Chapter 3

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I nearly flipped the kitchen table over when he told me who I'd be staying with. He couldn't be serious.

"No way in fucking hell am I staying with him."

"Language, Diem."

"That's what it would be like, you know? Absolute freaking hell, dad. I've only known the guy for three days and I'm supposed to stay with him for months?"

"Honey, I've known him for a long time. He's a really good guy, and he agreed to let you stay."

"Are you really going to put the life of your only daughter in the hands of a stranger?" I threw my hands up dramatically and paced across the kitchen. There was no way I was staying with Mr. Livingston. He was frustrating, and arrogant, and oh, I don't know, my teacher. Where would I stay? Where would I sleep? What would I do? I could imagine us just sitting in his living room, me trying to relax, and him annoying me about doing my homework. And how the hell would I ditch school?

"I am not living with my teacher! Aren't you a lawyer? There must be some law out there saying a student can't live with her teacher."

"It's perfectly legal."

"Well, how about breaking the imaginary line a student should never cross with a teacher? I already told you I want to strangle him, what makes you think I won't do it while he's sleeping? And then you'll have to defend me at my trial."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Please Diem, this could be the trial that finally opens my path to Partner, but I won't be able to concentrate if I don't know my little girl is safe."

I sighed, knowing I couldn't say no to my dad now, not when he's been working his ass off for this chance.

"Fine," I muttered. "But I swear to god if that asshole pisses me off, I won't be responsible for my actions."


I struggled to focus on our lesson in AP Bio. Every time Mr. Livingston looked at me, I kept thinking about how I had to move in with him tomorrow, and how I'll see him when I wake up, and when I go to bed. I'll see him in non-school clothes, and see what kind of TV he watches, or what he likes to do when he's not teaching.

When the bell rang, Mr. Livingston walked over to the door and handed out the homework as we left. He wore a white dress shirt and a dark red tie. His stubble was growing a little thicker, making him look older than he was. I was the last one out of the room.

When I took the paper, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "If you don't get it, I can help you with it when we become roommates." He winked at me and I gave him a death glare in return. There was no way I was going to survive these next couple of months without killing him.

The rest of my day flew by. I spent most of the night packing my suitcases so that I wouldn't have to make multiple trips to my house whenever I ran out of clothes. I then helped my dad pack because if he did it alone he'd probably forget to pack underwear or he'd only bring mix-matched socks. Despite all my mother's faults, I couldn't deny that she kept my father together. Now that she was gone, I couldn't just let him drown.

Before I knew it, it was Friday evening and my doorbell rang throughout the house. I tried to get Mr. Livingston to give me his address, but he wanted to see my dad again before he left. He said we'd take all my stuff over and then circle back for my car if I wanted it.

I pouted as my dad went to answer the door. He laughed when he saw my face and mouthed, toughen up, before opening it.

"Caden, I just wanted to say thank you again for taking Diem in." My dad placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled widely as if I was some charity case that nobody wanted.

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