

"We were both toys to my only friend, weren't we?"

Closing it, he then covered his face with the hood of his black hoodie. He had to get moving. If he heard correctly, today was the day of the entrance exam. Though there was obviously no use in making sure he was shooting for THAT school, the green haired boy could never make a bold move without confirming it.

So as the sun rose, he walked, towards the school of heroes, Yuuei (or UA, whatever floats your boat 🤷‍♀️).

The late morning was as vibrant as he had expected it to be. The soft breeze ruffled his messy hair, as he inspected the many people walking towards the tall building. However, there was no sight of his only target.

"Weird," he whispered, deciding to get a closer look. If he really wasn't there, it was safe to say that he wouldn't really have to worry about getting caught.

However, stepping down proved to be a big mistake. Deku's shoulder was grabbed, as he was shoved into a brick wall. Killer instincts, just what he was rightfully wary of.

His hoodie was ripped off, but the quirk analyzer was smarter than that. Before he had left the rooftop, he had put on one of his famous disguises that he used for previous identity fraud.

Deku only glared at the tall boy in front of him as he started to shake him for answers. "You really have balls, coming to spy on Yuuei alone! If you wanna die so bad, I'll send you straight to hell!"

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