Chapter 28

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IMPORTANT :I finished my Ap Euro exam guys!! (: I was so happy with the essays on there, but anyways now that thats done I should be able to update frequently like before but I also have regents and finals coming up so no promises. Also I'm starting a new story that I think you guys would like and the info will be at the end of this chapter, its called The Brother. Anyways enjoy(:

Chapter Twenty Eight

I walked into Caden's class and all eyes were on me. It would have been funny if I just tripped in front of everyone, that would be something that would happen to me. Caden called me up to his desk to grab the papers that I didn't get last class and I stood up from my chair and went to grab them. He looked so tired and his tie wasn't tied correctly, a part of his dress shirt was sticking out, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

When my fingers brushed against his, the previous tingles that went through my arm weren't there anymore. It was strange that I missed that feeling. Everything seemed to be ruined between the two of us. I could just see us never getting back to speaking terms again, and that was pretty much my fault. If I would just open up to him, if I didn't worry so much about pain and hurt, maybe we wouldn't be the way we are now.

I could tell that everyone was waiting for what was going to happen between Caden and I. Half of the class was probably waiting for another argument since the first one seemed to be so enjoyable to them. I really wanted to smack that smirk plastered on Faith's face. She was getting on my last nerve and I told myself to calm down before I really did something to hurt her. Even though I would enjoy inflicting some serious pain on that girl. What if I just "accidently" spilled some toxic chemical on her. Okay, I really need to stop having these violent thoughts.

"Okay class, start copying down the notes on the board while I tell Diem what she missed last class." Caden said and when a girl in the class groaned and made a smart remark about the note taking, Caden chuckled slightly, but the laughter didn't reach his eyes. He walked over to me and quietly explained everything that I've missed.

"Got it?" No.

"Uh, yeah." I said not really caring right now, which is bad considering that we have to take an Ap exam for this class and I wasn't in the mood to listen to a word he said, and some of the things he was trying to explain was really confusing. It was like he was explaining it in a different language. He looked at me and then sighed.

"No you don't." He said and I shrugged. "Diem this unit is important, it will for sure be on the exam more than once and you need to understand it." He said and I said nothing in return. "If you want you can stay for lunch and I can explain it to you better but I can't right now because I have to teach the rest of the class." I nodded but wasn't too sure if I was going to stay or not. Caden and I, alone, in a classroom, while we are still angry with each other is probably not a good idea.

Thank god after Biology that I went to my history class. It was a relief to just be away from him, and my teacher was probably the funniest old man on the earth. [A/N: He really is. lol] I sat down and rolled my eyes when Faith walked in and took her seat that was near mine.

Calenzo was a traditional teacher but pretty much a bad ass. There were memorable moments where the board of education told him he needed to make a word wall so he grabbed a crayon got on the desk and began writing terms on the actual wall with the crayon. I watched in disbelief, he really did not care one bit. He was also always annoyed with the bells going off so he would continue to disconnect the wires in the classroom which caused the bells not to work in the room. He even got annoyed with constant phone calls and grabbed the phone that hung off the wall with a wire and then opened a window and left the phone off the hook and hanging out of the window.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now