Chapter 33

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Please Read the end note to find out about my other Teacher/Student Story.

Chapter 33

Diem's Pov

I was finally out of here! I felt like doing a little happy dance but that would be a little rude, since some of the nurses who had kept an eye on me were here saying goodbye. I was going to miss them, they were really nice, and could hold a good conversation. I was just so happy to go home and have a proper meal, a proper shower, and sleep in my own bed. I haven't slept in my bed in so long. I was used to Caden's, and I think I'm going to have to learn to get use to it again, for obvious reasons.

I pulled on my sweater and tied my hair into a messy bun. I slipped on one of my vans and grabbed the crutches near the bed. I hated these things, they freaking killed my armpits. You'd think they'd try and make them more comfortable since a person has to put their weight on them, but no, they make my life a living hell. I looked down at my stupid cast and couldn't wait for the following weeks until I could finally get it taken off, but then physical therapy would come, and well that was going to be a pain in my ass.

I looked at the same nurse that always gave me those looks while I was here, leaving me confused. She stood at the door and smiled at me, something was mysterious about her, she knew something, and she was unwilling to tell me what. I wanted to know, badly. The curiosity was eating away at my insides and I wobbled over to her with my crutches. "Can you please tell me?" I blurted.

"What?" She asked with a surprised expression masking her face. She looked like she was in her thirties, and her hair was in a sock bun on the top of her head. She had nice cheek bones and chocolately brown eyes, and even in those scrubs she had on, she still looked pretty.

"You've been looking at me like you are holding something back everytime you've been here. I just want to know what it is." She shifts her weight to her other foot. She doesn't meet eye contact with me and she looks pained right now. She looked like she wanted to tell me but I could also see the reluctance. Just tell me already! I was a very impatient person, especially when I wanted to know something, that was the worst.

"I," She sighed. "I can't say anything, I promised, and I have to go do something actually." She said before leaving me. I frowned at took a seat waiting for my dad to come back up for me. Why couldn't she tell me? Was it really that bad? I sighed and then shrugged, I wasn't going to let this ruin my mood, I was leaving!

Caden's Pov

I was laying down on my couch with the tv on, but I wasn't really paying any attention to it. I took a swing at my beer and sighed when I found that it was empty. I put it on the coffee table next to the other empty bottles. I laid my head back down when my phone had rang, I was too lazy to grab it but I reached into my jean pocket and took it out. The hospital number flashed on the screen and I quickly answered.

"Caden?" She said.

"Hey, how is she?" I asked quickly, jumping straight to the point as I leaned on one of my elbows. These calls were the only thing keeping me from feeling like complete shit. Knowing the fact that she was okay made my decision so much more worth it. I could live my life like this for the rest of my life as long as she had the oppurtunity to live her life too, and I was glad she did. Nothing made me happier than when I had got the call from the nurse and she told me that Diem had finally woken up. After the third month had passed, I was getting worried, I would always call and ask if anything had developed, and to my disappointment, it was always, "nothing yet, but soon it will, soon she will wake up."

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