Chapter 14 - Tension

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Inko fiddled with her thumbs, as the light slightly flickered in the living room.

She was anxious for her son, and when he'd come back home.

A knock rang throughout the house, and her face lit up.

"Izuku?" She whispered in disbelief, breaking a sprint towards the door. Her hands opened it with great strength as they trembled.

"Excuse me. Are you Inko Midoriya?"

Seeing it was the police, she collapsed after her legs took her a couple steps back. Instead of replying to his question, she had her own.

"What are you doing here?!"

"We're only searching the house, I assure you ma'am. Can we come in--"

"NO!" She yelled, her voice more solid. "He isn't home!"

He turned to talk to his male companion. "--Running on schedule-- have to go in."

They slid in the opened door after some argument, and bolted towards Deku's room.

"Stop it! My son isn't a criminal!" She cried, getting up. "Why are you treating him like one?!"

One of them held her back, while the other opened the door.

The room was completely empty, like it was never moved in to.

Inko burst into even more tears, given that harsh reminder.

He had to tell her. There was no other way to make this less burdening to her heart.

[The Training Camp]

Uraraka and Asui continued running in the opposite direction as Bakugou.

"I don't think I can run anymore!" Uraraka grunted, slowing down. "I don't even see anyone! Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Even if we aren't, what matters is that we're away from the crossfire, ribbit!" Asui replied, stopping to check on her friend. "We aren't supposed to fight, remember?"

A bush near them sounded. They looked at each other, walking towards the bush with their quirks ready.

2 of the villains took the chance to attack them from behind.

Uraraka changed direction and touched them, the enemies floating.

"Wow, that's a cool quirk!" Toga clapped.

Asui wrapped her tongue around them both to restrain them. "Don't move!"

The 2 did so anyway, freeing themselves with their knives.

The sharp pain reached the frog quickly, and she was forced to retrieve her tongue.

"I can't hold them up for any longer!" Uraraka strained, connecting the tips of her fingers together.

The duo landed and charged at them, not even feeling the least sick by Uraraka's quirk.

Todoroki retreated from the brute almost desperately, requiring at least the slightest assistance. Luckily, he bumped into Bakugou.

"What are you doing here Icyhot!" He exclaimed.

"Bakugou, is there anyone else near here?" Todoroki asked. "We need to leave!"

"The hell are you talking about?!"

A tree nearby was thrown from it's roots.

"There's no time!" Todoroki persisted, but it was too late.

The buff blond caught up to him, and immediately noticed Bakugou.

"So you're the kid!" He acknowledged.

"What did you say?" Bakugou threatened.

Uraraka secured Toga's weapon, but blood began to be sucked out of her as a price.


Asui tried to assist her, but Deku stood in her way.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" She questioned, as she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

She could see that he was about to reply, but decided to attack her instead.

He knew she wouldn't have understood anyway, given the fact that there wasn't time for an overview of his life thus far.

She used the tree near her as a springboard to deliver a heavy attack. However, it still managed to get blocked by him with little to no damage taken. She leaped out of his reach, using her tongue to grab his leg and perform a body slam. He twisted his body to soften to impact. Expecting him to use the same tactic as last time, she decided it would be safer to then retrieve it from his leg.

He sprinted fast enough to be in range before she could react. A knife was in his right hand. Asui focused her attention on that, moving the opposite direction to avoid his swing.

It never came, because he had dropped his weapon. He was never planning to use it.

Deku elbowed her neck with his left arm after she was close enough.

They were both unconscious.

"Wow Deku that was fun!" Toga celebrated, walking over to Asui to extract blood from her as well.

"Fun wouldn't be the right word," Deku chuckled. "Did you make sure any killings are kept at a minimum?"

"Yep! The worst Dabi said he'd do is maim," Toga giggled. "But everyone else said they're on board too! If they do kill someone it won't be that many!"

That wasn't including guest villains like Muscular and Mustard.

"..That's good. If too many people are killed, then it'll overshadow the issue with Bakugou."

The even if that news meant someone could still die, he was slightly relieved. Not because of the reason he told Toga, but because it felt unsettling to do this to people the same age as him.

"Thanks twice! I have even more blood now!"

Twice's clone, which was responsible for leading the two here, rose from the bushes, giving them a thumbs up.

"I wonder where the next group of students are!"

Deku adjusted his arm protection strap, which was on the same arm that Asui kicked. "Then let's keep moving. I think Twice's clone also mentioned there being another student somewhere ahead."

"Hey, you two!" Compress yelled, playing with the 2 marble balls in one of his hands. "Need a lift?"

By his sudden question, the duo could only guess that Bakugou's location had been discovered.

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