Chapter 12 - Action [Part.2]

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All Might waited for the boy to come out and speak with him, but always caught himself losing the main focus.

"M-maybe the conversation will carry itself naturally," he mumbled, fiddling with his thumbs.

A few students walked by as he waited, but when he raised his head, he found that no student was in sight anymore.

He sighed, standing up and dusting off his pants.

"I guess young Bakugou already went home," Toshinari assumed, about to leave himself.


The tall hero turned around, stopping in his tracks. "Y-young Bakugou!"

"You wanted to talk to me, and yet you're walking in the wrong direction!" Bakugou scoffed. "I didn't walk all the way here to play games!"

"S-sorry," All Might emphasized, and sat right back at the spot he waited in. "I only thought you went home with your other classmates."

Bakugou continued to stand with sloppy posture, but All Might could tell he was listening.

"I was only wondering if you could tell me more about your former classmate," Toshinari began. "Of course if you're comfortable--"

"So that's what you're whining about," Bakugou interjected. "What's it to you anyway? The police can't do their damn job?"

"It's my concern, as your teacher," All Might's voice suddenly became clearer and direct, leaving Bakugou to only hear the rest of his words. "You've been focused less on your classes young man, I've heard so from Aizawa. The sooner this is figured out the less of a burden it'll be for you."

The student's hands dug deeper into his pockets, and his chin dropped to the point where his face was completely covered. "What do I have to tell you that you don't already know?"

"..The police are being more pushy and insist on starting their search to wrap this case up," All Might sighed. "They want their forces to focus more attention on new villains instead of a goose chase. Knowing that, I think you should know everything that that needs to be said."

He wanted the story from his student's perspective. Another mystery that remained unknown due to the student's stubbornness.

Bakugou sneered. "...Makes sense. 'It'd be bad if the public found out because we're so damn incompetent,' right?"

"That's a... unique way of putting it," Toshinari replied, keeping his degrading tone in mind. "But the right idea."

After a short breeze passed them, he spoke.

"We went to school together for as long as I can remember. He was always below me, trying to surpass me but knowing full well that it was impossible."

"Why was it impossible?"

"Because it just was!" The student gave a harsh reply. "I'm just that good. Whoever doesn't know that much is an idiot. Do you want to hear the damn story or not?"

The teacher felt like there would be a piece missing if he left it at that, but still let Bakugou continue without a fuss anyway.

He needed to know as much as he could, before Bakugou felt the need to shut everyone out again.

"He eventually stopped being an annoying pest, but I could tell he was always watching me from a distance. It was so fucking annoying. And now, he thinks he's found a way to dominate me!"

All Might touched his own forehead, trying to sort out Bakugou's unnecessary comments to get the actual gist. "So, you think this is his way of getting back at you?"

"It has to be!"

"Are you sure?" the man asked.

Bakugou didn't immediately respond to his concern. In fact, he was noticeably startled by the simple question.
What if he was wrong and it did ended up being some other bastard?

He clenched his fists, frustrated that he couldn't give an answer for certain.

All Might crossed his arms sternly. "I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just making sure you know how sensitive an accusation can be. I'll talk it out with the principal, and if he does budge he'll make sure your theory is addressed as soon as possible."

As he walked near Bakugou to leave, he said one last thing. "If there's anything more to discuss, it'll be after your time at the training camp. We are all here to help you, but you're partly responsible for the productivity of this case. I can only encourage you not leave anything out."

The student scoffed, striding his way out after All Might had gone far ahead of him.

"Like the police doesn't already know he's quirkless."

The hero stopped in his tracks.

[Training Camp: Before Ambush]

The sky darkened, leaving nothing but the stars to hang over the students. Aoyama placed a gentle hand on Uraraka's shoulder, which further showed her uneasiness.

He removed his hand. "Sorry. Did I startle you?"

"No, it isn't you at all!" She smiled reassuringly. "Just excited for the activity they're going to make us do. Yeah, that's it!"

"You sure Ochako? You've been like this ever since that mall incident, ribbit," Asui commented.

"It's hard to care that much about a stranger," she insisted weakly, crossing her arms. They guarded her tossing stomach.

"Are you kidding?" Mina disagreed, touching her shoulder reassuringly. "You're like, the most caring person we know--!"

The group saw Kota run past, going deeper in the forest.

Todoroki also noticed. "I guess he's off again."

"...Again? This isn't the first time?" Mina questioned.

"He's been doing it since day one," Todoroki shrugged. "I don't think it's a big deal. He probably feels suffocated considering we share this space with him."

His words made sense, and it gave them a further reason to just leave him be.

"Oh, and Uraraka, you never really talked about this boy. Sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable," Todoroki continued. "Green hair, right?"

The girl's grip on her arms tightened. "..His face.. I don't remember. Was it green hair?"

His hood was clearly ripped from his face, making it visible to her. However, that wasn't the memory she remembered. The act of him being taken by Shigaraki played in her mind, causing her to slightly flinch. She thought of herself as an idiot for not recognizing the villain in plain sight soon enough. To ask him if he associated with such a cruel person...

"I hope he's okay..."

No one could say anything more about the stranger given her concern, which left all sorts of questions to linger in their heads.

A harsh breeze passed everyone outside, some shivering in response.

"Am I the only one who feels cold all of a sudden?" Asui mumbled.

"Ashido," Aizawa called, walking towards the group. "Did you already forget about what I said?"

Before she could reply, Aizawa used his capturing tool to drag the girl inside.

"Wait! But sir, they didn't even start yet!"

She glanced at the group for help.

Aoyama waved fabulously to her departure, with Uraraka to only chuckle.

"Looks like Mina couldn't find a loophole afterall, that really sucks!"

"Maybe this activity will turn into some exciting story she'll want to hear about later, ribbit," Asui evoked. "Come on, I think they're starting soon."

Only Todoroki noticed that Bakugou was looking in their direction.

But what remained untold to everyone, was the fact that a faint smoke started to rise above the tall trees from afar.

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