Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Caden's Pov

"DIEM" I shouted. My heart nearly stopped beating in my chest when I saw her crash into that poll. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and then twisted the knife over and over again. My legs felt heavy as I rushed over to her body. The cars had stopped moving, but people were in my way, all of them just staring at her like she was some circus show display. I pushed my way through them trying to get to her, trying to see if she was okay, if maybe this was all apart of my imagination. Hopefully I'd waking up tomorrow and see her beautiful head of blonde curls wrapped in the bed sheets. Once I reached her body I knew this wasn't my imagination, I wasn't dreaming, and this had really happened. "Diem" I said breathlessly as I reached her lifeless body. There was a circle forming around us and I could hear people calling 911.

"I didn't see her man, I swear. She came out of no where!" The guy from the car she almost ran into said.

"Will she be okay?" Another person said.

"Is she dead?"

I ignored them all and began to panic when I noticed her close her eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek, and then I noticed that it wasn't her tear, but mine. I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to clear my blurry vision. My brain wasn't functioning correctly because all I could think about was Diem being hurt because of me. If I didn't tell her I loved her, this wouldn't be happening, she'd still be laying on the couch making sarcastic remarks towards me.

"No, no, no, Diem, hold on a little longer okay? Do you hear me? Help is coming, just please open your eyes D, please." I pleaded and covered her with my jacket, but she wouldn't open them again. I didn't dare touch her in fear that I would just hurt her even more. I only brought my two fingers up to her neck in search of her pulse, please let there be one god. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes, there was a faint pulse. "Just hold on D, everything is going to be okay."

But what if it wasn't Caden? It would be your fault. She's only eighteen, eighteen, and because of you she could possibly die. You knew she wouldn't take it well if you told her how you feel, and yet you told her you loved her! What is wrong with you? As soon as I said it to her I couldn't stop, I wanted her to listen to me, to understand how much she means to me, and now she's struggling to keep her life.

Seconds later an ambulance pulled up as two guys rushed to Diems side, one carrying a stretcher. "She was in a car accident, please help her." I said looking one dead in the eye, "please don't let her die." I told him and he gave me a reassuring smile but he had a look in his eyes that showed me his uncertainty. He took one look at Diem and then back at me not wanting to say anything, "don't say it, she can't die, she's not suppose to and it's not going to happen. HELP HER." I shouted trying to calm myself but I couldn't, it was like everyone had already given up on her and I was the only one still fighting, I would never give up on her, never, and I wasn't going to start now.

I climbed in the ambulance with them and watched as he tried to stabilize Diem. She looked motionless right now, like she wasn't just laughing with me on the couch an hour ago and watching the Proposal. What I would do to just go back to that moment before I made everything complicated. Once we reached the hospital they rushed her inside through the pouring rain, I was already drenched but I didn't care, as long as Diem would be okay.

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