Chapter 13 - Action [Part.3]

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Class A and B used the forest as their playing grounds, while something else was happening under their noses.

Deku's hair was dyed to be black instead of it's dark green, with a hood over his head. A mask covered a big portion of what was left of his face.

"Hey, newbie. Remember the plan?" Dabi mumbled.

"You're asking the wrong person," Deku retorted, keeping his eyes on the structure of the landscape under them. "Aren't you going to make sure they don't kidnap the wrong person?"

Dabi walked away to meet with his group, though paying full mind to his words. "They're capable adults kid. They'd be doomed if they fail."

Dabi stopped momentarily as Deku added to his statement. "Oh, and this kind of stuff isn't new to me."

Deku stayed where he was, before also making his move.

"Hey! Round face!" Bakugou yelled, walking towards the girl.

That was enough to scare her. "Bakugou?!"

"You're not in our group," Asui said.

"No duh! Icyhot can walk by himself for all I care!" Bakugou barked. "I have better things to worry about than some stupid game only meant to waste my time."


"Like what you were talking about in a group behind my back," Bakugou's eyebrows further furrowed. "Even that bastard was in on it."

Asui spoke before Uraraka could. "Hold on Bakugou, why would that be any of your business?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you," Bakugou dismissed. "What's the person's name? Tell me."

He looked directly at Uraraka, and after a moment she understood why.

"If I knew his name, it would have went straight to the police," she sighed. "I never caught it. What is with everyone being so interested?!"

More smoke started to rise, reaching Bakugou's nose. He ran ahead of them, just as they started to also notice the smell.

"Did they really start a fire just to scare us?" Asui questioned.

Something vile knotted the brunette's stomach, believing the answer to be no.

-Attention all students! Please return to the building as soon as you can, we are under attack! Do not engage in battle!-

The telepathy was able to reach every student outside, and each started to carefully examine their surroundings.

"...How deep in the forest did we go?"

Uraraka followed her friend's eyes after that question had left her mouth.

"We should make sure we're away from the crossfire first, and then we can focus on how to get back!" She replied balling her fists in determination.

Asui nodded. "That makes sense, ribbit."

Uraraka was quick to start running but was just as quick to stop. "But wait! Bakugou!"

"We can't chase after him Ochako. He heard the message like we did. We have to trust that he can handle himself."

The girl nodded. "Right! Then let's go this way!"

Kota ran from the route he took, looking behind his shoulder frequently.

"Kota! What are you doing here?" Todoroki yelled, running towards the boy.

Tears were forming in the small boy's eyes, no sign of hatred being reflected in them. He could only point from the direction he came.

Todoroki pushed the boy behind him after hearing a sign of someone approaching. Ice starting to form on his right arm.

"...Kota, how fast can you get back to camp?"

The boy's legs started to shake. "I-I.."

A large ice wall covered their position, as he could hear the sound much louder than before.

"Nevermind that. Just run!"

The kid obeyed, unsteadily moving his legs to sprint.

Soon enough, a fist made contact the ice, just as Kota looked behind his shoulder.

With just a second, the entire ice wall collapsed.

The windows of the study room were smashed, several copies of Dabi going through.

All 6 of the students got up inching towards the wall.

"What's going on? Are we being attacked?" Kirishima stuttered almost rendered stupefied by the sudden adjustment.

"Too bad Eraser isn't here to save his students!" Monoma laughed exaggeratedly.

"Seriously man? Vlad King isn't here either!" Sero grunted, preparing to use his quirk if necessary.

"Yeah! We have to defend ourselves!" Sato added, punching his fists together.

Aiwaza ran into the room, using his capturing tool to round up the enemies, and bang them against the wall.

"Mr.Aizawa!" Ashido cried.

"As I thought. These ones are weaker than the previous," He mumbled, retracing his weapon. "All of you, my request is sudden but I need you to pay close attention."

Vlad King met up with Aizawa, crossing his arms sternly.

"There are villains here, and they could be after any of you. Instead of continuing this session, please use this time to physically prepare to defend yourselves if Vlad King can't protect you at some point."

"Wait, hold on, how about everyone else outside? Do they know that we can fight back?!" Kirishima yelled, hoping his answer was yes.

"Well Kirishima, that's the real issue," Aizawa sighed trying to figure out how this is going to work. "There's only a few of us that are pros here, and I'm needed outside to make sure any students who are able to make it here are safe."


"No buts. I'm not going to burden my students to take the responsibility of going out there in my place, not when I have the choice."

Kota made it to an open space, where he found Sosaki and Chatora fighting Spinner and Magne.

Chatora, the male member of the pussycats, overpowered Magne the moment she was caught off guard, and looked in his direction.

"Kota! What are you doing here!" He yelled.

His clothes looked tattered and torn from passing branches, and losing the majority of his steps just to get there.

"That hero.." he sniffed, still shaking. "That hero is in trouble! That villain's going to kill him!"

Sosaki got word of what he was saying, and was stuck on whether or not she should lift the no fighting policy. "Is Aizawa or Vlad King nearby?!"

"No, I don't think so!" Chatora shouted in reply, as Magne got back up.

She grunted, getting cut by Spinner's weapon because of a delay with dodging. "Kota! Don't worry! Go back to the building, I'll handle it!"

After kicking Spinner away from her, she attempted to use her quirk.

"Not so fast!" Magne smiled, as Sosaki was forced towards her direction.

Chatora jabbed one of her arms that secured her weapon, before she could use it to crush Sosaki's head. "Do it!"

Sosaki nodded, being able to reach the students again.

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