Chapter 26

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I read your comments and seriously some of them are so funny. They all leave me smiling and I just wanted to let you guys know how awesome you are. Like a lot of people who read stories are kind of rude sometimes and don't understand that it could be difficult to write a story and have time to do so. But you guys arent like that so I'm grateful for that(: I just want this year to end already though so I could update more and just finish with all of this homework-__- okay I need to stop rambling now. Anyways, enjoy.

Chapter Twenty Six

Diem's Pov

Okay so when I said only a professional relationship between Caden and I, he really took it seriously. He's also back to calling me 'Ms. Reynolds' at all times which is really annoying. I don't think he's laughed at anything I've said for the past weekend and the shows we use to watch together, he'd be in the room "marking up papers." more like ignoring me. But at the same time thats what I wanted right?

I guess I wanted to distance myself from him because of the whole Dustin situation but maybe Caden was right and I was just using that as an excuse. What if I really was just getting scared at what Caden and I were becoming. No Diem, you weren't becoming anything. Thats why you chose what you chose.

The only actual conversation we had was over who was going to sleep where. Obviously we weren't  going to share the same bed after the heated conversation we had just a few days ago. 

"You could take the bed." I remember him telling me.

"No it's your room,  you take your bed. I'm fine with the bed."

"Don't be stupid." He said flicking through the channels on the tv not sparing a glance at me once. I think he was really upset with me this time, and I didn't blame him. But couldn't he understand why I was doing all of this. Its not like I'm getting some sick pleasure out of all of this, I'm just looking out for us.

"It's your house, you have the bed, I fit the couch better and I don't mind." I wasn't going to take his bed after all of this, and  it was probably the cause to why I'm over here stretching my back in homeroom right now as I waited for the first bell to ring. So I could go to Caden's class... if those whole situation wasn't awkward already.

"What's your problem?" Cassie asked from beside me. "You and Mr. L been fooling around and he screwed your back up?" She asked wagging her eyebrows at me.

"Cassie!" I whispered shouted and looked around to make sure that nobody heard her, thankfully they didn't. Imagine haven't to explain that. "It's not even close to that. We aren't really on speaking terms right now." I told her and then when she kept nagging me about why I finally gave in and told her. 

"Why!!!!" She nearly shouted and I avoided the curious looks. "You guys were really cute though." she then whispered.

"You didn't even see us ever!"

"So I can tell." She said and I rolled my eyes. Yeah well its over for that "cuteness" now. "I just  can't believe what Dustin has turned into. He was never like this before. It's like there was a switch that turned on randomly inside him." She said and I nodded. It really was strange. I just don't understand what made him change. Was it me? Or did something happen 'cause people don't just randomly decide to do a whole 180 in a short amount of time.

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