Chapter 24

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Twenty Four

"Caden, I'm gonna fucking kill you," I called out from the dining room. He assigned us an impossible project that was eating up my entire evening. I hadn't even begun my other coursework because his stuff was taking me forever. Worst of all, he could have just waited for our week-long break beginning on Monday. The week was reserved for students who needed to retake state exams. I was lucky enough to have passed mine, so I'd be catching up on sleep instead.

"Watch your mouth," he replied, walking over to me. He placed one hand on the table and the other on the back of my chair, hovering over me and my work. "What don't you get?"

"All of it," I said, rubbing my eyes with my fingertips.

Caden flipped through the pages I completed so far, humming to himself and pissing me off further.

"You're on the right track, but you made a mistake on page ten, which is messing up everything afterward."

"Well, what's the mistake?" I asked, flipping to the page.

"I can't tell you that," he said, leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek. He pulled away and began walking back to the living room. I narrowed my gaze on the back of his head and imagined chucking my pen at it.

"Why the hell not, you demon."

"Because that'd be giving you special treatment."

I scoffed, standing up and following him over to the couch.

"You gave me very special treatment this morning, and I don't remember you complaining then."

Caden hid his smile by taking a sip of water. He set the cup down and cleared his throat. "That has nothing to do with your coursework."

"Sure it does. We're learning about sexual reproduction in class right now, and your lessons at night have definitely exposed me to human anatomy."

"Clearly you haven't learned to stop running your mouth."

I smirked and eased myself onto his lap. Almost immediately, his hands settled on my thighs and moved toward my waist. He pulled my body and face closer to him.

"You've taught me how to do so many other things with my mouth, Mr. Livingston," I whispered, bringing my lips to his ear. I kissed the spot just under his jaw, causing his hands to tighten around my body. I knew that it was one of his weak spots, and a couple of strategically placed kisses would hopefully get me closer to the answer on page ten.

"Behave," he warned, but his hands said otherwise, traveling up and down the sides of my body and grabbing onto me in need. Ignoring his cautionary tone, I reached for one of his hands and placed it between my legs.

"I think you like me on my worst behavior," I murmured, grinding against his hand. "It gives you something to punish, right?" I pushed my hips forward again as I asked the question, earning a small hum from Caden.

"Do you want to find out?" he asked, his voice serious and his eyes dark.

I bit the inside of my cheek, somehow feeling both scared and excited. I was quickly learning that Caden didn't like to be tested, which made me want to test him further. I tilted my head slightly and held his gaze, egging him on.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now