Chapter 9

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I spent the entire bus ride with my face pressed against the bus window. I wrapped my sweatshirt around the ice pack so that it was easier to hold against my face, but halfway through the ride it had mostly melted. The pain in my mouth and across my jaw was growing by the second and it sent jolts of pain to my forehead.

I could feel Caden watching me, but I refused to look at him. I was tired of him always seeing me hurt. I realized that the only version he ever saw was of the weak girl who had too many bruises to count. I wish he could have met me when I was fun and optimistic. I could have been nicer to him maybe. All he ever wanted was to help me but the thought of me needing help only upset me more.

No one was stupid enough to talk to me during the bus ride. They knew by the hoodie on my head, the headphones in my ear, and my back facing the aisle that I wasn't entertaining any questions or showing off my injuries. They'd just have to see my fucked up face and mouth with the rest of the student body when I went to school tomorrow.

I was the first one to bolt when the bus pulled into the school parking lot. The sun was still out, but it was beginning to set and I paced toward my car.

"Diem," I heard him call out and then curse when I didn't stop. I could hear his footsteps quicken and then a hand closed around my elbow. "Diem, stop."

I sighed and kept my face down. My mouth continued to ache and I didn't want to speak in fear that it would only amplify the pain. I couldn't wait to see that bitch again. I know there's a whole thing about being the bigger person, but I didn't care about any of that. I wouldn't be satisfied until I knocked every tooth out and she needed dentures for the rest of her life.

"Let's leave your car in the lot tonight, or I'll swing by later and grab it."

I nodded and followed him to his car instead, thankful that I didn't have to drive on my own when all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep for days. Instead of going back to his apartment immediately, Caden insisted that we go to the emergency room to check out my mouth and my head. Caden helped me fill out forms as we sat in the waiting room. I was fighting off the need to fall asleep. Occasionally, my head would fall onto his shoulder but I was happy that he didn't bring it up and give me a hard time about it.

I went alone to the exam room where the doctor asked me a series of questions and also had me get a brief scan for my head. She told me that I likely had a minor concussion and prescribed me pain medication for my mouth and my headache. I was given strict instructions to rest while I recovered from the injury and I jumped at the opportunity to miss school while I waited for my mouth to get fixed.

Luckily, a pharmacy was still open for a few more hours and our script would be ready by then. In the meantime, Caden drove us to a fast food place and ordered in the drive-thru. We sat in his car as we ate. I normally had no difficulty finishing a large burger and fries but the smell of the food was making me nauseous and I only finished half of it before offering Caden my leftovers.

We made it back to the apartment around nine. I decided to take a hot shower before bed and Caden insisted that I keep the door unlocked in case something happened and I needed help. I did what he said, but I would rather pass out, get another concussion, and lose all my teeth before he came into this bathroom and pulled me out of the shower.

I walked back into the room and Caden was already sitting in bed, grading homework from earlier this morning. Maybe if he relaxed with all the assignments he wouldn't have to be grading late at night. I did, however, admire that he was keeping his promise of giving us our grades promptly. He liked to say that if he expected us to be able to complete work constantly, then he should be able to grade it at the same pace.

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