Chapter 17

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I paused at the sidewalk in front of Caden's house. A large beech tree stood in the front lawn, its bright orange leaves littering the branches and sprinkling part of the lawn. The tree felt oddly familiar; its thick trunk and hanging branches loomed over part of the home, protecting it from the overbearing sun.

I walked up to the front steps as if it was just muscle memory. Despite my fear of being here, my body somehow knew that it belonged.

Still, I stopped in my tracks and turned toward Caden.

"Maybe I shouldn't be here," I said, looking back at the front door. "You go and have a good time, and I'll meet you back at the apartment."

I just couldn't take another mother rejecting me today.

I spun around and attempted to go back to the car, but Caden grabbed me by my elbow and pulled me into his side.

"Nuh-uh, you're coming in with me."

"Caden, I can't."

"You can, and I want you with me."

I looked up at him, sighing. I didn't understand why he wanted me here so badly. Did he feel bad for me? Was he scared that I'd run away if he let me out of his sight?

"I'm scared," I finally admitted.

He smiled down at me and pushed strands of hair away from my forehead, replacing them with a soft kiss.

"You have nothing to be scared about. You have Jackson there and me. Just give it a chance, and if you still feel uncomfortable after a bit, I'll pretend my apartment is flooding and we'll leave."

"Okay," I said, nodding.

"Okay," he agreed, turning toward the door now and giving it three firm knocks.

In a matter of seconds, the door swung open, and a woman with Caden's eyes smiled back at us. She wore a thin sweater with the sleeves bunched at her elbows and a brown headscarf with tiny turkeys covering it.

"Oh, my baby!" She said, extending her arms for Caden. When she pulled away, she held him close and kissed him all over. She then turned toward me, her eyes kind but curious.

"And who might this be, Cade? Dare I say a girlfriend?" his mother nudged.

Caden smiled, giving a small eye roll when his mom wasn't looking.

"Mom," he said, stepping away slightly so that I was in her field of vision, "this is John's daughter, Diem."

Her mouth fell open and she quickly covered it with her hand. I shifted on my feet and nodded, offering her a small smile. "No!" She stepped closer to me and looked me over. "It can't be. You were this tall when I last saw you," she said, raising her hand to her hip level.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember."

"Oh, that's okay, honey. It was so long ago. Well, come on in, we are thrilled to have you join us."

His mother disappeared behind the door, and Caden brought his hand to the center of my back, giving me an encouraging push. I barely made it into the hallway before Jackson popped up from around the corner. His eyes lit up, and he greeted me before he even looked at his brother.

"The woman of my dreams," he said, lifting me up and spinning me around. "I've missed you," he whispered in my ear, and I smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Caden with his arms crossed and a deep frown forming.

It was always amusing to me how jealous he got at my relationship with Jackson, but I also felt a little guilty. I was close to Jackson, and he knew things about me that Caden didn't, but to be fair, Jackson knew out of luck. I wouldn't have told him any of it otherwise.

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