Chapter 8 - An Offer Against Heroes

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[I AM INCREDIBLY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I published it around 5 close to 6, but then I unpublished it because I saw something I had to fix. In short this all happened because my phone died, and clearly my laptop doesn't like me as it didn't republish the chapter. Lesson learned, I'm using my phone from now on for that publish button. Enjoy!]

Todoroki and Iida were transported to Hosu hospital after the incident.

The bicolored boy made sure to also include the detail about Stain having an accomplice.

"I can imagine that there are many supporters of Stain, woof," the police chief responded to Todoroki's report. "It's likely that they simply met each other that night."

"But shouldn't you focus on him too? He assisted the very person that wanted to kill Iida and that other hero."

"It's alright Todoroki, in some way Stain was actually right about me. I need to make sure something like this doesn't happen again, as the class rep!"

"Don't be mistaken, the boy you saw that night won't be neglected either. But for now, you both should rest and leave the rest to me and your supervisors."

While the days went by, the League of Villains only started to build their army.

Shigaraki scratched his neck furiously. "It doesn't make any sense! Why was that brat there with Stain?"

Kurogiri placed a glass of water in front of him. "Perhaps Stain's goals align with him more than they do with us."

"Still, we practically do the same thing! What made him on the front page and deemed better than my nomus?!"

The stool he was sitting on turned to face his new recruit.

"...Whatever. If he's a supporter of Stain like you are, then this should be easy. He'll definitely have an interest in what we're going to do next. Tell him I'm giving him only 2 days to decide."

The girl perked up. "Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"

Deku ran from the establishment, sharply turning right. Sometimes, the job was just too easy. But not this time. Usually only heroes ranked after top 50 tried to tail him, but he was surprised to see more well-known heroes start to acknowledge his existence. They must have been stationed around the area, expecting him to strike.

He couldn't obtain too much personal experience with how meddling heroes with more experience would be, but being familiar with their news appearances was enough.

He found the upper part of his body twist on instinct, dodging the liquid shooting from the hero's palm. If he remembered correctly, the liquid, his quirk, causes the living thing it touches to be paralyzed.

"This is your only warning before this gets violent, villain!"

He turned around, exposing his knife to swat away the scorching hot magnet shooting towards him. When more magnets started to overwhelm him at once, he started towards them, blocking less and dodging more to cover more ground as quick as possible. Otherwise, his weapon wouldn't have been able to survive the heat.

Going in between the 2 heroes, his knife deeply sliced the magnet manipulator's side. He then side kicked his chest, after realizing he could very easily switch to close combat. He crashed against the wall.

Before he could address the liquid hero, he felt complete numbness from his shoulder to his fingertips. Luckily, it wasn't the dominant arm in charge of gripping his knife.

In alarm, Deku kicked back against the sidewalk to gain more distance between them, which ended up saving his abdomen from being the hero's next victim.

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