Chapter 12

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Caden and I spent an hour in bed just kissing. It had been so overwhelming that my brain couldn't relax and enjoy the moment. I kept analyzing my every move and wondering if I was any good. Caden was clearly very experienced. I could tell by the way he took control of the situation, his mouth and hands confident as they moved across my body. Dustin had always told me that I was a good kisser, but he was the only person I've been kissing for the past year. Even if I was bad, he probably wouldn't have told me. 

I was now getting ready for the homecoming game. Cassie was picking me up so we wouldn't have to struggle to find each other. As I straightened my hair, I debated whether I should tell her about kissing Caden. It was a private moment and maybe he wanted to keep it that way, but Cassie never kept things from me. I knew that if I told her it would only stay between the two of us. We didn't really have other friends except for Brax and she wouldn't tell him anything without my permission.

The other thing keeping me from telling her was that I knew she'd go crazy when she found out. She'd insist that I had feelings for Caden and try to push me into a relationship. Maybe if I told her that the breakup with Dustin was still fresh, that I wasn't in the right headspace, and that I needed to be on my own, she'd understand and leave it alone.

I decided to wear something simple for the game. I was in a plain white shirt, a jean jacket, and a pair of gray leggings. Most people were going to wear our school's colors, blue and gold, but I didn't really have clothes in either color. I'd clearly win most school spirit in the yearbook.

"Won't you be a little cold in that?" Caden asked. He had on a baseball cap, a hoodie, and black jeans. He definitely didn't look like a teacher right now and I knew the vultures at school would be on him the moment they saw him.

"There will be girls in sports bras with their bellies painted. I'll be fine."

"How are you getting there?"

"Cass is picking me up."

He nodded and glanced over my outfit. His eyes lingered on my leggings, moving from my hips to my thighs. I raised my eyebrow, realizing that this was my first time wearing leggings around him. I normally wore jeans or baggier sweats and I knew that leggings highlighted my body more. With his eyes still on my lower half, I purposely turned around and reached over the couch for my bag.

"You look nice," he said.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him. "Really? I wasn't sure about this outfit. What's nice about it?"

He glanced over it again before locking eyes with me. Before he could answer, my phone rang, causing me to jump in surprise. I looked down and saw that Cassie was calling me, probably to tell me that she was here. I waved goodbye to Caden, unsure if I should have hugged or kissed him instead. Just because we kissed didn't necessarily mean that we'd do it again. It could have been a one-time thing. It could've been a mistake. Whatever it was, I needed him to decide for both of us.

I walked over to Cassie's car and weighed the pros and cons of telling her about the kiss one last time. By telling her, I could get her advice and avoid the guilt and stress that comes with lying. But I'd also be telling her about Caden. While I trusted Cassie with my life that didn't mean Caden did. He carried all the risk in this situation and that's why he needed to be the one to make the decision. It was his career and reputation on the line. If people found out, I would have to sit through a couple months of gossip and never see these people again after graduation.

"Is Mr. Livingston coming to the game?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think he just needs to finish some things."

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