Chapter 11

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I made myself coffee this morning to wake myself up. My body was on high alert after Caden had gotten so close to me. It also didn't help that I had to share the bed with him. Every accidental brush of my leg against his or of my arm against his side made my stomach flutter. I stayed awake, staring up at the ceiling, afraid to move even an inch toward him.

It made things worse that there was an unsettling tension within myself that I couldn't resolve. I couldn't really masturbate while Caden slept next to me. I'm sure I could successfully stay quiet, but Caden had woken up plenty of times from me moving around and I did not want to risk him waking up when my hands were in my pants. I guess I could have taken care of things in the bathroom, but it wouldn't have been very comfortable.

So I woke up horny and cranky. Coffee was only helping with one of those things and Caden was definitely not helping with the other. He stood across from me in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. Neither of us talked about last night but we both felt the conversation floating in the air, begging for one of us to latch onto it.

Caden was in an orange polo sports shirt that was tight across his chest and a pair of gray pants that also fit his thighs nicely. I sighed deeply and took another sip of my coffee. I was going to have to listen to girls talk about him all day.

I, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of jeans and my soccer jersey. Our school had its pep rally today, the same day as the football team's homecoming game, and our team would be one of the many sports teams called onto the gymnasium floor before the football team came out.

It would also be my first time seeing Dustin after the breakup and I wasn't looking forward to it. Dustin was the captain of the football team and their quarterback. I first met him when we had to share the stadium with his team. The boys were practicing drills on one half of the field as we used the other. There was staring back and forth and he eventually came up to me after practice and asked for my number. I remember being so excited because he was good looking and nice. I waited for him to message me and when he did, we talked all night.

"Are you going to homecoming?" Caden asked as we got in the elevator.

"Yeah, you?"


"Okay." I bolted out the elevator as soon as the doors opened and went straight to my car. I didn't know why I was even trying to avoid him when I would be sitting in the front of his classroom in twenty minutes.

I met Cassie by her locker. She was rambling on about the homecoming game. We went together every year. Cassie loved to walk through the bleachers and socialize with people while I actually enjoyed watching the game. We eventually came up with a compromise where we would sit and watch the game but walk around during the breaks between each quarter.

"Are you gonna change into Dustin's jersey for the game?" she asked.

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"It would be pretty weird since we broke up."

Cassie's mouth popped open and she straightened herself. "Seriously?"

"Dead serious."


"Like you said, he wasn't endgame. Why waste my time?"

"You're brutal, Dee."

I felt bad lying to her, but I tried my best to give her the closest version to the truth. I did technically break up with Dustin because I didn't see myself ending up with him. I just left out the fact that I was mainly breaking up with him because he had become controlling and abusive.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now