Chapter 14

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"What would we even do?" I asked. I was still sitting on Caden's lap, my head resting on his chest. I couldn't believe that I actually agreed to go on a date with him. Where would we go? It's not like we could walk around openly, hand in hand, without somebody seeing us. This city was too small to avoid my classmates or any faculty members.

"Let me worry about that. You get dressed."

He kissed the top of my head and then lifted me from his lap. Standing up, he made his way to the door and left me without another word. I groaned and dragged my feet over to the bedroom, unsure of what to wear because I had no idea what Caden was planning. Regardless of the event, I knew I had to wear something with short sleeves. My entire body felt hot as I paced the room. Why did I agree? I had no business dating Caden. What would we talk about? The stock market? My nonexistant credit history? Mortgages and the unemployment rate?

I decided to wear a black top with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. The material was silky but loose enough on my torso to remain comfortable. I coupled it with a pair of mom jeans that had large rips along my knees and right thigh. I was too lazy to do anything with my hair so I let my waves fall past my shoulders. I dedicated the rest of my time to my makeup. I normally didn't wear much around Caden because I never had the energy to wake up earlier in the morning, but tonight I decided to apply my foundation and concealer. I kept my eyeshadow simple by applying nude as my base and a golden brown around the edges. I completed the look with light-pink lipstick.

An hour had passed before Caden came back. He wore a white dress shirt with a couple of his buttons undone. I rolled my eyes, grumbling to myself as I wrapped my bracelet around my wrist. I had just spent an hour getting ready and he still looked better without having to try.

"You look beautiful, Diem."

"You, too."

He smiled and grabbed a cloth from his back pocket. "Come here." I titled my head to the side, eyeing the cloth, but stepped toward him. "Turn around."

I turned and felt him step closer. His chest was against my back, and his arms circled around me. He brought the cloth over my eyes and tightened its hold to keep it from falling.

"Are we role playing?" I asked. I extended my arms out, holding my wrists together, and waited for him to tie my hands, too. Everything around me was dark, forcing me to focus on my breathing and Caden's movements. I could feel him step closer, and I jumped when I felt his mouth near my ear.

"Maybe later," he whispered.

He stepped away and led me through the front door and into the elevator. I matched my breathing to the controlled beeping of the elevator. You can do this Diem. You're going to probably have a pleasant conversation over a paid meal. Talking and eating are two things you've mastered over the years, and dinner with Caden will be no different.

There was a ding and then a hand on the small of my back. That small contact made me nervous all over again and the blindfold didn't help. I began to turn to the right, knowing that the exit was down that hall, but Caden turned me in the other direction and nudged me forward. After a few steps, I realized that I was climbing up a flight of steps. Caden pulled open a door at the top and I felt the wind brush against my skin.

He untied the blindfold and told me to open my eyes. I stood there gaping at my surroundings. Instead of going down in the elevator we went all the way up and were now on the rooftop of the building. The roof was mostly empty except for a circular table near one of the ledges. A single candle sat between plates of food and lit the small area.

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