Chapter 9 - Preparation [Part.1]

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The next week of school involved the police wandering around the building. Not mindlessly.

"Are you Izuku Midoriya?"

Deku's eyes shifted from his locker to meet one of the police officers that asked for other students.

He flashed a nervous smile, clutching his notebook. "T-that's me..?"

This would be the first time the police made any move with their suspects. He needed to act surprised.

The police officer looked him up and down, and immediately let his guard down.

Looks like he wasn't the one to get one of the difficult kids, he thought.

He was referring to the type of kids that never get into any sort of trouble.

"I'm not going to keep you for long, I just need to ask some simple questions. I can tell you mean no harm."

"..What? I actually have to get to Chemistry in 2 minutes," Deku slightly bowed, scratching his head nervously.

"Oh, right. Classes won't be a problem to excuse you from, the police department can take care of that," the cop said and walked to the exit. "You coming kid?"

"W-we're leaving the school?!" Midoriya was easily startled by that.

The green haired boy knew he had to keep his guard up. They could know more than what they're leading on. Why else would they be leading him to the place where they keep all their information? Or maybe they plan to use their own surveillance cameras to not only take record of questions they ask on video, but also to study his body language, and the trends in his voice when answering them!

He had not even the slightest advantage there, they did, without even trying! He couldn't mess this up!

The high schooler looked around.

Other students that he recognized where living the same reality.

They were gathering all of the likely suspects.

Midoriya kept close eye on the cars that contained each student, and finally noticed a difference in behavior. Each of them were being taken into a different room within the police department.

Having to assume that the room Deku stepped in was identical to the other rooms that were being used by his classmates, he sat down to be questioned.

"Sorry to pull you out of school so suddenly, as I said I'll try to make this quick and simple."

He sat down with some hesitation.

He needed to make this look realistic, and he knew exactly how to do it without losing the nature of his middle school self. They can't know the person he is currently now exists.

Seeing the boy's stiffness, he decided to take the questions slow until he warmed up to him. "Do you mind telling me what being in school was like for you?"

With a crooked smile, the boy started to sweat. If there was anything the past him was bad at, it was being under pressure. He pretended not to hear the question.

The man tapped the table with his pen to regain his attention. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I just need you to answer the questions I ask you. If you prefer, we can start immediately instead of trying to clear the tense atmosphere."

"I-I think starting would help," he said almost too quickly.

He shrugged, after raising his eyebrows in surprise. "..Alright, just let me know when it's too much."

He nodded.

"How close were you with a student named Katsuki Bakugou?"

"...Kacchan? So this is about him, isn't it," Deku shifted awkwardly, his expression indescribable. "I should have known."

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