Chapter 29

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IMPORTANT NOTE: There won't be many chapters left of this story): I hope you like this chapter.

Trailer of my other story The Brother is on the side plz check it out(: --->

Chapter 29

I walked out of the bathroom after I took a shower while towel drying my hair. I don't think that anyone can disagree with me that when you get out the shower it's the best feeling in the world. But then you're back to reality, and well, that pretty much explains itself. I walked into the kitchen where Caden was making himself a sandwich and I grabbed the other half. He glared at me and I gave him an innocent smile as I sat down at the table.

Caden sat down across from me while he was looking over the newspaper. I took this time to look over him. There was something so attractive about a guy when he got all dressed up. I think the hottest thing is when they roll their sleeves up. When Caden has his rolled up and writes on the board, I swear I have to wipe drool off of my chin, me and probably every other girl in the class does.

"There's suppose to be a huge storm tonight." Caden said looking up at me and caught me checking him out. He smirked at me and I looked down at my plate to hide my embarrassment.


Caden chuckled, probably at me not meeting eye contact with him again. "Yeah, it's been on the news all morning. Suppose to get bad around five. They were going to cancel school but decided not to." He said and I groaned. Of course they wanted us to still have school.

"It probably won't even rain." I said looking outside but it did look pretty dark out already. I loved thunderstorms though, I don't know why but I just did. "Can I just stay here?" I asked.

"No" he said. "but don't worry, there's an assembly during biology so you won't suffer much." He told me and I jumped from my chair and started to do a little happy dance about not having to go to his class. He was crazy! He assigned so much shit to do that my head wants to explode each time I open up my biology binder. He's a good teacher and all but I'd rather prefer less homework, for obvious reasons. "Wow, that hurts Diem, that hurts a lot." Caden said and I laughed. "Is my teaching that bad?" He asked amused.

"No, you're a really good teacher," I said. "Surprisingly" I added under my breath, "but you just kill us with work." I said.

"Yeah but when the Ap Exam comes around you'll be thanking me."

"No, I'll be looking for you so I can strangle you." I said and he rolled his eyes and stood up. He grabbed his car keys and jacket and I groaned and did the same. I really did not want to go to school today. I just had this feeling where I should just stay inside all day, it was weird but I guess I had to go.

Caden and I didn't talk about what happened last night. I didn't know what to say, I don't think he knew what to say either. As soon as his lips made contact with mine, I let all of the frustration out between us into the kiss. I was surprised with myself with my actions, and I think I surprised Caden as well. Luckily he had enough self control before I did something I'd probably regret after.

"Thank god we have an assembly today, I did not want to sit through Mrs. Nix class, that old hag." Cassie said as we walked to the auditorium.

"Cassie!" I said trying not to laugh. "Don't be mean, she's old." I said.

"Yeah but she's miserable and out to get me." She said and this time I did laugh. She was right though, Mrs. Nix was miserable for no apparent reason. Class wouldn't even start yet and she'd already be complaining. Cassie would come to lunch complaining about her for the entire time. "And she always has lipstick on her teeth! Like why!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes as we walk into the aud. I immediately see a projector up showing twitter and Facebook, hm so it's going to be one of those assemblies...

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