Chapter 19

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It took weeks for people to stop staring at me. I couldn't help but notice the side glances as I walked through the hall, the pointed stares at my breasts even as I tried to mask their shape with an oversized hoodie, and the whispers. The whispers happened to be the worst because they were always loud enough for me to hear and a reminder of how cruel my classmates could be.

I don't know where I'd be without my friends. Brax had made it his job to confront any guy who even mumbled the first syllable of my name in his presence. He had grabbed some of them so tightly by their jaws that they could barely even get anything audible out. And Cass, well she was audible alright. Whenever anyone looked in my direction and she was walking next to me, she'd turn toward them and bark. She'd bark so loudly that the person would jump in the air and then scramble away from us.

I appreciated their efforts, but they weren't always around and the comments were. That was until the next line of gossip came: some long-lasting couple splitting up after a cheating scandal involving a sophomore.

Eventually my breasts and I faded into the background, and I happily stayed there. Caden was there for me in ways that I couldn't even imagine. He was lighter on class assignments, heavier on comfort food and desserts, and always willing to hold me. It was during this time that I realized his need to always be hugging something. When I couldn't take the cuddling anymore, he'd reach over for a pillow and hold it against his stomach, and I'd wake up to still find him in that position.

I was laying on the bed, scrolling through my phone when Caden walked into the bedroom with folded laundry in his hands. I would have offered to help him but he had just gone back to the his normal assignment schedule and assigned us thirty practice questions, so I wasn't his best fan right now. I stayed at that table for four hours, four hours, doing his to stupid homework and growing angrier with every question. It was especially painful because I knew I wouldn't use this stuff in college or later in life. While I enjoyed biology, my goal was to practice law like my dad, and I definitely didn't need biology for that. Well, I guess I could be an environmental lawyer. No. His class is useless. Keep telling yourself that. Keep being angry at the four wasted hours.

"Where do you want me to put your clothes?" he called out.

"You can place them in my suitcase," I muttered.

I really should have taken Caden's offer to clear part of his dresser and use it for my stuff. I was still living out of my suitcase since getting here, and while it wasn't awful, it always made my clothes wrinkly and hard to find. I guess it would make the packing easier when Dad came back, though.

As Caden bent down and lifted my suitcase open, I jumped onto my knees as realization hit me. Earlier today, when Caden was grocery shopping and I was miserable doing his work, I decided to take a much needed break and relax. I needed to relieve some of my frustration and anger, and what better way to do that than to use my handy-dandy vibrator that was mostly collecting dust in my suitcase because Caden was always around.

Well, Caden came back a lot sooner than expected, and to avoid getting caught, I quickly got dressed and threw my vibrator in my suitcase. Right on top. Front and center for him to see.

And boy, did he see it. He set my clothes down beside the suitcase and raised an eyebrow as he eyed the object. I nearly died when he reached inside and grabbed the lavender toy. The size alone, nearly matching his forearm, was enough to be embarrassed about. That thing looked like a monster, and it was one. It was the best god-damn thing to ever exist and it was in Caden's hand.

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