Chapter 2 - A Trip to the Past

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The small boy stormed into the house, only the day after learning what would permanently label him as an outcast.

"Mom, Kacchan is out of control!" He cried. "He keeps hurting people with his quirk!"

His mother came by, trying to reduce is squalling by stroking his hair. "Slow down Izuku, tell me what happened from the beginning."

When he started to explain in a more controlled tone, his mom nodded slowly.

"Izuku, there are times when you have to hold your friend accountable for his and everyone else's wellbeing. He doesn't know it yet, but his attitude might effect him long term. That wouldn't be very heroic, now would it?"

The small boy knew that he wasn't telling his mother the entire story. He always said that Kacchan was a good friend of his, and that they always got along when she asked. But that was a gigantic lie. In reality, he allowed Kacchan to batter him senseless everyday in recess, and learned very quickly through it all that if he complained, it'd be even worse for him.

Instead of taking her advice, he kicked at the crumbled rock he just tried to preserve. He let Kacchan continue doing whatever he wanted to. He even let him rule Deku's own world, because he was just so in awe by his 'friend's' senseless leadership and strong-willed personality. He still is admired by it.

His eyes shot open, discovering that he must of dozed off. With his notebook planted face down in his chest, it rose and fell gradually in response to his own breathing. A hand hand stretched out in front of him to confirm he was fully awake. He started at it groggily.

"..She was right about one thing," Midoriya sighed, sitting up.

He never changed, because there was no one to reach out to him.

"I should have tried harder. I should have spoke louder, stood taller. At least that would have made all of the beatings worth it. But at least if this plan is a success, everyone will see him for what he really is. Realistically, this is really all I can do at this point. There's really no changing what he is now, but maybe it was always meant to come to this."

Whether it made him a villain or not, it didn't matter. What would anyone know before it was all said and done? Bakugou's personally done too much to be seen as what he thinks he wants to be: a hero. But of course, that didn't mean Deku hated his ambition any less.

He closed his notebook, pondering the next step of his operation.

"UA will most likely open around the same time as regular schools, so maybe then...."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, vigorously shaking his head. Whether it was his foggy mind from his coma state or simply needing a change of space, he seriously couldn't think about this right now.

So instead, he searched for the time at the corner of his opened laptop screen.

With an inaudible sigh, he lazily shuffled to his wardrobe closest, when the tall doors creaked open, he couldn't help a small smile.

As much as his heists were a dangerous game..

"I could use the intense cardio."

The sky had gotten dark enough for the common criminal to lower their guard against patrolling, as Midoriya himself noted for his own good. Although with hidden eyes watching from a wide range of corners, he couldn't help but hope they found interest elsewhere.

His tracks stopped by a closed garage, rapping the cheap metal a couple of times before waiting for a response.

A rough male voice mumbled incoherently, sounding from the other side. "Name?"

Anonymous - Villain Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now