Chapter 15 - Crisis

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[I'm giving y'all longer chapters since I feel like I don't do you guys justice.]

The phone rang in the man's hand, as he leaned against the police car he came in.

A voice soon answered the phone call. "....Hello?"

He looked hesitantly at his partner, who only ushered him to get on with it.

He cleared his throat. "How's your end?"

"It's... decent. Actually, it's a good thing you called me," his coworker at the other end of the phone cut to the chase. "The thing is... we're off the case."

"W-what?! How could this be!" He replied, jumping from his comfortable position.

"What do you think I mean?" The man on the phone sighed. "We took too long. There are other things that need attention. The principal of UA thought it would be better for the police force to do this anyway. The investigation team has been narrowed down to only 2 people now."

"Only.... 2...? Will that really be enough? How about the discoveries that aren't documented yet?"

"Maybe they'll have you fill out a record... but other than that, I wouldn't expect any further updates on it whatsoever. Anyway, you should come back to the police station to find out what your next assignment is."

He hung up the phone immediately after his words, leaving his work associate thunderstruck by the new discovery.

The policeman with him took one last look at the Midoriya household, before his friend caught him up on the newly found orders.

[Training Camp.]

"Compress! Didn't expect you'd be around this area," Toga confessed, walking to greet him as he landed.

Deku was about to join her, but a hand had grabbed his pant leg. It wasn't just anyone's hand either. The grip was firm and solid, and to his surprise, the one behind it was at most only slightly awake.

He frowned immensely. "Uraraka..."

He couldn't just leave her like that. What was he thinking anyway?! His attention should have been naturally drawn to her the moment she used her quirk, not this late! ...But at least now his mind was clear on what to do.

He laid both Uraraka and Asui on a tree, the upper parts of their body leaning against it.

"Huh?! Deku, what are you doing?!" Toga pouted, pointing her knife at him.

He ignored her, making sure the two were stabilized before attempting to retreat. However, the girl gripped even tighter onto Deku's hoodie sleeve.

Though slowly, Midoriya's hands soon rested softly on hers, unsure if it would be the solution.

She finally let go.

To Uraraka, though doing it unconsciously, it was muscle memory for how she attempted to reach for him that day.

As he stood, Toga tilted her head. "What was that all about?"

"Oh! It's nothing!" He reassured, scratching the back of his head.

"How odd for such an infamous villain, hm?" The magician voiced, clutching his staff that rested on his shoulder. "But anyway, I take that you're both ready?"

"Lead the way," the two said in sync.

The 2 marbles he played with reappeared in his hands.

"Bakugou, dodge!" Todoroki warned, backing away from the enemy as much as he could deem possible. "This guy's dangerous!"

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