Chapter 7 - Stain

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The police station carried the conversation based on the details they already had.

[Sometime in the past]

"You sure that we had the wrong house?"

"I think so. Plus, we checked the kid's school records, he didn't seem to know Bakugou for a long while."

"It's still long enough," another debated, pointing to one detail on the paper. "All throughout middle school."

"We still can't necessarily jump to conclusions. There's what the principal said about there being more than one person in on this, and then the possibility that it wasn't even the right house."

"Then shouldn't we focus on the principal's theory for now? I don't see how we can even begin to attempt to track the right house. The first that comes to mind is the school he currently goes to."

"Still, how are only the five of us going to do that? There are over hundreds of people that go to that school and we have to separate them by who knows the kid (Bakugou)."

"Then? Wouldn't they allow us to add more people to our team?"

"I don't think so. The majority of everyone else is working on that mysterious villain case around here. The one that goes right into stores, and is rumored to always vanish with the cash he stole (Deku). Now that I think about it, there's also another guy who avoids getting caught. The only difference is that he's in Hosu and he murders people."

"Hm. Well instead of getting distracted, we might as well start organizing the documents. We don't have that much time."

[Present Time]

It was sometime after the sports festival, so Deku suspected that students were already off to their internships. But that wasn't his concern.

He read the newspapers, which were currently on about the 'Big Bad' Hero Killer Stain in Hosu. You could say that Deku was touched by his motives, even with the mention of his body count (which was of course estimated).

He couldn't be too distracted. Though with Bakugou gone and his plans on standby, he admitted he needed a mystery to solve (AKA a break). He wondered what Hosu looked like in person.

Today happened to be the night he was leaving. That question was at least going to be answered.

The train was already halfway there, and he found himself looking down at his phone once more. Sometimes he thinks about all of the bad things he's done, and how karma was going to punish him for it. He half-expected a text from his mother, letting him know that she was safe and sound in Musutafu. He never got that text, and in defeat put his phone way.

"She's fine," he reassured himself, plopping his head against the seat.

She had to be. She was one of the things he had left.

He looked out the window.

The night was dark enough to not worry too much about disguises. His hair looked to be almost black on it's own, and his hood got the job done decently enough until he could actually get off of the train.

"Hopefully the police around my region are occupied enough to not have started investigating already."

Testing his physical abilities with crime runs served 2 purposes. Not only would it heighten his senses and give him more room to improve, but it also would serve as a higher priority to police than Bakugou's case.

But the real question was how long would the police be distracted...?

A sudden crash interrupted his chain of thought, and his immediate response was to study the people around him.

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