Chapter One: The Folks

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Almost an entire year had passed since Gabriel and Kara had last seen one another. Gabriel, with the help of Lysette had brought the Lycan Kingdom back to its former glory. The Vampires had been silent, and it was an unsettling feeling to many. They normally were not this quiet. But Gabriel wasn't worried. He was more than prepared if they had attempted to attack his Kingdom.
Lysette, who had originally hated being within the palace found it feeling different with Gabriel there. It was slowly beginning to feel like a home to her again.
" Gabriel...eventually you are going to have to talk about what Happened" Lysette leaned again the dinner table with her arms crossed as Gabriel was finally eating. His eating habits had changed drastically over the last few months. He hadn't really discussed things in detail about what happened with Kara. Only that things had been solved and that was it.
" I already told you" he answered as he chomped down on some meat. " I don't don't anything to say about it. We patched things up as best as we could and we went out separate ways. There isn't much to say with it " Gabriel takes a sip from his chalice full of Wine. He had taken an interest in it after Lysette had introduced him to a crude version of it which he refused to know what the contents contained.
" I know that you love her. And I just wish you two would talk again " Lysette takes a seat across from Gabriel who stares down at his plate, who was concentrating on his meal.
" She didn't want us to communicate for the time being. She made that very clear and I'm respecting that" Gabriel knew that she was just concerned but his hands were tied on this. Kara had made her wish clear and Gabriel was going to respect it.
" Well eventually you two will have to get over it and talk" Lysette places her hands on the table. " So..have you given anymore thought on what you are going to do about Aurora? It's been eight months Gabriel. You have to figure it out. Either destroy her or.." Lysette wasn't actually sure what the other option would even be at this point.
" I could just give her to you and let you have your way with her" Gabriel jokes. Which luckily, Lysette caught because otherwise she would have gotten to excited.
" I think we both know what I would choose.. " Lysette laughs, thinking of how hard she would stomp her foot on the orb.
" Shawn and Raven are suppose to come by today. Raven will be having the baby soon and they want to check on me. I guess they are as concerned as you" Gabriel rolled his eyes. They had poked and prodded him for months to make the trip to go see Kara. Even though they knew what she asked of him. Nobody wanted to listen.
" Well, we are concerned because you have been throwing yourself into work. You hardly spend time with them anymore. You need to relax. You need a break. If you push yourself too hard then you are going to burn out" Gabriel reaches up to his cheek and feels the burns that Kara had left on him. They had healed but not completely. " I'm sorry.." Lysette knew should have chosen her words more carefully.
" Its fine " Gabriel stands up and grabs his plate. " I have work to do though. I will see you later in the evening " Gabriel nods as he walks away to dispose of his plate and leaves Lysette.

" Come on Raven, we are already running late " Shawn calls out to Raven who took her time, coming down the steps. " I'm coming as fast as i can dammit" Raven snapped back as had finally reaches the final step. " They can't be that impatient..the damn people are thousands of years old".
Today was the day that Raven was going to meet Shawn's parents. She was excited but also nervous. She had waited so long for this and wanted to look perfect. She spent hours doing her makeup even though she didn't have much to work with. " Finally " Shawn breathes a sigh of relief.
They were heading to Outworld. The was the land of containment. The worst of the worst powerful beings were sent here to be imprisoned after death. If they had anyone who would attempt to resurrect them, they would be unsuccessful. The Prisons were inescapable. And the vast harsh land surrounding the Prisons would surely lead those who ever attempted it to perish. An endless red sea of crimson sand covered the entire world. Enormous Black Pyramids, housed the inmates and that was all could be seen on the surface. The sky was orange and provided very little light. Though, it was always warm there, the weather being the only comforting thing about it.
Shawn teleports them to his parents Castle. " King Yogmund and Queen Halipe were the rulers over the entire world. These were Shawn's parents. Both of which were loving and Kind but had a firm and strong attitude when it came to things that needed to be done. They had important jobs and if one thing were to be done incorrectly, it could send the Outworld into Chaos.
Raven notices the giant room they are standing in as being all black, so much so that almost no detail could be made from it other than that.
It was then that 16 people stepped out from the darkness. An older man and Older woman. The older man, was practically skin and bones from what Raven could see and the Woman looked about the same. Whatever hair they did have had been lost the fabrics of time.
" I am King Roshawk and this is my wife and Queen, Ishtir. They step to side and proceed to introduce the 10 men and 4 Women behind them. " This is Kassir, Warrick, Ramuge, Laoh, Parik, Parok, Tyru, Kalsi, Ashime, and Garoth " He introduces the boys first and then the girls " Valshi, Esione, Yetemeh, Xelima " all of which bow before Raven. " These are Shawn's siblings and we are his parents. Raven tries to bow as well and smiles " How did Shawn get the less complicated name? " She laughed to which Shawn replied. " Well my name is actually Shawnia". Raven stares blankly at Shawn. " I really wish I had never learned that. I really...really do"

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