Chapter 22

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Twenty Two

Despite feely incredibly comfortable, I was sad to wake up in a different bed, next to a different person. I had grown so accustomed to my side of Caden's bed, to falling asleep with him trying to cuddle me until I grew sick of it and needed to stretch my limbs, and to waking up in the morning with his hands somehow on me again, sneaking their way onto my body in the middle of the night.

But, I guess I hadn't felt that in the past two weeks anyway. Everything about that room felt cold, including Caden and his bed. It was then that I realized how much I actually loved his persistent arms and his breath tickling the back of my neck as he slept.

I turned to my side to find Brax sleeping on his stomach, tucking both hands underneath his pillow. His long hair covered a part of his face.

I stared at him for a while and then checked my phone. There were no more calls from Caden, so I assumed that Jackson made it to the apartment soon after the call and updated him on my whereabouts. Knowing  Jackson, he probably wrestled the phone away from his brother and forced him to talk to him instead.

I looked at the time and groaned. We needed to get up soon if we were going to make it to first period on time. Turning to Braxton, I reached over and pinched his nostrils together, holding my fingers there until he took a deep breath and frantically opened his eyes. I grinned and pulled my hand away, hiding under the covers to avoid my not-so-happy sleepover buddy.

Braxton pounced and wrapped the comforter around me tighter as punishment, leaving me to suffocate under the covers just as I had pinched his nose shut earlier. I screamed underneath the thick fabric, kicking my legs out at him, and begged for forgiveness. Finally letting go, he stood up and grabbed clothes from his drawers.

Brax showered first while I looked through his clothes for something acceptable to wear. I didn't have time to stop by my house and change, so I had to settle for one of his old basketball t-shirts from freshman year and a pair of matching sweatpants. I had no idea why he still had the clothing in his drawer because there was no way this stuff still fit him. I knew both pieces would be baggy on me, while the sweats would probably come up to Brax's shins if he tried them on.

Not long after he left, Brax came back into the room in a t-shirt and pair of jeans. He had tied his hair to the top of his head to avoid wetting it. I did the same to mine and went to take a quick shower as well. When I finished, I pulled the clothes on and examined myself in the bathroom mirror. The shirt was oversized, hiding the curves of my upper body, and the sweats were a little long, dragging against the floor. I rolled the band once to lift them up slightly and left the bathroom to find Braxton again.

He was in the kitchen, pouring two bowls of cereal. I smiled and eased myself onto a stool. Braxton slid one bowl over to me and walked across the room to grab utensils. He tossed the spoon into the air, and I caught it effortlessly. We ate mostly in silence. If I thought I was a fast eater, I was nothing compared to Brax who could empty a bowl in less than three minutes. I don't know why he even grabbed a spoon for himself when he just tilted the bowl against his mouth and gulped down the cereal. I found myself rushing to keep up with him. After bringing my plate to the sink, I stepped toward Braxton and hugged him.

He stumbled slightly, probably not expecting it, and then wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, my cheek pressed against his chest, and tightened my arms.

"Thank you," I whispered. I was grateful to have a friend who let me spend the night without asking many questions.

"Anytime, weirdo." He pulled away from me and ruffled my hair, smiling down at me in the process. I scowled and ducked away from his arm.

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