Chapter 11 - Action [Part.1]

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[I prepared a long chapter due to my absence.]

The files of every student investigated laid in the hands of the principal, who had just finished reading through them all.

The one in charge of the case was of course there to hear the wise animal's thoughts. "So, what do you think?"

"My thoughts may be odd compared to Bakugou's," Nezu wanted to know what his student was thinking. "He is the one this case revolves around."

In response to this, the officer pulled out Izuku Midoriya's file.

"Is this the person he's so focused on?" Nezu tilted his head.

"Yeah. They've known each other for a long time. He doesn't seem to feel anything negative towards Bakugou much like the other students. And was so open that it's hard to believe he was cherry picking the right words to say."

"Interesting. Does he have proof?" The principal pondered.

"No, but it's hard to sway his set opinion."

The principal sighed, taking a sip of his tea. "Then perhaps we can resume this talk after the first years leave for training camp. I wouldn't want to risk one of our students hearing this when they're supposed to be focused on that!"

A knock came from the door.

"Please, come in!"

All Might cautiously opened the door, but the mouse ushered him to take the only other open seat.

"Thank you for coming."

"I still don't get why I'm here myself," All Might pulled on his collar. "I picked up some of your conversation before I knocked, and noticed you were speaking of young Bakugou and the training camp. Assuming you're talking to me about the training camp, I can't really do much myself for the students if I'm not even there."

"Oh no, we'll be talking about Bakugou specifically," Nezu smiled. "He is equally your student as he is mine."

The blond rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not exactly the right person to get through to that kid."

"He wants to be the number one hero All Might. If there is anyone here he should at least listen to, it's you," Nezu articulated. "I'm not saying that his mother won't talk to him, but I do want you to also find out what you can about this Izuku Midoriya from him."

"Would he really be able to tell me something like that though....."

"Even his mother thinks having you be involved in all this will set the most comfortable environment for him," The principal folded his paws. "There's a chance he won't of course, but the police department can still move on to phase 2."

Searching the suspects' homes.

[Early Morning]

Deku walked to the location of the bar, with only the hand written address to be his guide. Using a GPS or such was too risky, especially if the police his already starting to track everywhere he goes besides his home. The bar was empty when he arrived, or so he thought. Toga sprung her head up from behind the bar table, where you would usually find Kurogiri polishing his wine glasses.

"Hi Deku, it looks like we're the only ones who decided to come!" Toga giggled, waving her hand.

"Precisely, you're both early," Kurogiri chimed in, walking from the back. "Shigaraki doesn't have anything to say to you both that only you need to hear, so you're welcome to go elsewhere until everyone else gets here. As long as you aren't too far from here, I can bring you back when the time is ripe."

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