Chapter 3 - Rising Outcome

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Shigaraki played with the card in his hands, all while Kurogiri polished the glasses in his possession.

It had been a while since their plan at USJ failed, but Shigaraki was still exasperated.

"2 losing streaks in a row," he grunted, finally having the nerve to disintegrate the card with his 5 fingers.

Oh, how he hated losing, not to mention how degrading the game over screen was for him.

"Shigaraki, All for One made it clear that we have all the opportunity to try again," Kurogiri stated, patiently waiting for his cooperation.

Though that was the 5th picture of Deku he had destroyed out of anger, and the fact that they  only had limited copies remained he felt like he could understand Shigaraki's nature from being with him so long.

He started to scratch is neck, which already felt like sandpaper from his previous tantrums. "Whatever, no matter how you look at it, we still took 1 or 2 setbacks."

Mr.Aizawa silenced his homeroom with the deadly glow in his eyes, in order to announce the sports festival.

Though the sleepy teacher's class felt fired up by the good news, they could never been as prepared as Deku was that day.

Though he was staying at home with his mother, he still had no hesitation to make sure that he had an entire 10 pages ready. It'd be better if he was in one of the stadiums, but due to his schedule, he couldn't wait in line to get tickets. He had been at a disadvantage all his life, but he always promised himself to never use it as an excuse in order to opt out. It applied for this predicament as well. He was mainly going to use the pages for class 1-A, but also any other people if he had the space to.

Inko looked at her son with a soft smile. She missed seeing this side of him, and was happy they could still do things like this together. There was still time until the the sports festival started, so she decided to say something.

"Izuku... I know that it's normal to have a change in heart, but is there a reason you decided to give up on Yuuei?"

Deku stopped looking at his notebook, and looked her in the eyes. He of course didn't mind his mother asking him these kinds of questions, since the events in the sports festival weren't necessarily that important to him. His only task was to wait until event was over, and he didn't have to worry about Bakugou not making a big enough impression, since he knew that he always went all out. To him, the time to finally be able to catch his breath was sort of appreciated.

"I found that there was something else I wanted to pursue... the more I think about it, the more I believe it's worth it."

Inko released a sigh of relief, and turned her head to the TV. She was glad, and thought that the boy's dream couldn't be all that different, especially since he was only this happy when it involved heroes.

As everyone in class 1-A was getting ready for the 1st event, it was hard to ignore the fact that Bakugou and Todoroki were staring each other down. Possibly of a way of declaring war.

"Hey, why are you two so serious?!" Kirishima interjected.

"Shut up! I'm going to beat this half and half loser, and come up number 1! You'll all see!"

He stormed out of the room, but Todoroki seemed to keep his cool, and only paid mind to his hand that created ice. Or in his mind, the only hand that he would ever use.

"Am I really the only one glad we don't have to deal with that scary stuff anymore?!" Mineta exclaimed, getting up from his seat.

"And am I the only one totally excited?!" Mina interjected, attempting to save the mood for her classmates.

That unfortunately didn't work out as well as she planned in her head. It was hard to feel that way after having to hear much about a villain that was far more active than Shigaraki (referring to Deku). But their reassurance, even if it was a little, inevitably went to the licensed heroes.

"Whatever, I know I'll make an impression," Kaminari gloated, flexing an arm for everyone to see. It was sort of his way of lightening the mood.

Jiro tried to hold back her laughter. "Definitely."

The audience started to roar even louder, as Bakugou cracked his knuckles.

His conscience told him there was something to feel alarmed with within the people that were watching, but his attention had to be on the activities if he wanted to win. That's right. The only reason the crowd was here, was to record his victory on stone. He gave his signature crooked smile, before everyone was invested in the time that was spent on field.

The audience could see that Todoroki was ahead with a flashy way of slowing everyone else down, which made some people cheer for him.

Deku immediately recognized him as the son of Endeavor, #2 in the hero rankings. But he still wasn't fazed by it, since he knew that Kacchan would immediately follow him in second place.

And he was right.

"Coming in first place is............ SHOTO TODOROKI!!!" Present Mic boomed, far louder than the thousands of people watching.

Deku only smirked to the announcement. Kacchan wasn't going to like having anyone other than HIS named called for first place.

And he was right.

"BASTARD!" Bakugou spat, loud enough to make even Todoroki flinch.

"What? I won fair and square," Todoroki stated with a glare after facing him. "Or can you not accept the fact that maybe some people deserve it more than you?"

Either way, Bakugou was going to target Todoroki the next round.

Everybody knew that.

As Midnight revealed the major contents of the next activity, Todoroki could practically feel his devilish glare staring a lot more intently than he thought. Well. The bi colored student WAS worth 10M. Everyone else however seemed to be hesitant with challenging him, which was understandable.

Perhaps there was a reason for Deku to watch the sports festival after all. I mean, who wouldn't love to watch 2 strong quirk holders fight to be the best?

"A half-baked fight on Todoroki's end though," Deku added with a mumble. It wasn't hard for him to notice. "That's a shame. Is this still worth watching?"

His dad really ruined everything. It was clear he was the issue. Todoroki has so much potential with both sides, but he only uses one?! Many don't even have half of stronghold that he does!

Whatever. I guess some can only understand circumstances with more than just knowledge of it. Experience.

Deku's mind continued to wander, despite him trying to conclude his self-discussion.

But Deku DID have the experience of being put down. By everyone around him! What did Todoroki have that was more gruesome?! Nothing, probably! His past classmates probably sucked up to him like Kacchan's stray dogs!

He wanted to shout 'if you don't want your left side, then give it to me!' But the bottom of his heart KNEW... that it'd never be possible to hand over quirks. He envied the boy, for being able to hold back while still riding the high horse. No--! That wasn't even close to finishing his list of reasons of being upset!

It didn't matter that he had a strong MUTATED quirk, because Todoroki still couldn't handle a single person like Deku could. That's what made Deku so disgusted with him. Still, he wouldn't stop watching solely due to that detailed factor.

He masked his furious expression with a kind smile, as he turned his head towards his mother.

"I guess Bakugou came short on first place this round as well," Deku pinpointed.

She nodded, but her 'joyful' son only continued.

"Looks like the sports festival wasn't as good to him as I anticipated!"






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