Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Diem's POV

There was an annoying beeping, one that was eating away at my ears and giving me a damn headache. I brought my arm up, and it took a lot of energy just for me to do that, what the hell? I felt like some wimp who couldn't even lift up a stick. I looked around for my alarm clock but couldn't find it, my hand was just swatting around in the air. I opened my eyes and was shocked at my surroundings. What. The. Hell.

My dad either re-designed my room to creep me out for the rest of my life, or I was in the hospital. Why the hell was I in the hospital? I tried to speak, but my throat was really dry. It felt like I hadn't used my voice in so long, I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot how to speak. Maybe I did, that would be scary, okay you're getting off track Diem, why are you here? I asked myself mentally as I looked around the room. There was a table towards the back, and it was filled with flowers and balloons, and presents and I raised my eyebrow.

Someone then walked into the room, I brought my head in the direction carefully, since it hurt like hell to move my neck. My eyes met my dad's and he dropped his coffee cup on the floor and ran towards me. He had bags under his eyes, and his hair wasn't done as neatly as it was usually, which was surprising since he was crazy about his hair, he said it was the thing that won him his cases, whatever that means.

"Oh my god, Diem are you really awake right now? Am I hallucinating?" He asked and I gave him a confused look. What did he mean I was finally awake? Why would he be hallucinating over me waking up? He had a hurt expression on his face, he looked like he realized something, and a look of fear crossed his eyes. "Do you--" he took a break, "do you know who I am?" I furrowed my eyebrows even more, did I know who he was? What kind of question is that? Do I know my own father, what the hell? "Oh my god, you don't know." He said shaking his head tears developing in his eyes. "The doctors said this was a strong possibility, that you wouldn't remember anyone or anything, but I didn't want to believe it, I thought you would, I thou--"

"Dad?" I said my voice hoarse, it sounded weird using it, like I shouldn't speak but I had to, the man was about to cry and he never cried! "What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked at me wide eyed, his hand covering his mouth before he wrapped his strong arms around me and I let out a groan. My body felt like I went to some type of military trainng camp where they killed us with drills and then made us climb up some ridiculous mountain, in freezing rain. To sum it up, I felt like shit, my body felt like shit, everything felt like shit, and I couldn't understand why.

"You do remember, oh my god honey, I was so scared you wouldn't remember who I was, but thank god, and thank god you woke up." He said not even bothering to answering my question but continued his rambling that made me more and more confused. He then stood up and rushed out of the room.

"Okay..." I said raising my eyebrow. Just leave me a hospital...forever....and ever...and-- He walked back in with a doctor trailing him. The doctor looked at me as if I had three heads or something, he looked shocked to see me awake, again, making me confused as hell. He flipped through his little clipboard and looked at me, flipped again, looked, flipped, and looked.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked gaining a little strength with my voice but it still sounded a bit raspy, aren't they suppose to have some damn water in this place? "Mhm" The doctor said looking at his paper, and then me again, "mhm" he emphasized it this time, and if it wasn't for me feeling so weak right now I'd probably jump out this bed and beat the answers out of him and he'd be making some other noises other than mhm.

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