Closure Pt. 1

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(The closure has been split into 2 parts, due to it being so long.)

[A Few Hours Ago]

"Would he really go that far?" Deku wondered.

".... It's not entirely Shigaraki's decision," Toga's hands dug deeper into her pockets. "The guy honestly hates your guts. He'd prefer you much better dead than anything else."

"Of course he would, that I actually believe."

An idea that had been clouded in Deku's mind finally regained it's well deserved attention. "Oh, right! Someone in a higher position than him!"

He's been so busy with making sure everything fell into place, that he forgot to look into that specific detail! It didn't help that the older male didn't act as childish as he did the first time that they met, even if it was just briefly. Then it wouldn't have slipped his mind as easily.

His brightened expression, which soon turned into a worried one, was finally visible. "Thank you Toga! ...But what about you? Will you be okay?"

The girl smiled. "It isn't the first time I've been on the run! If it even comes to that!"

He nodded. "I'll make sure to use the information you gave me!"

He stopped himself from walking away for a moment, and looked in Toga's direction. "Also. I'll make it up to you. Somehow."

He left, and clearly, it took a lot out of her not to chase after him.

[Present; Mid Afternoon]

All Might dialed a number on his contact list hastily, while tapping his finger on the table impatiently. He was sitting alone in the teacher's lounge, while everyone else was outside dealing with the press.

"Hello, Gran Torino, can you hear me?" He said in a whisper.

A voice on the other end replied. "Yeah Yeah.... who is this?"

"It's Toshinari!"

"Right! Sorry about that..."

There was a pause, but the tired male waited patiently for the elder to finish his sentence.

"...Why are you calling me?"

"Because your advice was a total disaster!" All Might criticized, shaking his head. "I understand that I'm one of Bakugou's teachers, but I feel like I should have just went to talk to this boy Izuku Midoriya personally."

"And do the same thing that the police already did?" Grand Torino questioned. "Look. I know you're impulsive and like to take action but think logically! What happened last night wasn't your fault!"

"...You're right, instead I should try to help the police right now," All Might decided. "If they can't get their amount of cases under control, then more heroes would have to be on standby."

He could tell Torino was pleased by his grunt of approval. "That'll at least keep you occupied. I won't keep you on the phone."

The phone hung up in the hero's hand, and he stood up. He had to leave it to the police with finding Bakugou, as having a hero in a search team would bring too much attention. The only thing he could think to do now would be helping them with anything else. He looked out the window, noticing a green haired boy being spoken to by Mr.Aizawa.

[That Evening; The Broadcast]

"Your presence here is surprising, considering all the things gone wrong that Yuuei was responsible for." the interviewer grumbled.

Besides him, it was clear to say that there were hundreds of people who felt the same way, and were watching from afar. Like both Deku and Shigaraki hoped. Everyone was now starting to see that just because someone is categorized as a hero, doesn't mean that they can be trusted with someone's life.

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