Chapter 6 - One Step Closer

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The next thing everybody knew, Bakugou ended up in Mr.Aizawa's binds. 

"Get the hell off of me!he barked, thrashing his head around as it was the only thing the hero couldn't hold still.

Without warning, Mitsuki bashed her son's head on the ground to hold it still, while reaching for the pocket facing her. However, when she learned the pocket was empty, her anger only grew.

"Turn around!" she demanded, trying to reach for the other pocket.

"You're the ones that went overboard damnit!" Bakugou gritted his teeth.

With the help of Mr.Aizawa, she was able to get to the pocket that contained his phone.

"Why thank you," the principal smiled, placing it in front of himself. He had the same nonchalant look as always. "Now, I'm giving you a chance to be honest as looking through all the emails you've gotten would prove to expend some time. What exactly is the gist of all these things you've been getting?"

The student sloppily got back to the chair he was originally sitting on, but not while holding back his glare. "Like I know myself. They claim they knew me well enough to try and control me. Probably just an insect with the sole purpose of distracting me like everyone else."

Aizawa and Nezu met eyes. Considering the student's usual behavior, they still wouldn't have guessed the live event would be this destructing towards the hot head. Though somehow, they both showed more signs of concern rather than surprise.

Bakugou's tone was cool and dismissive, but in his mind the gears were turning.

He barley remembered the people in his past school days, let alone the names of the nuisances who followed him around in middle school. They weren't worth even a second of noting. The only person he could think of was...


Nezu's smile dropped slightly, as his gaze shifted to the student's phone. "I take it as though someone comes to mind? Aizawa did inform me that this started happening after the sports festival."

"...Yeah, it was after the sports festival," Bakugou replied, ignoring the question of him knowing anyone.

If it was really that loser, then it'd be less than simple to deal with it himself.

"Katsuki, you better not be hiding anything," his mother sighed. She attempted to crack the case herself. Of course to no avail.

"I suggest that not being the case, afterall, there were many things that happened in the past few weeks," Nezu reminded. "To avoid any other mishappenings, I'd like this problem to be wrapped up. It seems to be distracting your studies!"

Even with that being said, Bakugou still didn't have anything to add, except for a stiff retort. "Like I'm not being taught everything I already know."

"...You arrogant brat," Mitsuki softly sighed, remembering that they were in public.

The boy continued his pursuit, cracking his knuckles and giving an unsettling smirk. "Whoever they are, I'm guessing they'll stop being a damn coward and show themselves! If they really know me so well, than they'd know I'm already tired of the waiting game."

Nezu nodded at Eraserhead.

Mr.Aizawa opened the door. "C'mon pain of the neck."

"Before you leave, give him your password," Mitsuki demanded.

"Oh, that isn't needed," Nezu twinkled innocently, but did earn a threatening look from Bakugou.

While they exited the room, the principal said something more to Mitsuki.

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