Chapter 10 - Preparation [Part.2]

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The two landed right inside of the bar, with all the close members sitting inside.

All eyes were on them.

"Nice to meet ya new member!" Twice greeted. "Whose this punk, Toga?"

Toga patted Twice's head, knowing to leave the speaking to Shigaraki.

To which he finally got to. "So what do we have here? Finally giving up your solo stage?"

"Don't get the wrong idea," Deku warned. "From what I decided myself, I'm only working with you this one time. Unlike the last offer you gave me, we're both benefiting from this."

The man dragged his fingernail along the bar table as he strided to their current guest, causing an unpleasant sound as a result. "Is that so?"

"Admit it. Toga didn't tell me the name of the student you're kidnapping, but it's Katsuki Bakugou, isn't it?"

Shigaraki didn't reply, and his eyes continued to bore into the shorter boy's slightly brighter ones.

Deku continued. "Everyone saw him during the sports festival. It was the perfect and only event that really showed the public what lengths each student would go to make an impression. I can imagine a great amount of people also have the same idea about him. Having villains go as far as to target him would make civilians have even more doubts about his true nature."

He scanned the room. Everyone was still enough for him to assume they were listening at least the slightest. But what he didn't know, was that another person he didn't notice was listening in.

"In other words, I see your plan making a huge impact. That's why I'm here."

"So at the end of the day, you still think that you're some big shot who thinks you have control over everything." 

"Maybe so, but this will still be a big step towards both of our goals. Nothings stopping you from hating my guts."

Their eyes glared into the others.

Deku lent his hand out. "Isn't that right, Shigaraki?"

[Yuuei High School]

"Settle down, I need to add something following the exams you all completed," Mr.Aizawa announced in a monotone voice.

Noticing the select few that failed weren't completely unengaged, he continued.

"As for the camp that you and class 1-B will be training at, everyone gets to go, even the ones that happened to fail one of the 2."

"Yippe!" Mina yelled, jumping out of her seat.

"Alright!" Sero said with her, pumping his fist in the air.

Iida banged his desk with his fist in frustration, wishing to have known this sooner so that he could have properly set the class in the right mood.

"However," their homeroom teacher continued. "Failure.... is still failure."



Failure, what a funny thing.

Deku did sit ups in his room after being told the plan will be reviewed the day of.

At what lengths would someone go to make sure they were successful? How much would they sacrifice? Did Deku sacrifice enough?

His mind flashed back to the run in Toga helped him with. How would he know if his manpower was good enough?

After he was done, he checked his drawer for anything besides his clothes he could use to protect some parts of his body, like knee guards. He was hoping that he had all that he was looking for, but his resources were cut slightly shorter than he hoped.

Though Deku anticipated it? Or maybe something else...

He sighed, putting on a jacket and a mask. "Mom, I'm going out for a few minutes!"

It was going to be a quick visit, so he just covered his face instead of using a disguise.

As she yelled back, he walked out the door. "Okay! Don't stay out too late sweetie!"

He took a taxi to the mall, hoping to find more things that would be useful other than what he was looking for. He noticed a group of students dispersing, leaving an ambiguous girl to ponder which store to go in first.

When she turned around, he noticed that she wore the Yuuei school uniform.

He passed by her in order to get to his first destination. From there, his eyes then caught a store that was selling Stain merchandise. It surprised him so much that he tripped, but the girl he noticed earlier was there to catch him midair.

He would of expected that she chose a store to go in by now, but apparently that wasn't the case.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't exactly ask for permission before doing something like that," Uraraka released the boy after he was right side up. "I hope you're okay though!"

"I'm fine," Deku laughed it off clutching his bags. "I recognize you from the sports festival."

"You dropped your... skating gear?" she then waved her hands defensively. "I'm being too nosy aren't I?"

"No, it's ok, and they're not exactly for skating," Deku smiled, tapping on the hard part of the equipment that was sewed into the fabric. "I guess a klutz like me finds a use for these huh?"

"At least you won't get hurt as much!" Uraraka cheered, almost forgetting that she came with her classmates.

Their exchange continued, and the girl also managed to pull him out of what motivated him, what drove him to piling so many crimes thus far in his lifetime. It was like he finally had a social life, and was able to talk openly without having the things he was previously put down for cross his mind. He could finally have a good memory with someone (other than his mom) at least once in his life. This is was he's been missing.

"Oh.... how lucky."

His smile dropped, and he slowly turned his head towards the person that owned the 3 fingers that were placed on his shoulder, the culprit's other hand ripping off Midoriya's hood.

"I knew that voice was familiar. I couldn't stop thinking about our last chat. This couldn't have been anymore perfect..! Oh. You seem... busy."

His cold eyes landed on Uraraka, and a chill went right down her spine. He of course wanted her gone.

Deku gulped, his eyes shifting to Uraraka in worry. "N-not at all!"

"Exactly what everyone in this mall wants to hear. You wouldn't want any noise attracting any unwanted guests now would you?"

Shigaraki knew just how to threaten him. If a cop were to take him in as a prime suspect for one of Shigaraki's murders and saw that he was already on another case, it's Deku that they'll start to doubt, not Bakugou.

"Wait! Is he your friend?!" Uraraka yelled. She tried to follow them, but the 2 completely blended with the crowd when they took too many steps away from her.

After finally processing why the taller male looked familiar, her vision started to spin in circles. Even when she could feel herself getting lightheaded, she was still able to sprint in the opposite direction, and beg as loud as she could to get an officer's attention.

He thought he could have a social life like people his age, Uraraka gave him hope.

Deku calmed down, and focused on the reason why Shigaraki was around these parts. Business was business, however his thoughts still lead him elsewhere.

But of course... something was always ready to pull him away from it. Maybe this was just his wakeup call.

"You seem to be getting comfortable."

Deku's crestfallen expression fixated to a glare, throwing his hood back over his head. "Comfortable? Don't make me laugh. Yuuei means nothing to me, let alone their students."

The last thing he needed was for the man to find some other way of intimidating him. He noticed himself putting multiple facades at once to protect his peace.

No one should discover the things he felt that day.

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