Chapter 32

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IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!! : This is the second last chapter and the next chapter will be the last. I decided against an epilogue and a sequel, but I was thinking of doing one last Teacher Student story instead of a sequel from this story, so let me know if you guys would be interested in reading that and enjoy the chapter(:

Chapter Thirty-Two

Diem's Pov

This sucks. No wonder in all the movies there is always that one character that refuses to go to a hospital. I know exactly why they refused right now! I was beyond bored just laying here staring at the blank wall in front of me, and it's not like there's anything on tv to watch in here. I groaned loudly just as the nurse walked in and gave me a smile. At least she wasn't boring, she was really nice, but there were times when she looked at me like she wanted to say something and then stopped herself from it. I could be just imagining things but something told me she was keeping something from me. "When can I leave?" I asked.

"Depends on how you are feeling and if you're getting better." She said checking my vitals. "And it looks like you are, but we'll probably keep you a couple more days. In case something happens." She said giving me a smile and I sighed and rested my head on the pillow. A couple more days in this place, seriously if I don't die from anything health related, I'll surely die from boredom, I bet most patients do. 

"But I'm perfectly fine, honest to god, I don't need to stay anymore, trust me, I'm ready to leave." I said and she laughed, she thought I was joking. I was not joking, she gets to go walking around at least, they want me resting most of the time. She smiled at me one more time as she was writing things down in my chart. 

"I bet you're excited to leave and go back to school, see all of your friends." She said. 

School. I haven't even thought about that. I was probably so behind that if I looked at all of my assignments that would be due, it'd give me a headache, but then again it would give me a headache either way. I don't think I want to go back though. I don't want to see the pity in all of the students eyes, god I definitely didn't want to see that, and I didn't want to face Caden. He'd probably ignore me though, he probably hates me now, I mean he hasn't visited, but I couldn't face him, not when I knew I loved him. I wouldn't be able to be in the same room with him when I knew the way I feel about him, and the way he feels about me, well felt about me. There's no way that he would be stupid enough to still want me.

"I don't know, I'm a bit nervous for that, I might just see if I can work something else out with the school so I could finish the work out at home, or go to the school during after school hours and catch up, I want to be able to take my exams but I don't really want to see anyone." I said. 

"Really you don't want to see anybody after you leave here?" She asked leaning against my bed. "Anybody?" she said and I raised my eyebrow. It was like she knew something she wasn't telling me, or she was trying to hint at something to me, but I was bad at this mind reading stuff. 

"Well, uh, I have friends, a few that I want to see." I said shrugging. 

"Nobody else?" She asked seeing if she can push me even further and see if I would admit something. How she knew I was holding something back was beyond me, was I really that easy to read? I didn't think I was, nobody could ever read me before, well except Caden I guess, maybe it was the meds or something that made it harder for me to lie. 

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