Chapter 27

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IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: I know this chapter is really short and that I am taking longer than usual to update but my Ap Euro Exam is in less than a week so I am going crazy trying to review and prepare for it to get the score I want. So sorry if this update is a bit crappy but my brain is fried right now from all the reviewing but I wanted to at least give something to you guys so I hope you don't hate it. Enjoy(:

Chapter Twenty Seven

Diem's Pov

I kissed him? Kissed who? I raked my brain trying to figure out who the hell he was talking about but my mind was drawing a blank. "I kissed who?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb Diem." He said crossing his arms over his chest and I resisted the urge to lash out on him. I was really getting fed up with the way he was acting right now, if I didn't know any better I would have thought that I was the adult between the two of us.

"Obviously I don't if I'm asking!" I shouted frustrated. Frustrated for one that he wouldn't tell me what the hell was bothering him, and two, he still had his damn hand on the door, not letting me out of the apartment. I really just want to be anywhere but here right now because I could feel my anger rising.

"Dustin." He told me.

"Dustin?" I repeated confused. It took a couple of seconds until I finally knew what he was talking about. This morning. I forgot all about Dustin throwing himself on me and kissing me. It probably went out of my head when I walked into Caden's class and got into that argument with him. Now that I know that he was treating me like that because of Dustin, my anger just rose even more! "You're mad over this morning!" I asked outraged.

"How do you think it felt seeing you kiss him out of all people after telling me that you don't want a relationship with me. Out of all people, you kiss him. HIM."

"You're an idiot." I told him trying to open the door but his damn hand still blocked it!

"I'm not the one kissing an abusive boyfriend."

"You don't know what you are talking about!" I shouted and he waited for me to continue on. "I did not kiss him, I'm not stupid enough to do that, you obviously think that I am but I'm not. He kissed me, and caught me by surprise. I did nothing to encourage him to do so." I told him now.

"Really because I'm pretty sure that if you didn't want to kiss him you would have pulled back, but you didn't." He said and again I rolled my eyes. People always did this! Only saw what they wanted to see and listened to what they wanted to hear, if you're going to get angry over something, make sure your argument is at least accurate!

"Maybe if you would have stayed you would have saw me push him away and slap him, but you didn't instead you left and decided to treat me like shit because of a wrong judgement." I told him.

"You did?" He asked probably feeling like an idiot, which he was honestly. The biggest idiot!

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